126 research outputs found

    Nucleon in Nuclear Matter

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    The modification of the properties of nucleon in nuclear medium have been investigated in the context of flux tube model. A nucleon has been described as diquark-quark system connected by flux tube and quasi particle diquark model has been used to describe the diquak constituting the nucleon. The modification of incompressiblity, the roper resonance etc in the nuclear medium have been investigated. The results are compared with recent experimental and theoretical predictions

    Coping with the legacies of subsidized mortgage credit in Hungary

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    The authors examine alternatives for dealing with the initial conditions of housing finance facing countries making the transition to a market economy and moving toward a more efficient and equitable system. They focus on the problem of restructuring the stock of housing loans that exist at the time a new regime is implemented. Almost without exception, the stock of housing loans is yielding heavily subsidized rates, and its market value is significantly below its book value. Hungary makes an interesting case study. The mortgage portfolio inherited from past regimes makes especially clear the perverse implications of housing finance systems based on across-the-board subsidized interest rates. The authors propose a general approach to finding options to reduce the fiscal burden implicit in the subsidized housing loan portfolio. They identify mechanisms to reduce the interest subsidy embodied in that portfolio as well as mechanisms to spread the associated losses among those benefiting from the subsidies as well as among other parties. Clearly any residual subsidy must be absorbed by the government and ultimately by the population in the form of increased taxation or decreased availability of public services. The problem is complex and no obvious, easily implementable solutions emerge. But delaying action could hardly improve the situation.Banks&Banking Reform,Economic Theory&Research,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Housing Finance,Urban Economics

    Hungary : financial sector reform in a socialist economy

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    Financial reforms in formerly centrally planned economies take a different form than in market economies because they imply not only liberalizing the system but also reshaping the structure and functioning of financial markets. And the reforms must be designed to facilitate the conduct of monetary policy under rapidly changing economic circumstances. To fulfill this role, financial reforms should: (1) provide the authorities with monetary policy instruments that contribute to short-term stabilization; and (2) provide the incentives for inducing a more efficient intermediation of savings though the financial markets. In this context, the authors identify the main tasks and targets of financial reform and comment on the key development of the Hungarian process. Hungary has made substantial progress, they conclude, but macrofinancial indicators suggest that administrative and technical obstacles remain and that supporting measures must be deepened. The four steps needed are: (1) the ability of the monetary authority to conduct monetary policy must be enhanced; (2) the operating and financial condition of financial intermediaries must be improved; (3) healthy competition among financial intermediaries must be encouraged; and (4) a prudential regulatory framework that does not discriminate against the development of securities market must be established.Banks&Banking Reform,Financial Intermediation,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring

    Trade in banking services : issues for multilateral negotiations

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    When the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was instituted in 1948, its mandate excluded such industries as banking, insurance and telecommunciaitons. These services sectors were highly regulated and protected in most countries, partly because of their sensitivity to national security and cultural identity. Under U.S. pressure, the Uruguay Round talks have included financial services, particularly banking. The response of developing countries to the U.S. proposal to liberalize trade in financial services ranges from cautious to hostile. Partly this reflects concern about the perceived comparative advantage of industrial countries and the desire of strong vested interests to continue to use the financial system as an instrument of public policy. It also reflects the weak situation of the banking industry in many developing countries. In some there is no real banking industry; in many the banking sector is technically insolvent and needs costly restructuring and reform. Opening the borders to foreign competition is essential to liberalization. But this process must proceed at the pace appropriate to the wide-ranging domestic reforms essential in most developing countries.Banks&Banking Reform,Financial Intermediation,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Knowledge Economy,Education for the Knowledge Economy

    A cog in the capitalist wheel:co-opting agroecology in South India

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    The Andhra Pradesh Zero Budget Natural Farming project was implemented by India’s State of Andhra Pradesh in 2016 and renamed AP Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) in 2020. APCNF is recognised as a sucessful example of peasant-led agroecology by social movements, multilateral UN bodies, governments, and researchers. We offer more critical perspectives here, and argue that this agroecology model deepens inequality and dispossession. Despite claims to the contrary, APCNF is locked in an unchanged productivist paradigm controlled by capital in collaboration with the state. By co-opting agroecology, APCNF closes down options for a just transformation of the dominant agri-food regime

    International trade in financial services

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    The issue of trade in services is the subject of increasing interest. Evidence of this is its inclusion in the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations. As a contribution to the analysis of the issue, this paper analyzes the influence of a country's resource endowments on its net trade in financial services. A modified version of the Heckscher-Ohlin model is developed, which allows for technological differences across countries. The paper reaches the conclusion that skilled labour is a source of comparative advantage in financial services. Future research should focus on the implications of restricting trade in financial services. If financial services are considered as inputs in the provision of goods and services, might barriers to trade in financial services result in inefficient allocation of productive resources, distorted consumption patterns, and significant welfare losses?Economic Theory&Research,Banks&Banking Reform,ICT Policy and Strategies,Health Economics&Finance,Environmental Economics&Policies

    Coordinated Dynamic Spectrum Management of LTE-U and Wi-Fi Networks

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    This paper investigates the co-existence of Wi-Fi and LTE in emerging unlicensed frequency bands which are intended to accommodate multiple radio access technologies. Wi-Fi and LTE are the two most prominent access technologies being deployed today, motivating further study of the inter-system interference arising in such shared spectrum scenarios as well as possible techniques for enabling improved co-existence. An analytical model for evaluating the baseline performance of co-existing Wi-Fi and LTE is developed and used to obtain baseline performance measures. The results show that both Wi-Fi and LTE networks cause significant interference to each other and that the degradation is dependent on a number of factors such as power levels and physical topology. The model-based results are partially validated via experimental evaluations using USRP based SDR platforms on the ORBIT testbed. Further, inter-network coordination with logically centralized radio resource management across Wi-Fi and LTE systems is proposed as a possible solution for improved co-existence. Numerical results are presented showing significant gains in both Wi-Fi and LTE performance with the proposed inter-network coordination approach.Comment: Accepted paper at IEEE DySPAN 201
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