354 research outputs found

    Ethnic identity and perceptions of the police in Turkey: the case of Kurds and Turks

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    Drawing on the literature on minorities’ and ethnic groups’ perceptions of the police, this article investigates the differences between Kurds and Turks in terms of their perceptions of the police in Turkey. We conducted survey research using a nationally representative sample of 1804 people. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that Kurds in Turkey have a more negative perception of the police than Turks, regardless of their gender, education, income, party affiliation, and sectarian identity. It is concluded that the historical relationship between Kurds and the Turkish state has had a decisive effect on how Kurds perceive the police

    Primary primers: why 2020 might be just another disappointment for the Democratic party

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    In recent months, former Vice President Joe Biden has opened up a significant lead over President Trump in the 2020 election race, as voters react to the president’s poor handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. And while Democrats may feel that they have reasons to be cheerful heading into November, Osman Sahin argues that Donald Trump’s ability to tap into voters’ desire for routines and security may yet allow him to secure another electoral victory

    Perceptions of Democracy in Turkey: Gender, Ethnic, and Religious Dynamics

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    WOS: 000437199300001Bu araştırmada, Türkiye’de farklı cinsiyet, etnik ve mezhep gruplarına mensup kişilerin, demokrasi ve demokratik devlet tanımları 60 adet yarı-yapılandırılmış yüz yüze görüşmeye dayanarak çalışılmıştır. Bu görüşmelerde, çeşitli etnik ve dini kimliklere ve sosyo-ekonomik gruplara ait bireylerle konuşulmuştur. Görüşmelerin analizi sonucunda, demokrasiyi tanımlarken, kadınların cinsiyet eşitliği üzerinde durduğu, Kürtlerin ve Alevilerin hak ve özgürlüklere, Sünni Türk erkeklerin ise ekonomik refaha odaklandıkları görülmüştür. Bu bulgulara dayanarak, devletle tartışmalı bir ilişki içerisinde olan kimlik gruplarının demokrasiyi hak ve özgürlükler açısından tanımlamaya, devletle bu şekilde bir ilişki içerisinde olmayan grupların ise demokrasiyi tanımlarken ekonomik konuları merkeze almaya daha eğilimli olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmada ayrıca katılımcıların demokratik devletten beklentileri de incelenmiştir. Görüşmelerin bu bölümünde de benzer sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Sünni Türk erkeklerin demokratik devletten beklentileri arasında eşitlik bulunduğu durumlarda bile, bu görüşmecilerin daha çok ekonomik eşitliğin belirli bir ölçüde sağlanmasını kastettikleri anlaşılmıştır. Bunun aksine, Sünni Türk kadınlar, Kürtler ve Aleviler, demokratik devletten beklentilerinin arasında farklı etnik ve dini gruplar arasında eşitliğin sağlanması olduğunu ifade etmişlerdir. Türkiye toplumunu oluşturan bu kimlik gruplarının demokrasiye ve demokratik devlete ilişkin tutumlarındaki bu önemli farklılıklar, Türkiye’de hem demokrasinin konsolide edilmesi hem de bu konudaki toplumsal ayrışmanın azaltılması yönündeki sorunlara işaret etmektedir.Utilizing 60 interviews, we examine how people belonging to different gender, ethnic, and sectarian groups in Turkey define democracy and the democratic state. An analysis of the interviews reveals that women emphasize gender equality, while Kurds and Alevis focus on rights and freedoms in their definitions of democracy. Male Sunni Turks, on the other hand, focus on economic welfare. On the basis of these results, we argue that identity groups that have a problematic relationship with the state are more likely to define democracy in terms of rights and freedoms, whereas those who do not have a problematic relationship with the state are more likely to consider economic issues as central to democracy. This research also examined people's expectations of a democratic state. When male Sunni Turks indicated that equality is among their expectations of a democratic state, they formulated it in terms of the state realizing economic equality. Female Sunni Turks, Kurds, and Alevis, on the other hand, emphasized the provision of equality among different ethnic and religious groups in their expectations of a democratic state. These important differences among identity groups in Turkey in terms of their attitudes toward democracy and the democratic state illustrate the problems involved in consolidating democracy as well as significant challenges in lessening social differentiation regarding this issue

    The relationship between the state and civil society organizations, and participation in civil society organizations in Turkey

