1 research outputs found

    The Prevalence of Skin Diseases and Its Association with Hygiene Behavior and Level of Education in a Pesantren, Jakarta Selatan 2013

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    Skin diseases are very common in places where the society lives in a crowded area. Pesantren is anIslamic school with a dormitory for its students, thus making the spread of skin infection easier to occur. Theobjective of this research was to identify the association between the prevalence of skin diseases with the hygienebehavior and level of education of santris (students of pesantren). This cross-sectional study was conducted in apesantren in South Jakarta. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire consisting of ten questionsabout hygienic behaviors and history of previous dermatological examinations from July until September 2013.Results showed that out of 98 santris, 88 of them had skin diseases (89.7%). The most frequent skin infectionwas scabies with 67 cases (49.3%). Furthermore, 78 (88.6%) out of all santris who had skin diseases, werecategorized to have poor hygienic behaviors. There were only 10 santris that did not have any skin disease, 3of them had good hygienic behaviors. There was no significant difference between hygienic behaviors of santrisand the prevalence of skin disease (p=0.350). Associated with the level of education, ibtidaiyah had the highestnumber of santris (51.2%) affected by skin diseases. There was a significant difference between the level ofeducation and the prevalence of skin diseases (p<0.001). In coclusion, the prevalence of skin diseases in thepesantren was 89.7%; there was no association between skin diseases and hygienic behaviors. However, therewas an association between skin diseases and level of education