4 research outputs found

    Noun incorporation in Ainu

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    Additional file 12: of Inversion symmetry of DNA k-mer counts: validity and deviations

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    Ratios of #T/#A and #G/#C and their Z values for C elegans and E coli. While for C elegans one observes some significant violations of the 2nd Chargaff rule, the E coli data are completely consistent with this rule. (DOCX 15 kb

    Additional file 10: of Inversion symmetry of DNA k-mer counts: validity and deviations

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    Mouse data: ratios of #T/#A, #G/#C, and numbers of genes on Plus and Minus strands, together with their Z values. Most gene ratios have insignificant Z values, i.e. they are consistent with equality. Most #T/#A and #G/#C display significant violation of strict Chargaff rule. ChrX is exceptional: here both Z values are small and Chargaff violation is insignificant. Gene data are derived from MRK_list2 in ftp://ftp.informatics.jax.org/pub/reports/index.html . (DOCX 18 kb