55 research outputs found

    Законодательство о цифровых школах России первой половины XVIII в. (по материалам Полного собрания законов Российской империи)

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    The authors of the article analyze the Edicts of the Russian tsars and Edicts of the Senate which regulated the principles of organization of a new form of primary educational institutions of Russia — arithmetic schools, established on the initiative of Peter I in 1714 and playing a significant role in the spread of the foundations of mathematical knowledge among the population. The authors reveal the reasons for the issuance of certain decrees, reveal their initiators, and trace the change of rules governing the principles of organization of schools, as well as make observations of the structure of the legislation in question.В статье анализируются нормы именных указов и указов Сената, регламентировавших основы организации нового вида начальных учебных заведений России, цифирных (арифметических) школ, созданных по инициативе Петра I в 1714 г. и сыгравших определенную роль в распространении основ математических знаний среди населения. Раскрываются причины появления тех или иных указов, выявляются их инициаторы, прослеживается изменение норм, регулирующих основы организации школ, делаются наблюдения над структурой законодательных актов

    Czar e seu povo: poder e sociedade no estado de Moscou durante a segunda metade do século XVI

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    The article raises the issue about the nature of the relationship between the supreme power and society of the early Russian state. The article proceeded from the well-known phrase of the imperial diplomat S. Herberstein, who wrote about the “slave essence” of Russians in the middle of the XVIth century. The authors of the article argue that this erroneous opinion was based on incorrect and wrongly interpreted official relations, which constituted one of the cornerstones of the Moscow political system and which was quite clear. Meanwhile, according to the authors, there was also a different, “internal” level of interrelations, based on unwritten “contract” between the supreme power and society, involving mutual obligations between the “contract” parties. The authors of the article show that this unwritten contract, which was well understood by both parties, who participated in it, functioned well in Russia during the 16th — 17th centuries, and its existence refutes convincingly the Herberstein's passage, who failed to understand the Russian political realities of the early Modern Age.El artículo plantea el problema sobre la naturaleza de la relación entre el poder supremo y la sociedad del estado ruso primitivo. El artículo procede de la conocida frase del diplomático imperial S. Herberstein, quien escribió sobre la "esencia de esclavo" de los rusos a mediados del siglo XVI. Los autores del artículo argumentan que esta opinión errónea se basaba en relaciones oficiales incorrectas e interpretadas erróneamente, que constituían una de las piedras angulares del sistema político de Moscú y que era bastante clara. Mientras tanto, según los autores, también hubo un nivel diferente, "interno" de interrelaciones, basado en el "contrato" no escrito entre el poder supremo y la sociedad, que involucra obligaciones mutuas entre las partes del "contrato". Los autores del artículo muestran que este contrato no escrito, que fue bien comprendido por ambas partes, que participaron en él, funcionó bien en Rusia durante los siglos XVI a XVII, y su existencia refuta convincentemente el pasaje de Herberstein, que no entendió el ruso. Realidades políticas de la temprana Edad Moderna.O artigo levanta a questão sobre a natureza da relação entre o poder supremo e a sociedade do estado russo primitivo. O artigo procede da conhecida frase do diplomata imperial S. Herberstein, que escreveu sobre a “essência escrava” dos russos em meados do século XVI. Os autores do artigo argumentam que essa opinião errônea foi baseada em relações oficiais incorretas e mal interpretadas, o que constituiu uma das pedras angulares do sistema político de Moscou e que ficou bastante claro. Enquanto isso, segundo os autores, havia também um nível de inter-relações “interno” diferente, baseado em “contrato” não escrito entre o poder supremo e a sociedade, envolvendo obrigações mútuas entre as partes “contratuais”. Os autores do artigo mostram que este contrato não escrito, que foi bem compreendido pelos dois partidos, que nele participaram, funcionou bem na Rússia durante os séculos XVI e XVII, e sua existência refuta convincentemente a passagem de Herberstein, que não conseguiu entender o russo. realidades políticas do início da Idade Moderna


