13 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Clis Berbantuan Lks Concept Cartoon Untuk Meremediasi Miskonsepsi Materi Hukum Archimedes SMP

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    This research aims to find out that remedy using application of Children Learning in Science (CLIS) learning model assisted with concept cartoon worksheet is effective to correct misconception of VIII class students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak on Archimedes Law material. Research sample involves 19 students of class VIII C. Research design used is pre-experimental design with one group pre-test post-test design form. Collecting data tool consists of 9 questions which represent 3 Archimedes Law concept. According to the answer analysis of pre-test and post-test, the decline in number of students who have misconception before and after the remedy for each concept is averagely 64%, the decline of each student's misconception before and after the remedy is 57%. The remedy using application of CLIS learning model assisted with concept cartoon worksheet is effective to decline the misconception students have, so it is expected to become one of learning model alternative in learning physic

    Deskripsi Kesalahan Siswa dalam Menggunakan Jangka Sorong pada Materi Pengukuran di Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Mempawah Hilir

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    This reseach was aimed to describe the forms of error made by the students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Mempawah Hilir in performing measurement using calipers. This type of reseach is survey reseach. Sampling technique used intact group, as many as 33 students. Data collection tool used is the assessment form student performance. It obtained from performance tests to measure the outside diameter, inside diameter, and depth of test tube. From the results of analyzes of the data, obtained by the average percentage of students who either each measurement: (1) outside diameter measurement of the test tube is 43.02% (2) inside diameter measurement of the test tube is 61.95% (3) depth measurement of the test tube is 49.39%. This reseach is expected to help teachers of physics to overcome the mistakes of the student

    Studi Pengaruhnya Deterjen terhadap Komposisi dan Kelimpahan Fitoplankton di Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur Semarang

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    Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur merupakan sungai yang terletak di daerah Semarang Timur. Sepanjang aliran sungai terdapat pemukiman warga setempat, perikanan, dan kawasan industri. Deterjen adalah pembersih sintesis yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan turunan minyak bumi dan mengandung bahan-bahan kimia antara lain surfaktan, builder, filler, dan additives. Surfaktan mempunyai perbedaan yaitu hydrophile (suka air) dan hydrophobe (suka lemak). Fitoplankton merupakan organisme yang hidup di perairan berukuran sangat kecil dan dapat menguntungkan bagi organisme lainya serta sebagai produser utama di dalam rantai makanan yang ada di perairan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui konsentrasi deterjen, kelimpahan, indeks keanekaragamaan, keseragamaan, serta dominasi fitoplankton dan saprobik indeks, pengaruh konsentrasi deterjen terhadap fitoplankton di Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur Semarang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah metode penelitian survey. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode purposive sampling. Konsentrasi deterjen tertingi sebesar 7,67 mg/L, kelimpahan fitoplankton sebesar 1405 ind/L dengan 13 genera, keanekaragaman sebesar 2,61, keseragaman sebesar 1 serta dominasi fitoplankton sebesar 0,13 dan yang mendominasi adalah Euglena sp. dari kelas Euglenoidea dan Indeks Saprobitas sebesar -0,42 dan Trofik Saprobik Indeks sebesar -0,10. Perairan tersebut termasuk dalam golongan α-Mesosaprobik/perairan cukup berat. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh antara konsentrasi deterjen dengan kelimpahan fitoplankton menunjukkan korelasi yang erat sekali (r) 0,963. Nilai R2 (determinasi) 0,927 dengan tingkat keeratan sebesar 92,7 % . Banjir Kanal Timur River is located in east part of Semarang. Along the river there are local residents, fisheries activity and industrial area. Detergent is sintetic cleaning which made from derivated of oil and containing chemical material such as surfactan, builder, filler, and additives. There are 2 kind of surfactan, hydrophile dan hydrophobe. Phytoplankton is small organism living in the waters dan favorable to others organism, phytoplankton is main producer in waters food chain. This purpose research are to know detergent concentration, phytoplankton abundance, diversity, eveness, domination and saprobic indexs, and the influence of detergent the living of phytoplakton in Banjir Kanal Tmur River Semarang. This methode research used survey research and to colect the samples/datas used purposive sampling methode. The highest concentration detergent is 7.67 mg/L and phytoplankton abundance is 1405 ind/L with 13 genera. This research showed that diversity is 2,61, eveness is 1 and the domination is 0.13, dominated by Euglena sp. from class of Euglenoidea. This research also show that Saprobic index is -0.42 and trophic saprobic index is -0.10, this mean that Banjir Kanal Timur River is clasified of α-Mesosaprobik waters or the river is in high contamination. This result show that there is high corelation between detergent consentration and phytoplankton abundance with (r) value is 0.963, (R2) determination value is 0.927 and precentage is 92.7%