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    Yapılan araştırmalar, sivil toplum kuruluşlarına katılımın demokrasi üstünde olumlu bir etkisi olduğunu göstermiştir. Ancak Türkiye’de sivil toplum kuruluşlarına üyelik düşüktür. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de devlet ile sivil toplum kuruluşları arasındaki ilişkinin tarihine ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarına katılımı etkileyen faktörleri inceleyen literatüre dayanarak Türkiye’de sivil toplum kuruluşlarına üyeliğin düşük olmasının nedenlerini araştırmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu doğrultuda bu çalışmada, 2015 senesinde Türkiye nüfusunu temsil eden bir örneklem ile gerçekleştirilmiş ulusal bir anket çalışması kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler, Türkiye’de kişilerin sivil toplum kuruluşlarını demokrasinin önemli öğesi olarak görmediğine işaret etmiştir. Ayrıca, devletin sivil toplum kuruluşlarını dikkate alması, sivil toplum kuruluşlarının devletten bağımsız hareket etmesi ve vatandaşların çekinmeden sivil kuruluşlarına üye olması gibi konularda katılımcıların büyük bir kısmının olumsuz düşüncelere sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de sivil toplum ve devlet ilişkilerinin problemli tarihinin kişilerin sivil toplum kuruluşlarına karşı bu olumsuz yargılara sahip olmalarına ve dolayısıyla sivil toplum kuruluşlarına üyelikten kaçınmalarına neden olduğu sonuca varmıştır.Previous research demonstrated that there is a positive relationship between democracy and membership in civil society organizations. Turkey is considered to be a country where membership in civil society organizations is low. Relying on the literature on the factors effecting the participation in civil society organizations and the history of the relationship between civil society organizations and the Turkish state, this article aims to investigate the factors behind low civil society organization membership in Turkey. To this end, this article benefited from a nation-wide survey conducted in 2015. Analysis showed that people in Turkey do not consider strong civil society as an important dimension of democracy. In addition, analysis revealed that a large number of people in Turkey think that: civil society organizations in Turkey are not independent from the state; the state does not see civil society as a partner in policy-making; and people are afraid of being a member of civil society organizations. This article concluded that the problematic history between civil society organizations and the Turkish state is a major reason why people in Turkey hold negative views about civil society organizations, and therefore avoid membership in these organizations

    Gender impartiality of public institutions, religiosity, and satisfaction with democracy: findings from Turkey

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    Previous literature demonstrated that gender inequality is a major challenge for democratic consolidation. However, research that studies the effect of gender inequality on citizens' satisfaction with democracy is limited. This study contributes to this literature by exploring the relationship between citizens' perceptions of gender impartiality of public institutions and satisfaction with democracy in Turkey, where gender inequality is an acute problem. Analysis of a nationally representative survey showed that the perception of gender impartiality of public institutions is a major factor explaining citizens' satisfaction with democracy. Results also revealed that perceptions of gender impartiality of public institutions affect citizens' evaluations of the long-term performance of democracy. Another finding is that religiosity moderates the effect of perceptions of gender impartiality of public institutions on citizens' satisfaction with democracy. We conclude that gender inequality is not a peripheral issue to democratic consolidation in Turkey but a social problem that remains at the heart of it

    Can human evolution help us understand support for populist movements?

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    One striking aspect of the coronavirus crisis was the poor response of the right-wing populist leaders to the pandemic in countries such as the US, Britain, and Brazil. Despite this fact, the continuing voter support right-wing populist leaders attract across countries with different socio-economic traits is puzzling. In this paper, we argue in favour of a cognitive anthropological view of populism scholarship. Cognitive and evolutionary anthropology shows that mental systems common to all humans shape the way we understand the world, making some ideas more plausible than others regardless of their levels of accuracy. Even though the action of ‘building a wall’ to keep illegal migrants away can prove ultimately unfeasible and does not address real immigration issues, due to our cognitive evolution, it makes intuitive sense as a plausible option to reducing immigration. Populist leaders exploit our cognitive intuitions by providing such intractable but oftentimes intuitively-plausible ideas in order to get elected or to promote preferred policies. Furthermore, we intuitively admire powerful individuals and tend to defer to authoritative and charismatic figures as an evolutionary strategy for acquiring valued skills and negotiating hierarchies. As a result, by committing to the intuitively-plausible policies populist leaders promote, such as ‘building a wall’, they give additional credence to the political beliefs that are based on our cognitive intuitions, effectively increasing their plausibility for the “common folk”

    Hazelnut Barometer - Procurement Price Study

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    Modern Human Resource Practices and Industrial Relations

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    The present study here is based on the discussion of conceptual relationship of human resource practices and industrial relations for the NINL, India. The problem formulated based on literature review is IR system not only from the point of view of bargaining, conflict resolution, basic rights and so on, but also from the point of view of contributing to enterprise performance on which the welfare of employees also depends. Further the research objectives set are, to study the attitude of management and employee towards each other and to know how the organization implemented the HR& IR function. Analysis performed using statistical tools frequency and percentage using SPSS software.  From this survey it is observed that most of the employees are satisfied with the following things: Performance Appraisal Policy, Allowances provided during night shift, Medical facility provided during night shift, Promotion Policy of NINL, Transfer Policy. But there is some dissatisfaction among the employees. From the questionnaire, I have observed that it is necessary to take steps to improve the following things: The quality of canteen facility, Better career opportunity should be provided to the employees children as to show them organization care for them, Some more incentives should be provided to the employees according to their job load, New developed training should be provided to the employees, The immediate boss should co-operate the subordinate. Key Words: HRM, IR, policy, welfare, hrm practices, Human Resource Management

    Advertisement for Communication Effecting Consumer Behavior

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    This study is an attempt to measure the impact of differences in the degree or intensity levels of Advertising Creativity on Communication-Effect and consequent consumer Purchase Behaviour. Here in this study the core idea developed is to resolve a query regarding the active role of Creativity element in Advertising. In fact, this was to relate the influence of Advertising Creativity on Communication Effect and Purchase Behaviour of consumers. As an aid to the reader, the research problem and reviews have the used various methods used in the study. It is an accepted fact that all ads do not work and are not equally effective. But the reasons or factors responsible for success or failure of the ads are not clearly known to the interested groups. This opens up a series of questions to be answered academically. In the present study, some questions were raised relating to Advertising Creativity and its interplay on Advertising Effectiveness. Keywords: Advertising, effectiveness, communication, purchase behaviour, consumer