1 research outputs found

    An epitomize of Upmana Parmana In Ayurveda

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    Darshana (the Great Indian Philosophy) has an immense influence on Ayurveda, the Indian Science of Medicine. The primary aim of all Darshana’s is to attain Moksha. Nyaya Darshana aims to get Moksha by knowing a particular substratum by different parameters. For this purpose they introduced a subject called as ‘Pramana’. Pramana is the one which helps in attaining true knowledge of a substratum. Nyaya Darshana has accepted four Pramana’s analogous to Sushruta Samhita, they are Pratyaksha Pramana, Anumana Pramana, Aaptopdesha Pramana and Upamana Pramana. Out of these first three are mentioned elaborately in all most all Samhita’s with their definition, application etc. But Upamana Pramana though accepted by Acharya Charaka, Sushruta, Gautama etc. has been meagerly defined in classics. Ayurveda, the diagnosis and treatment of a disease is based on Nidana Panchaka, Aatur Pariksha and these intern depend upon Pramana’s, as other Pramana’s like Pratyaksha, Anumana, Aaptopdesha Pramana are already elaborately mentioned, so this study has been planned to understand concept of Upamana Pramana