5 research outputs found

    Locally incoherent witnessing of quantum coherence

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    Precision ultrasound sensing on a chip

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    Ultrasound sensors have wide applications across science and technology. However, improved sensitivity is required for both miniaturisation and increased spatial resolution. Here, we introduce cavity optomechanical ultrasound sensing, where dual optical and mechanical resonances enhance the ultrasound signal. We achieve noise equivalent pressures of 8-300 micro Pascal per root Hertz at kilohertz to megahertz frequencies in a microscale silicon-chip-based sensor with >120 dB dynamic range. The sensitivity far exceeds similar sensors that use an optical resonance alone and, normalised to the sensing area, surpasses previous air-coupled ultrasound sensors by several orders of magnitude. The noise floor is dominated by collisions from molecules in the gas within which the acoustic wave propagates. This approach to acoustic sensing could find applications ranging from biomedical diagnostics, to autonomous navigation, trace gas sensing, and scientific exploration of the metabolism-induced-vibrations of single cells

    Quantum and classical control of single photon states via a mechanical resonator

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    Optomechanical systems typically use light to control the quantum state of a mechanical resonator. In this paper, we propose a scheme for controlling the quantum state of light using the mechanical degree of freedom as a controlled beam splitter. Preparing the mechanical resonator in non-classical states enables an optomechanical Stern–Gerlach interferometer. When the mechanical resonator has a small coherent amplitude it acts as a quantum control, entangling the optical and mechanical degrees of freedom. As the coherent amplitude of the resonator increases, we recover single photon and two-photon interference via a classically controlled beam splitter. The visibility of the two-photon interference is particularly sensitive to coherent excitations in the mechanical resonator and this could form the basis of an optically transduced weak-force sensor

    Integrated quantum photonic sensor based on Hong-Ou-Mandel interference

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    Photonic-crystal-based integrated optical systems have been used for a broad range of sensing applications with great success. This has been motivated by several advantages such as high sensitivity, miniaturization, remote sensing, selectivity and stability. Many photonic crystal sensors have been proposed with various fabrication designs that result in improved optical properties. In parallel, integrated optical systems are being pursued as a platform for photonic quantum information processing using linear optics and Fock states. Here we propose a novel integrated Fock state optical sensor architecture that can be used for force, refractive index and possibly local temperature detection. In this scheme, two coupled cavities behave as an “effective beam splitter”. The sensor works based on fourth order interference (the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect) and requires a sequence of single photon pulses and consequently has low pulse power. Changes in the parameter to be measured induce variations in the effective beam splitter reflectivity and result in changes to the visibility of interference. We demonstrate this generic scheme in coupled L3 photonic crystal cavities as an example and find that this system, which only relies on photon coincidence detection and does not need any spectral resolution, can estimate forces as small as 10^−7 Newtons and can measure one part per million change in refractive index using a very low input power of 10−10W. Thus linear optical quantum photonic architectures can achieve comparable sensor performance to semiclassical devices