3 research outputs found

    Developing models to predicting the effect of crises on construction projects using MLR technique

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    Most construction projects are exposed to multiple external and internal problems and obstacles that lead to a crisis within the construction project, which may lead to the failure of the construction project. It is also a source of concern for owners, stakeholders, and contractors alike due to its difficulty. As a result, a new approach to dealing with crises prior to their occurrence is required. Accurate construction project prediction concerns at the early stages of a construction project are critical factors in the success of a project. This study develops anticipatory models for construction project crises by identifying and categorizing the major different variables that affect construction project objectives and indicate time overrun, cost overrun, and poor quality for construction projects before crises occur. The most influential factors on the failure of construction projects in Iraq were identified in this study; some of these factors affect project implementation time, others affect project cost, and the remaining factors affect construction project quality. The independent variables measurement model is designed to collect accurate raw data from the site. This model is based on 53 data samples collected from various multi-story building projects, which were used to construct and test the model. From MLR multiple linear regression results, three equations were derived from calculating the percentage of overrun (time, cost and quality) because of the construction project being affected by crises. Found that the correlation coefficient of the above models is (99.8%, 98.6%, 96.5%), respectively

    Identify and Analyze the Most Important Factors Affecting the Safety of Employees in Construction Sites in Iraq

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    تعد المشاريع الانشائية من أخطر الصناعات الانشائية من حيث تعرض سلامة وصحة العمال للحوادث المتنوعة والخطرة اثناء عملية البناء. إذ تبين احصائيات منظمة العمل الدولية وجود حادثة وفاة كل ثلاثة دقائق نتيجة إصابة العمال وان هنالك اربع إصابات مختلفة تحدث في العالم كل ثانية.  وقد تم تحديد صناعة البناء باعتبارها واحدة من الصناعات الأكثر خطورة، وذلك بسبب طبيعة العمل الناتج عن تكامل المواد والأدوات والبيئة والعوامل البشرية المختلفة حيث من الضروري إعطاء أهمية قصوى للسلامة المهنية والصحية للعمالة في مواقع المشاريع الانشائية وذلك لتقليل المخاطر والخسائر بين العمالة. حيث يعاني العراق من عدم الاهتمام بسلامة وصحة العمالة. ورغم أهمية السلامة والصحة للعاملين نلاحظ ان الأبحاث التي تطرقت لموضوع السلامة في المشاريع الانشائية تضل قليلة. يبدو أن الدراسات التجريبية حول تأثير الثقافة الوطنية على مواقف وسلوك وأداء السلامة قليلة. لا يبدو من غير المعقول أن نتوقع أن تختلف مواقف الناس تجاه المخاطر وفقًا للقيم والمعتقدات والافتراضات العميقة. لذا تم التركيز في هذا على اهم العوامل المؤثرة على سلامة وصحة العاملين في المواقع الانشائية وعمل اقتراحات حول من يتحمل هذه الإصابات صاحب العمل او المقاول ويتم ذكر كافة إجراءات السلامة اثناء كتابة عقد المقاولة ووضعها من الشروط الأساسية في المشروع.Construction sites are among the most dangerous construction industries in terms of exposing the safety and health of workers to various dangerous accidents during the construction process. Where the statistics of the International Labor Organization show that there is one death every three minutes as a result of a work injury and that there are four different injuries occurring in the world every second. The construction industry has been identified as one of the most dangerous industries, due to the nature of the work resulting from the integration of materials, tools, the environment and various human factors. A message of worker safety consideration during design sites. It is necessary to give the highest importance to the occupational and health safety of workers in construction projects sites in order to reduce risks and losses. Among worker. Iraq suffers from a lack of attention to safety and health of employment. Despite the importance of safety and health for workers, we note that research that deals with on the issue of safety in construction projects is still very little. Empirical studies on the effect of national culture on safety attitudes, behavior, and performance appear to be few. It does not seem unreasonable to expect people’s attitudes toward risk to differ according to the deep values, beliefs and assumptions that local culture influences safety in projects. Therefore, the focus was on the most important factors affecting the safety and health of workers in construction sites and making suggestions about who bears these injuries to the employer or contractor and all safety measures are mentioned while writing the contract and placing them as basic conditions in the project.                                                     &nbsp

    Feasibility studies and their effects on the success or failure of investment projects. “Najaf governorate as a model”

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    A feasibility study is considered a strategic tool, a critical principle, and an essential stage of the success of the investment project, and it is regarded as an essential point in the success or failure of the investment project. Therefore, feasibility studies are among the most critical elements of the success of investment projects. The purpose of this study is to find out the reality of the feasibility study in the various departments of the state and its impact on the success or failure of investment projects, in addition to studying, identifying, and analyzing the factors that affect the feasibility study in investment projects. In this research, 23 influential factors were collected from site surveys, interviews with engineers and experts, and previous research in the Arab world. These factors are grouped into five categories: political and legal aspects, economic and financial, consultancy, owner, and contractor. A questionnaire survey of 70 respondents was distributed among different experts. A statistical analysis was done using SPSS and Excel packages. The results accomplished from the survey revealed the significant factors that affect the feasibility study (ranked respectively), namely, the absence of a clear investment policy (86%), the existence of obstacles (85.71%), slow and complicated routine procedures (84%), lack of experience and field knowledge (82.29%), and failure to accurately meet the scientific (79.71%) These findings could help the construction professionals to improve the feasibility study and project performance in Iraq