21 research outputs found

    PRF: A Framework for Building Automatic Program Repair Prototypes for JVM-Based Languages

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    PRF is a Java-based framework that allows researchers to build prototypes of test-based generate-and-validate automatic program repair techniques for JVM languages by simply extending it with their patch generation plugins. The framework also provides other useful components for constructing automatic program repair tools, e.g., a fault localization component that provides spectrum-based fault localization information at different levels of granularity, a configurable and safe patch validation component that is 11+X faster than vanilla testing, and a customizable post-processing component to generate fix reports. A demo video of PRF is available at https://bit.ly/3ehduSS.Comment: Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '20

    Are These Bugs Really "Normal"?

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    International audienceUnderstanding the severity of reported bugs is important in both research and practice. In particular, a number of recently proposed mining-based software engineering techniques predict bug severity, bug report quality, and bug-fix time, according to this information. Many bug tracking systems provide a field "severity" offering options such as "severe", "normal", and "minor", with "normal" as the default. However, there is a widespread perception that for many bug reports the label "normal" may not reflect the actual severity, because reporters may overlook setting the severity or may not feel confident enough to do so. In many cases, researchers ignore "normal" bug reports, and thus overlook a large percentage of the reports provided. On the other hand, treating them all together risks mixing reports that have very diverse properties. In this study, we investigate the extent to which "normal" bug reports actually have the "normal" severity. We find that many "normal" bug reports in practice are not normal. Furthermore, this misclassification can have a significant impact on the accuracy of mining-based tools and studies that rely on bug report severity information

    On the Effectiveness of Information Retrieval Based Bug Localization for C Programs

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    International audienceLocalizing bugs is important, difficult, and expensive, especially for large software projects. To address this problem, information retrieval (IR) based bug localization has increasingly been used to suggest potential buggy files given a bug report. To date, researchers have proposed a number of IR techniques for bug localization and empirically evaluated them to understand their effectiveness. However, virtually all of the evaluations have been limited to the projects written in object-oriented programming languages, particularly Java. Therefore, the effectiveness of these techniques for other widely-used languages such as C is still unknown. In this paper, we create a benchmark dataset consisting of more than 7,500 bug reports from five popular C projects and rigorously evaluate our recently introduced IR-based bug localization tool using this dataset. Our results indicate that although the IR-relevant properties of C and Java programs are different, IR-based bug localization in C software at the file level is overall as effective as in Java software. However, we also find that the recent advance of using program structure information in performing bug localization gives less of a benefit for C software than for Java software

    Automatic Testing and Improvement of Machine Translation

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    This paper presents TransRepair, a fully automatic approach for testing and repairing the consistency of machine translation systems. TransRepair combines mutation with metamorphic testing to detect inconsistency bugs (without access to human oracles). It then adopts probability-reference or cross-reference to post-process the translations, in a grey-box or black-box manner, to repair the inconsistencies. Our evaluation on two state-of-the-art translators, Google Translate and Transformer, indicates that TransRepair has a high precision (99%) on generating input pairs with consistent translations. With these tests, using automatic consistency metrics and manual assessment, we find that Google Translate and Transformer have approximately 36% and 40% inconsistency bugs. Black-box repair fixes 28% and 19% bugs on average for Google Translate and Transformer. Grey-box repair fixes 30% bugs on average for Transformer. Manual inspection indicates that the translations repaired by our approach improve consistency in 87% of cases (degrading it in 2%), and that our repairs have better translation acceptability in 27% of the cases (worse in 8%)

    A discriminative model approach for suggesting tags automatically for stack overflow questions

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    Annotating documents with keywords or ‘tags’ is useful for categorizing documents and helping users find a document efficiently and quickly. Question and answer (Q&A) sites also use tags to categorize questions to help ensure that their users are aware of questions related to their areas of expertise or interest. However, someone asking a question may not necessarily know the best way to categorize or tag the question, and automatically tagging or categorizing a question is a challenging task. Since a Q&A site may host millions of questions with tags and other data, this information can be used as a training and test dataset for approaches that automatically suggest tags for new questions. In this paper, we mine data from millions of questions from the Q&A site Stack Overflow, and using a discriminative model approach, we automatically suggest question tags to help a questioner choose appropriate tags for eliciting a response.Ye

    Visualizing the Evolution of Code Clones

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    The knowledge of code clone evolution throughout the history of a software system is essential in comprehending and managing its clones properly and cost-effectively. However, investigating and observing facts in a huge set of text-based data provided by a clone genealogy extractor could be challenging without the support of a visualization tool. In this position paper, we present an idea of visualizing code clone evolution by exploiting the advantages of existing clone visualization techniques that would be both scalable and useful.Ye

    Evaluating the Conventional Wisdom in Clone Removal: A Genealogy-based Empirical Study

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    Clone management has drawn immense interest from the research community in recent years. It is recognized that a deep understanding of how code clones change and are refactored is necessary for devising effective clone management tools and techniques. This paper presents an empirical study based on the clone genealogies from a significant number of releases of six software systems, to characterize the patterns of clone change and removal in evolving software systems. With a blend of qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis and statistical tests of significance, we address a number of research questions. Our findings reveal insights into the removal of individual clone fragments and provide empirical evidence in support of conventional clone evolution wisdom. The results can be used to devise informed clone management tools and techniques.Ye

    Understanding the evolution of Type-3 clones: An exploratory study

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    Understanding the evolution of clones is important for both understanding the maintenance implications of clones and for building a robust clone management system. To this end, researchers have already conducted a number of studies to analyze the evolution of clones, mostly focusing on Type-1 and Type-2 clones. However, although there are a significant number of Type-3 clones in software systems, we know a little how they actually evolve. In this paper, we perform an exploratory study on the evolution of Type-1, Type-2, and Type-3 clones in six open source software systems written in two different programming languages and compare the result with a previous study to better understand the evolution of Type-3 clones. Our results show that although Type-3 clones are more likely to change inconsistently, the absolute number of consistently changed Type-3 clone classes is greater than that of Type-1 and Type-2. Type-3 clone classes also have a lifespan similar to that of Type-1 and Type-2 clones. In addition, a considerable number of Type-1 and Type-2 clones convert into Type-3 clones during evolution. Therefore, it is important to manage type-3 clones properly to limit their negative impact. However, various automated clone management techniques such as notifying developers about clone changes or linked editing should be chosen carefully due to the inconsistent nature of Type-3 clones.Ye