65 research outputs found

    Prediction of Intake of Hay Differing in Species and Maturity by Goats

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    Eight species of forage, a cool-season perennial (Festuca arundinacea) and annual grass (Triticum aestivum), four warm-season perennial grasses (Bothriochloa caucasica, B. ischaemum, Cynodon dactylon, and Tripsacum dactyloides), a warm season annual (Digitaria sanguinalis) and a perennial legume (Medicago sativa), were cut at two or three maturities to provide a wide array of quality difference (n=20). Twenty wether goats (Capra hicus) were fed the hays in four different trials using an incomplete block so that each hay was fed to four different goats. Alfalfa produced the highest DM, but lowest neutral detergent fiber (NDF) intake. Intake was best predicted with eating time, passage rate and lag time, and hay CP and ADF (R2 =0.57). Digestibility was best predicted with percentage acid detergent fiber (ADF), permanganate lignin (PML) and CP, and ruminating time (R2 =0.35). Weight gain (g/d) could be predicted with digestible dry matter intake (r2 =0.42; P \u3c 0.001). Regression curves were different (P \u3c 0.05) among forage types

    Implementation of herd health program to improve survival of Boer goats in Malaysia.

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    A Boer goat breeding farm with 800 heads of breeder females, 50 breeder males, and 400 growing goats of various ages in Sabah, Malaysia was selected to study the effect of implementing herd health program. This included vaccination program against pneumonic mannheimiosis; fecal monitoring for helminthiasis, coccidiosis, and colibacillosis; and introduction of modified feeding regime comprised of day-time grazing and feeding of cut grass and supplemented feed. The herd health program was implemented in September 2007 and the impact was observed on body weight gains, body scoring, and annual mortality among adults and kids. It was found that implementation of herd health program significantly (p<0. 05) increased the average body weight gains in both adults and kids from 1. 8 g per kid and 0. 6 g per adult in 2006 to 3. 7 g per kid and 2. 2 g per adult in 2008. The percentage of adults with body scoring of <3 was significantly (p<0. 05) reduced from 82. 3% in 2006 to 77. 6% in 2007 and 4% in 2008. Similarly, the annual mortality rate was significantly (p<0. 05) reduced from 6. 5% among kids and 58. 2% among adults in 2006 to 12. 1% among kids and 10. 4% among adults in 2007, and to 9. 1% among kids and 1. 1% among adults in 2008. Therefore, it was concluded that implementation of herd health program significantly improved the survival and performance of goats

    Access to Water Source, Latrine Facilities and Other Risk Factors of Active Trachoma in Ankober, Ethiopia

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    Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence and correlates of active trachoma in Ankober, Ethiopia. Methods: A cross-sectional community-based study was conducted during July 2007. A total of 507 children (ages 1–9 years), from 232 households were included in the study. All children were examined for trachoma by ophthalmic nurses using the WHO simplified clinical grading system. Interviews and observations were used to assess risk factors. Logistic regression procedures were used to determine associations between potential risk factors and signs of active trachoma. Results: Overall, the prevalence of active trachoma was found to be 53.9 % (95%CI 49.6%–58.2%). Presence of fly-eye (fly contact with the eyelid margin during eye examination) (Odds Ratio (OR) = 4.03 95 % CI 1.40–11.59), absence of facial cleanliness (OR = 7.59; 95%CI 4.60–12.52), an illiterate mother (OR = 5.88; 95%CI 2.10–15.95), lack of access to piped water (OR = 2.19; 95%CI 1.14–6.08), and lack of access to latrine facilities (OR = 4.36; 95%CI 1.49–12.74) were statistically significantly associated with increased risk of active trachoma. Conclusion: Active trachoma among children 1–9 years of age in Ankober is highly prevalent and significantly associated with a number of risk factors including access to water and latrine facilities. Trachoma prevention programs that include improved access to water and sanitation, active fly control, and hygiene education are recommended to lower the burde

    The Burden of Trachoma in Ayod County of Southern Sudan

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    Trachoma, a neglected tropical disease, is the leading cause of infectious blindness and is targeted for global elimination by the year 2020. We conducted a survey in Ayod County of Jonglei State, Southern Sudan, to determine whether blinding trachoma was a public health problem and to plan interventions to control this disease. We found the burden of trachoma in Ayod to be one of the most severe ever documented. Not only were adults affected by the advanced manifestations of the disease as is typical for older age groups, but young children were also affected. At least one person with clinical signs of trachoma was found in nearly every household, and 1 in 3 households had a person with severe blinding trachoma. Characteristics previously identified as risk factors were ubiquitous among surveyed households, but we were unable to identify why trachoma is so severe in this location. Surgical interventions are needed urgently to improve vision and prevent irreversible blindness in children and adults. Mass antibiotic distribution may alleviate current infections and transmission of trachoma may be reduced if communities adopt the behavior of face washing and safe disposal of human waste. Increasing access to improved water sources may not only improve hygiene but also reduce the spread of guinea worm and other water-borne diseases

    Vacuolar ATPase Regulates Surfactant Secretion in Rat Alveolar Type II Cells by Modulating Lamellar Body Calcium

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    Lung surfactant reduces surface tension and maintains the stability of alveoli. How surfactant is released from alveolar epithelial type II cells is not fully understood. Vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) is the enzyme responsible for pumping H+ into lamellar bodies and is required for the processing of surfactant proteins and the packaging of surfactant lipids. However, its role in lung surfactant secretion is unknown. Proteomic analysis revealed that vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) dominated the alveolar type II cell lipid raft proteome. Western blotting confirmed the association of V-ATPase a1 and B1/2 subunits with lipid rafts and their enrichment in lamellar bodies. The dissipation of lamellar body pH gradient by Bafilomycin A1 (Baf A1), an inhibitor of V-ATPase, increased surfactant secretion. Baf A1-stimulated secretion was blocked by the intracellular Ca2+ chelator, BAPTA-AM, the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, staurosporine, and the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), KN-62. Baf A1 induced Ca2+ release from isolated lamellar bodies. Thapsigargin reduced the Baf A1-induced secretion, indicating cross-talk between lamellar body and endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pools. Stimulation of type II cells with surfactant secretagogues dissipated the pH gradient across lamellar bodies and disassembled the V-ATPase complex, indicating the physiological relevance of the V-ATPase-mediated surfactant secretion. Finally, silencing of V-ATPase a1 and B2 subunits decreased stimulated surfactant secretion, indicating that these subunits were crucial for surfactant secretion. We conclude that V-ATPase regulates surfactant secretion via an increased Ca2+ mobilization from lamellar bodies and endoplasmic reticulum, and the activation of PKC and CaMKII. Our finding revealed a previously unrealized role of V-ATPase in surfactant secretion