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    The authors present the results of the research aimed at improvement of breeding and productive qualities of agricultural animals in conditions of Northern Kazakhstan.The data obtained during the monitoring over the reproductive ability of the breeding stock of the nucleus of the cattle herd (meat and milk production) in comparative aspect showed that dairy cows demonstrate higher reproductive performance (service period length, number of inseminations for successful insemination, etc.) than cows of the meat production field


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    Development of the hotel markets of regions is connected with diversification of a tourist product, search of the new directions. One of major factors of development of regional tourism is change of economic, social, demographic conditions of development of regions. In work socio-economic indexes of Krasnoyarsk krai are presented, statistics of the market of hotel services and tourism for 2014–2018, their structure are analysed. Problems and current trends of development of the tourist and hotel markets of Krasnoyarsk krai are defined.The purpose – studying of the current state of the hotel market of Krasnoyarsk krai and trends of its development. Within work the following problems were solved: to define the current state of the tourist and hotel markets of Krasnoyarsk krai; to consider the main characteristics of the market and to define trends of its development.Object of a research were the hotel enterprises of Krasnoyarsk krai.Work is based on own researches, data of the state statistics.Research methods: statistical, general scientific methods of the analysis were used.Results: as a result of the proceeding political instability and decrease in real monetary income of the population the tourist market of Russia changed towards growth of internal tourism that led to growth of the hotel market. Development of the hotel market of Krasnoyarsk krai is connected with diversification of a tourist product, search of the new directions, reduction of average duration of trips, but increase in their frequency.Scope of results: results of a research can be useful to the regional authorities, specialists of the industry, the students studying in “Hotel business”.Развитие гостиничных рынков регионов связано с диверсификацией туристского продукта, поиском новых направлений. Одним из основных факторов развития регионального туризма является изменение экономических, социальных, демографических условий развития регионов. В работе представлены социально-экономические показатели Красноярского края, проанализированы статистические показатели рынка гостиничных услуг и туризма за 2014–2018 гг., их структура. Определены проблемы и современные тенденции развития туристического и гостиничного рынков Красноярского края.Цель – изучение современного состояния гостиничного рынка Красноярского края и тенденций его развития. В рамках работы решались следующие задачи: определить современное состояние туристского и гостиничного рынков Красноярского края; рассмотреть основные характеристики рынка и определить тенденции его развития.Объектом исследования явились гостиничные предприятия Красноярского края.Работа основана на собственных исследованиях, данных государственной статистики.Методы исследования: использовались статистические, общенаучные методы анализа.Результаты: в результате продолжающейся политической нестабильности и снижения реальных денежных доходов населения туристский рынок России изменился в сторону роста внутреннего туризма, что привело к росту гостиничного рынка. Развитие гостиничного рынка Красноярского края связано с диверсификацией туристского продукта, поиском новых направлений, сокращением средней продолжительности поездок, но увеличением их частоты.Область применения результатов: результаты исследования могут быть полезны региональным властям, специалистам отрасли, студентам, обучающимся по специальности «Гостиничное дело»

    Sobre la cuestión de la reproducción industrial moderna

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    In the researches concerning the modern specificity of reproduction processes, the question about the functional role of industry in economic development becomes more and more actual. This emerging reproductive structure is the result of the transformation of the main types of economic activity and, above all, industry. Theoretical base of the research is presented by scientific and practical results of domestic and international researches of reproduction regularities and tendencies of industrial production development, including in post-industrial conditions. Theoretical and analytical generalizations, functional and structural analysis, comparative and comparative methods were used as the specific basic scientific methods and methods of research. The article singles out, on the basis of the study of the specifics of the transformation of economic systems in the post-industrial era, integrating the functional role of the industrial sector of the economy, which is to ensure the formation of a new reproductive structure with a pronounced dominance of the service activity through the advanced creation of progressive material-product and cost component, which allowed to combine the systemically important patterns of use of limited production resources on priority ses.En las investigaciones sobre la especificidad moderna de los procesos de reproducción, la pregunta sobre el papel funcional de la industria en el desarrollo económico se vuelve cada vez más actual. Esta estructura reproductiva emergente es el resultado de la transformación de los principales tipos de actividad económica y, sobre todo, de la industria. La base teórica de la investigación se presenta mediante resultados científicos y prácticos de investigaciones nacionales e internacionales sobre regularidades de reproducción y tendencias del desarrollo de la producción industrial, incluso en condiciones posindustriales. Se utilizaron generalizaciones teóricas y analíticas, análisis funcionales y estructurales, métodos comparativos y comparativos como métodos científicos básicos específicos y métodos de investigación. El artículo destaca, sobre la base del estudio de los detalles de la transformación de los sistemas económicos en la era postindustrial, integrando el papel funcional del sector industrial de la economía, que es asegurar la formación de una nueva estructura reproductiva. Con un marcado dominio de la actividad de servicio a través de la creación avanzada de componentes progresivos de material-producto y costo, lo que permitió combinar los patrones sistémicamente importantes de uso de recursos de producción limitados en las sesiones prioritarias


