8 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Jarak Sumber Jet Terhadap Temperatur Dinding Selinder

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    Aliran jet bebas yang keluar dari plat orifis segiempat dengan temperatur lebih tinggi dari temperatur sekeliling menabrak sebuah selinder maka temperatur dinding selinder akan naik. Hasil pengukuran temperatur pada sekeliling selinder menunjukkan bahwa terjadi gradien temperatur yang kecil pada selinder bila selinder jauh dari sumber jet. Pada jarak yang dekat dari sumber jet maka gradien terbesar terjadi pada daerah bagian depan selinder. Sedangkan pada bagian belakang selinder, mulai dari daerah separasi, gradien temperatur lebih kecil. Selain itu semakin lebar penampang orifis maka semakin turun temperatur pada dinding selinder. Free jet flow coming out from a rectangulaire orifice has temperature higher than than the ambient. This flow attack a cilynder so the wall temperature of cilynder will increase. The results show that the small temperature gradient at cilynder wall occur when the cilynder is palced far from the orifice. Near the orifice or jet source so great temperature gradient occur at the front wall of the cilynder. While at the back wall, starting from the separasion region, the temperature gradient is not high. The wider of orifice cross section the smaller temperature of waal cilynder

    Aliran Dalam Pipa Lengkung 90o Dengan Radius Yang Bervariasi

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    Elbow 90o or curved pipe having radius is often used in engineering field especially in fluid piping system. At high Reynolds number or for turbulent flow, the radius of elbow effect the fluid varibles. The elbow having small radius of carvature make higher pressure drop between entrance and exit section of elbow when it is compared to the elbow having higher radius. This high pressure drop makes the loss coefficient of energy higher than that of the elbow having larger radius. The debit of flow increase linierly as the increase of radius. The cross section of elbow ; that are circular and rectanguer, influence to loss coefficient and debit. Both cross section of pipe have similar profile of loss coefficient which decrease rapidly with relatif radius and similar profile of debit

    Mucormycosis co-infection in COVID-19 patients: An update

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    Mucormycosis (MCM) is a rare fungal disorder that has recently been increased in parallel with novel COVID-19 infection. MCM with COVID-19 is extremely lethal, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. The collection of available scientific information helps in the management of this co-infection, but still, the main question on COVID-19, whether it is occasional, participatory, concurrent, or coincidental needs to be addressed. Several case reports of these co-infections have been explained as causal associations, but the direct contribution in immunocompromised individuals remains to be explored completely. This review aims to provide an update that serves as a guide for the diagnosis and treatment of MCM patients’ co-infection with COVID-19. The initial report has suggested that COVID-19 patients might be susceptible to developing invasive fungal infections by different species, including MCM as a co-infection. In spite of this, co-infection has been explored only in severe cases with common triangles: diabetes, diabetes ketoacidosis, and corticosteroids. Pathogenic mechanisms in the aggressiveness of MCM infection involves the reduction of phagocytic activity, attainable quantities of ferritin attributed with transferrin in diabetic ketoacidosis, and fungal heme oxygenase, which enhances iron absorption for its metabolism. Therefore, severe COVID-19 cases are associated with increased risk factors of invasive fungal co-infections. In addition, COVID-19 infection leads to reduction in cluster of differentiation, especially CD4+ and CD8+ T cell counts, which may be highly implicated in fungal co-infections. Thus, the progress in MCM management is dependent on a different strategy, including reduction or stopping of implicit predisposing factors, early intake of active antifungal drugs at appropriate doses, and complete elimination via surgical debridement of infected tissues