10 research outputs found

    La tutela delle minoranze linguistiche tra “prudenza” statale e slanci regionali alla luce delle pronunce della Corte Costituzionale

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    Il tema della protezione delle minoranze linguistiche è molto complesso e ricco di spunti. Sino al 1999, in assenza di apposite norme statali di attuazione, la Corte costituzionale ha individuato uno “statuto minimo” di tutela per le sole minoranze riconosciute, soprattutto attraverso il richiamo all’ordinamento internazionale e agli impegni assunti in tale ambito dallo stato. Con la legge n. 482/1999 è stata introdotta una specifica disciplina in materia di tutela delle minoranze linguistiche. Tuttavia, a seguito della riforma costituzionale del Titolo V della Costituzione Italiana del 2001, sono emerse innumerevoli difficoltà nel riparto di competenze tra Stato e Regioni. Alla luce del menzionato quadro normativo, la ricerca ripercorre il non sempre lineare percorso della giurisprudenza costituzionale in materia, al fine di individuare eventuali segnali di apertura e il necessario bilanciamento tra competenze statali e regionali, nel quadro dei principi proclamati dall’art. 6 Cost. e da molteplici accordi internazionali. The question of the protection of linguistic minorities is very complicated and rich in ideas. Until 1999, in the absence of specific State implementing rules, the Constitutional Court identified a “minimum statute” of protection for only recognised minorities, especially through the reference to the international order and the commitments made in this field by the state. The Law N° 482/1999 has introduced a specific regulation on the protection of linguistic minorities. However, because of the constitutional reform of Title V of the Italian Constitution in 2001, countless difficulties have arisen in the division of competences between State and Regions. Under the above-mentioned regulatory framework, the research retraces the not always linear path of the constitutional jurisprudence in the matter, in order to identify any signs of openness and the necessary balance between state and regional competences, within the framework of the principles proclaimed by art. 6 Cost. and several international agreements

    Porfirine e macrocicli correlati: da modelli biomimetici allo sviluppo di nuovi materiali

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    Dottorato di ricerca in scienze chimiche. 12. ciclo. Relatore R. PaolesseConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Synthesis and Functionalization of m

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    Grana Padano cheese: thermoanalytical techniques applied to the study of ripening

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    In the present work, modifications of water-matrix interactions in Grana Padano (GP) cheese were studied using thermogravimetric techniques in order to provide an index of ripening. These techniques represent a simple and rapid method for determining water content and for monitoring its behaviour in ripening GP cheese. It is possible to evaluate the quantity of water present in the matrix, as well as the different types of water bound to it both qualitatively and quantitatively. Samples of traditional GP cheese produced in the winter season (same day), and collected at different ripening stages (5,10,14,19 months), were investigated. When statistical models of the STARMAX (Space Time Autoregressive Moving Average exogenous variables) class, augmented with surface trends, were fitted to thermoanalytical data, valuable insights into the chemical nature of the ripening were acheived with good predictive performances. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Photophysical Behaviour of Corrole and its Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Dyads

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    The luminescence properties at room temperature and 77 K of octamethylcorrole are reported for the first time, together with the photophysical behaviour of corrole-corrole and porphyrin-corrole dyads covalently linked through the 10-position with a phenyl bridge. The photophysical properties of corroie free base are very similar to those of the porphyrin analogues, whereas the dimeric systems show luminescence bands different from those of the parent monomers, indicating an unexpectedly high degree of interaction between the chromophores. The porphyrin-corrole dyad undergoes photocatalysed ring opening of the corroie moiety to give the corresponding porphyrin-biliverdin species. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Multicentre experience with the evolution rl mechanical sheath for lead extraction using a stepwise approach: safety, effectiveness and outcome

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    In addition to the Evolution RL sheath, tools by Cook Medical, supporting lead extraction (LE), are available. Data on their use are not reported in detail in previous studies. Moreover, data regarding outcome are lacking.The aim was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Evolution sheath (Evolution RL and Evolution Shortie,Cook Medical,USA) by using a stepwise approach with the available extraction tools and the outcome

    Long-term reduction of atrial tachyarrhythmia recurrences in patients paced for bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome

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    Background: Atrial tachyarrhythmias (AT) are considered progressive diseases. Several rhythm control therapies for treatment of AT have been proposed. Objectives: The Italian AT500 Registry was designed to prospectively study long-term AT evolution in patients paced for the brady-tachy form of sinus node disease (BT-SND). Methods: Three hundred forty-six BT-SND patients received an antitachycardia dual-chamber pace-maker and were followed-up for a minimum of 12 months (median 19 months). Prevention and antitachycardia pacing (ATP) features were enabled in all patients. Results: During the observation period, 224 (65%) patients were treated by antiarrhythmic drugs and 45 (13%) patients were cardioverted. Five patients suffered a stroke, 4 transient ischemic attack, 22 permanent AT, and 98 AT recurrences longer than 7 days. AT mean cycle length changed from 246 to 2 70 ms, and the percentage of patients with AT-related hospitalizations significantly decreased with an annual 28% relative reduction. AT burden and the percentage of patients with AT recurrences longer than 2 days remained constant with time in the overall population but decreased significantly in the subgroup of patients who did not develop permanent AT. High ATP efficacy was associated with an increasingly higher prevention of AT recurrences longer than 2 days. Conclusion: In a long-term observation of BT-SND patients, AT-related hospitalizations decreased significantly and mean AT cycle length increased significantly. The data suggest that rhythm control therapies induce inversion of AT progression. © 2005 Heart Rhythm Society. All rights reserved