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    The analysis of the market of hotel services of Krasnoyarsk in anticipation of the World Universiade of 2019 is carried out. Socio-economic indexes of Krasnoyarsk, including on activity of hotels and public catering are presented. Quantitative indices of the market of hotel services of 2017-2018, its structure, placement types, additional services and services of catering establishments at hotels and other means of placement are analysed. The structure of consumers on age groups, and also their assessment of services of hotels and other locations in Krasnoyarsk is presented.The purpose – the analysis of current state of the market of hotel services of Krasnoyarsk in anticipation of the World Universiade of 2019.Objects and methods of carrying out work: object of research were the hotel enterprises of Krasnoyarsk. The analysis is carried out with use of statistical these own researches of authors, official data of Kraystat, and also www .booking.com content, statistical, general scientific methods of the analysis were used.Results: as a result of the carried-out analysis it is possible to draw a conclusion on the slow, but steady growth of indicators of the hotel market of Krasnoyarsk. Without looking, at negative economic processes in the country, the hotel market of Krasnoyarsk was restored thanking now, generally to increase in demand for apartamentny placement. The prospect of development of the market of hotel services in Krasnoyarsk is connected with carrying out in 2019 the XXIX World winter Universiade.Scope of results: it is expedient to apply the received results to the regional authorities of Krasnoyarsk, investors, and also students.Проведен анализ рынка гостиничных услуг г. Красноярска в преддверии Всемирной Универсиады 2019 года. Представлены социально-экономические показатели г. Красноярска, в том числе по деятельности гостиниц и общественного питания. Проанализированы количественные показатели рынка гостиничных услуг 2017–2018 годов, его структура, типы размещения, дополнительные услуги и услуги предприятий общественного питания при гостиницах и иных средствах размещения. Представлена структура потребителей по возрастным группам, а также их оценка услуг гостиниц и других мест размещения в г. Красноярске.Цель – анализ текущего состояния рынка гостиничных услуг г. Красноярска в преддверии Всемирной Универсиады 2019 года.Объекты и методы проведения работы: объектом исследования явились гостиничные предприятия г. Красноярска. Анализ проведен с использованием статистических данных собственных исследований авторов, официальных данных Крайстата, а также контента www.booking.com, использовались статистические, общенаучные методы анализа.Результаты: в результате проведенного анализа можно сделать вывод о медленном, но неуклонном росте показателей гостиничного рынка г. Красноярска. Несмотря, на негативные экономические процессы в стране, гостиничный рынок г. Красноярска в настоящее время восстановился благодаря, в основном, росту спроса на апартаментное размещение. Перспектива развития рынка гостиничных услуг в г. Красноярске связана с проведением в 2019 году XXIX Всемирной зимней универсиады.Область применения результатов: полученные результаты целесообразно применять региональным властям г. Красноярска, инвесторам, а также студентам направления обучения «Гостиничное дело»

    Entrepreneurial activity and family business in the period of reformation of the Russian legislation

