1,498 research outputs found

    Derivation of statistics of real delay time from statistics of imaginary delay time using spectroscopic technique in weakly disordered optical media

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    Delay time is defined as a time that a wave spent in a scattering medium before it escapes, and this can be derived by the energy derivative of the phase of the scattering wave. Considering the complex reflection amplitude R=|R|exp(i{\theta}) of a light wave, real delay time {\tau}_r (i.e., sojourn or Wigner delay time), which is the energy derivative of the real phase ({\tau}_r =d{\theta}/cdk), and complex delay time {\tau}_i , which is the energy derivative of the reflection coefficient ({\tau}_i=d{\theta}_i/cdk, |R|=r^1/2=exp(-{\theta}_i)), have the same statistical form and a mirror image with a shift in time in weak disorder and short length regime. Real delay time statistics obtained from the reflection coefficient can be attributed to the strong correlation between the reflection coefficient and its phase in this regime. The range of the scattering parameters for this validation, as well as application of this method in characterization of weakly disordered media is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    On The Phase Structure and Thermodynamic Geometry of R-Charged Black Holes

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    We study the phase structure and equilibrium state space geometry of R-charged black holes in D=5D = 5, 4 and 7 and the corresponding rotating D3D3, M2M2 and M5M5 branes. For various charge configurations of the compact black holes in the canonical ensemble we demonstrate new liquid-gas like phase coexistence behaviour culminating in second order critical points. The critical exponents turn out to be the same as that of four dimensional asymptotically AdS black holes in Einstein Maxwell theory. We further establish that the regions of stability for R-charged black holes are, in some cases, more constrained than is currently believed, due to properties of some of the response coefficients. The equilibrium state space scalar curvature is calculated for various charge configurations, both for the case of compact as well as flat horizons and its asymptotic behaviour with temperature is established.Comment: 1 + 33 pages, LaTeX, 25 figures. References adde

    Ungkapan tradisional yang berkaitan dengan sila-sila dalam pancasila Daerah Kalimantan Tengah

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    Ungkapan tradisional yang diinventarisasikan dalam kesempatan ini meliputi ungkapan tradisional yang ada kaitannya dengan sila-sila dalam Pancasila sesuai dengan butir-butir yang tercantum dalam Pedoman Penghayatan dan Pengamalan Pancasila. Mengingat luasnya wilayah yang menjadi lingkup Kalimantan Tengah maka kegiatan inventarisasi ungkapan tradisional ini dibatasi pada kelompok etnis/sosial Dayak Ngaju yang berada di sepanjang sungai Kahayan di mana bahasa yang dipakainya pun dinamakan bahasa Dayak Ngaju. Terpilihnya kelompok ini menjadi obyek inventarisasi adalah didasarkan pada pertimbangan bahwa kelompok etnis Dayak Ngaju merupakan kelompok etnis mayoritas di Kalimantan Tengah di satu pihak dan Bahasa Dayak Ngaju dapat dikatakan sebagai bahasa pengantar antar suku di Kalimantan Tengah di lain pihak

    Rancang Bangun Website Pendataan Himpunan Mahasiswa Seruyan Berbasis SMS Broadcast

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    Seruyan student association is one of student organization in Palangka Raya. It isfound that information of Seruyan students lacks enough data. It becomes a problem for theofficer since the officer has to come every campus, boarding house or house to complete thedata manually. It consumes too much time to collect and process the data. This designedwebsite is hoped can help the officer collecting, managing, and informing those students'data easily. It is hoped that this website which is developed using SMS Broadcast can be veryhelpful in speed and quality for presenting the information. This kind of website also offer astructured storage. Besides, available information then can be accessed in an unlimitednumber of times and places.This research is conducted using PHP language programme and MySQL database. Theresearcher also uses a methodology of software development which known as waterfallmethodology (Analysis, Design, Code, Testing and Maintenance). Besides, ContentManagement System (CMS) is also used to manage content of the website includes commandto add, change, and delete data which can be accessed from the administrator system page.This website is tested using whitebox technique which also includes a test for visitor,member, administrator, and browser. In the other opportunity in the future, it is hoped thatthis website can be developed bu adding some other features such as discussion forum orchat room

    Observations on nitrogen-fixation by some blue-green algae and remarks on its potentialities in rice culture

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    The results of experiments in connection with the estimation of nitrogen fixed by four species of blue-green algae are presented and discussed. The species tested were Tolypothrix campylonemoides, Nostoc sphaericum, N. amplissimum and Westiella sp. of these, Tolypothrix was the most efficient. The quantity of extra-cellular nitrogen liberated has also been estimated; this is only a fraction of the whole. The potentialities of using blue-green algal species in rice culture are discussed. It is indicated that blue-green algae could be employed as a substitute for nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate, for rice culture in waterlogged conditions

    Observations on nitrogen fixation and organic matter produced by Anabaena circinalis Rabh. and their significance in rice culture

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    An account of the nitrogen-fixing capacity, extra-cellular N liberated and total organic matter produced by the blue-green alga Anabaena circinalis Rabh. is given. Studies indicate that N fixed as well as organic matter produced are more under conditions as near to nature as possible. It is suggested that the blue-green algae could be best exploited for enrichment of the soil by conditioning the soil for the manifestation of the indigenous flora and/or for known introduced forms. Owing to the action of these algae in the building up of the fertility of the soil, the possibility of an economic schedule of growing crops in succession is indicated leading to beneficial results

    Generalized Holographic Cosmology

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    We consider general black hole solutions in five-dimensional spacetime in the presence of a negative cosmological constant. We obtain a cosmological evolution via the gravity/gauge theory duality (holography) by defining appropriate boundary conditions on a four-dimensional boundary hypersurface. The standard counterterms are shown to renormalize the bare parameters of the system (the four-dimensional Newton's constant and cosmological constant). We discuss the thermodynamics of cosmological evolution and present various examples. The standard brane-world scenarios are shown to be special cases of our holographic construction.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure