30 research outputs found

    Mind the (information) gap : strategic nondisclosure by marketers and interventions to increase consumer deliberation

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    Marketers have a choice of what to tell consumers and consumers must consider what they are told or not told. Across six experiments, we show that consumers fail to differentiate between deliberate and non-deliberate missing information (strategic naivetĂ©) and make generous inferences when they do notice missing information is deliberately withheld (charitability). We also show how marketers can take advantage of this by withholding information. We investigate both sides to (1) show the effects of interventions to encourage consumers to consider deliberate nondisclosure in a less naĂŻve and charitable fashion, (2) demonstrate when marketers should disclose (or not) if consumers are naĂŻve and charitable (i.e., breakeven points), and (3) explore the reasons marketers give for (non-) disclosure and consumers’ thoughts on why information is missing. Consumers respond differently to distinct but theoretically equivalent framings that increase the salience of non-disclosure. Only when non-disclosure was highly salient, and consumers could compare multiple profiles side-by-side did consumers believe the nondisclosed information to be the worst possible

    The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook. A practical guide for improving vaccine communication and fighting misinformation

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    This handbook is for journalists, doctors, nurses, policy makers, researchers, teachers, students, parents – in short, it’s for everyone who wants to know more about the COVID-19 vaccines, how to talk to others about them, how to challenge misinformation about the vaccines. This handbook is self-contained but additionally provides access to a “wiki” of more detailed information

    Disclosure and the dog that didn’t bark : consumers are too forgiving of missing information

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    A central premise for information disclosure is known as unraveling: service providers that can provide information credibly should disclose it, otherwise receivers should interpret the missing information to be the worst possible information. Contrary to the unraveling prediction, across four experiments, we show that (1) providers typically withhold information, and (2) receivers are unresponsive to the missing information, demonstrated by their tendencies to (a) judge providers as average, rather than the worst possible, on the missing information, and (b) select these providers as much as they select providers who disclose all information. Receivers’ reactions are due to both not deliberating on the absent information (salience hypothesis) and interpreting the absence of information in an unduly positive light (charitable hypothesis). Receivers also respond differently to various types of nondisclosures that are theoretically equivalent. These findings suggest a different equilibrium for voluntary disclosure than unraveling would predict which is costly for consumers

    Teknillisen korkeakoulun Innovaatiokeskus, 1998–2009 - Yliopistojen tutkimus- ja innovaatiopalveluiden uranuurtaja Suomessa

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    Teknillisen korkeakoulun Innovaatiokeskus (Otaniemi International Innovation Centre, OIIC) avattiin 1.8.1998 huolehtimaan TKK:n tutkimukseen, teknologiansiirtoon, innovaatioketjuun ja immateriaalioikeuksiin liittyvistÀ sopimuksista ja toimintojen jÀrjestÀmisestÀ. Keskuksen tuli varmistaa uusimman teknologisen tiedon tehokas löytyminen ja siirtyminen hyödyntÀmÀÀn jatkotutkimusta, koulutusta ja edelleen elinkeinoelÀmÀÀ. Taustalla oli myös yliopiston roolin nÀkeminen suoraan elinkeinotoimintaan soveltuvien innovaatioiden synnyttÀjÀnÀ ja kyseisiÀ innovaatioita ja investointeja yhteen tuovana taloudellisen toiminnan moottorina. Innovaatiokeskus oli uranuurtaja yliopistomaailmassa, toimi monella tavoin esikuvana ja tiennÀyttÀjÀnÀ muille yliopistoille ja koulutti kÀytÀnnön työssÀ monia muihin yliopistoihin ja yrityselÀmÀÀn siirtyneitÀ henkilöitÀ, esimerkiksi IPR-juristeja. Toiminnan yhtenÀ lÀhtökohtana oli huoli koko Suomen kilpailukyvystÀ

    Cheap talk and credibility: The consequences of confidence and accuracy on advisor credibility and persuasiveness

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    Photo of basalt cliffs below Lava Falls along the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, during the Aaron Belnap Ross river trip in June of 1965