    Remediasi Miskonsepsi Menggunakan Model Pbl Tentang Keseimbangan Benda Tegar Di SMA K Immanuel Pontianak

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    This research is aimed to determine the effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model to remediate the student's misconception about balance of rigid body in SMA K Immanuel Pontianak. This research design is “Pre-Experimental Design” with “One Group Pretest-Post test Design”. The instrument of data collector by using a multiple choices test consisting of three alternative choices with open reasons. This research involved 70 students of class XI IPA who had misconception. From the analysis result, remediation using PBL model significantly decrease number of student's misconception with zcount = -7,246 (α = 5%), influential to student's conceptual change by X2count > X2table (α = 5%) for each question item, and effective to overcome the student's misconception (ES = 3,26, high category). This research hopefully to be used by teacher to remediate student's misconception about balance of rigid body

    Miskonsepsi Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Teluk Batang pada Materi Kalor dan Perpindahannya

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    This research aims to know students\u27 misconception in grade X SMA Negeri 1 Teluk Batang about heat and transfer of heat after teaching and learning process. Simple descriptive without comparison groups in survey form is used in this research. Data collecting uses three samples, XA class, XB class and XC class (83 students), that are chosen by using intact group through diagnostic test that consists of multiple choices with reason test. Test is validated with content validity, and its reliability is tested by internal consistency technique using KR-20 formula. Qualitative analysis in the test result shows that 63,24% students experience heat and transfer of heat misconceptions. These misconceptions are the result of 7 concepts heat and the transfer of heat

    Energi Nuklir sebagai Sumber Energi Panas Alternatif pada Kilang Minyak

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    ENERGI NUKLIR SEBAGAI SUMBER ENERGI PANAS ALTERNATIF PADA KILANG MINYAK. Telah dilakukan studi aplikasi energi panas nuklir temperatur tinggi pada kilang minyak. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk memahami karakteristik dan kemungkinan pemanfaatan energi panas reaktor nuklir temperatur tinggi untuk operasi kilang minyak. Dalam studi ini, kilang minyak dengan kapasitas pengolahan minyak mentah sebesar 126 MBSD digunakan sebagai acuan perhitungan. Diasumsikan energi panas nuklir temperatur tinggi akan memasok kebutuhan kukus dan listrik pada kilang tersebut, sedang operasi proses temperatur tinggi dianggap tetap menggunakan bahan bakar fosil. Reaktor nuklir yang digunakan adalah reaktor nuklir temperatur tinggi daya kecil HTR-PM 250. Dari neraca energi diperoleh bahwa pemanfaatan energi termal reaktor nuklir temperatur tinggi dengan daya sebesar 250 MWt terdistribusi sebagai berikut: 41,23 MWt untuk memproduksi uap kukus 1 (385oC, 40 kg/cm2, 55,6 ton/jam), 101,47MWt untuk memproduksi uap kukus 2 (360oC, 15 kg/cm2, 131,1 ton/jam), dan 60 MWt untuk memproduksi listrik sebesar 24 MWe. Energi panas yang tersisa sebesar 22,3 MWt dikonversi menjadi listrik sebesar 8,93 MWe untuk disambungkan ke jaringan. Penggunaan energi nuklir menggantikan sebagian bahan bakar fosil pada kilang minyak dengan kapasitas 126 MBSD memberi penghematan bahan bakar fosil sebesar 64,8 ribu ton/tahun, yang setara dengan pengurangan laju emisi gas CO2 sebesar 182,4 ribu ton/tahun