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    Many sciences meet in the study of family business as a real phenomenon. Despite the fact that in most countries of the world, family business is a rather widespread and highly demanded legal phenomenon, in Russia family business is realized not so often and for the most part, remains strange for an ordinary entrepreneur. Family business in Russia seems to be a phenomenon that is not studied completely but requires special attention. Objective of the research: determination of the essence and main tendencies of the development of legal regulation of the entrepreneurial activity and family business in the period of reformation of the Russian legislation. This scientific research applied a dialectical method of cognition of legal processes and phenomena, used the general scientific methods of scientific cognition of the legal essence of entrepreneurial activity and family business, in particular, a historical method, a method of synthesis, analogy, formal logics, and also specific scientific methods of research of family business and business processes in the post-reform period. Results and novelty: Family business shall be a systemic element that connects the state with small and medium businesses. The introduction of such a form of business activity (family business) shall eliminate the problems and defects of legal regulation of issues arising when business is carried out by family members. It seems necessary to consider the entrepreneurial activity and family business as individual economic and legal phenomena and a grounding of family business as an independent complex legal institution. It is offered to specify the family (spouse) business as a legal entity in the law. Such changes are directed to the efficient legal regulation and establishment of economic conditions for strengthening of family business and development of the family as a social and economic community. The features of the special legal regime of the entrepreneurial activity of spouses are revealed

    Опыт внедрения рекомендаций по стандартизированной методике компрессионной соноэластографии поверхностных органов и структур

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    The paper presents five stages of standardized technique of compression elastography, which is clearly structured for gray-scale images phasing evaluation as qualitative so and semi-quantitative elastography. The examples of conclusions are shown with the help of conventional classifications and categories of BI-RADS for breast cancer Comparative data on the diagnostic efficiency and reproducibility standard and the proposed methods of elastography in 2741 people with focal formations breast, thyroid and lymph nodes are presented. The advantage standardized methodology is proved. The ways of nationwide discussion of these Recommendation sare suggested.В статье приводятся 5 этапов стандартизированной методики компрессионной эластографии, четко структурированной по этапности оценки ультразвукового изображения в В-режиме и качественной и полуколичественной эластографии. Указаны примеры заключений с использованием общепринятых классификаций и категорий системы BI-RADS для молочной железы. Приведены сравнительные данные по диагностической эффективности и степени воспроизводимости стандартной и предлагаемой методик эластографии у 2741 человека с очаговыми образованиями молочной железы, щитовидной железы и регионарных лимфатических узлов. Доказано преимущество стандартизированной методики. Предложены пути общероссийского обсуждения данных Рекомендаций

    Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry:Workshop Summary

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    This document presents a summary of the 2023 Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry Workshop hosted by CERN. The workshop brought together experts from around the world to discuss the exciting developments in large-scale atom interferometer (AI) prototypes and their potential for detecting ultralight dark matter and gravitational waves. The primary objective of the workshop was to lay the groundwork for an international TVLBAI proto-collaboration. This collaboration aims to unite researchers from different institutions to strategize and secure funding for terrestrial large-scale AI projects. The ultimate goal is to create a roadmap detailing the design and technology choices for one or more km-scale detectors, which will be operational in the mid-2030s. The key sections of this report present the physics case and technical challenges, together with a comprehensive overview of the discussions at the workshop together with the main conclusions


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    The aim is to make sulfoacids od phthaloilacrydone and polycycloquinone vat dyes and to study their abilities to form the lyotropic liquid-crystalline phases; to develop the methods for analysis of the sulfoacids, to study the electronic structure of some vat dyes and to evaluate their dichronic properties by means of the quantochemical calculations. The procedures by making vat dye sulfoacids have been developed, the sulfoacid analysis method based on the spectrophorometric titration has been developed, the structure of a number of the sulfoacids has been determined by a NMR spectroscopy method, the electronic structure of the phthaloilacrydone dyes has been studied, and their liquid-crystalline properties have been evaluated. It has been found that the synthesized sulfoacids of the vat red QD, indanrhrone and quinocrydone form the lyotropic liquid-crystalline phases on base of which the super-thin films possessing the properties of the effective selective polarizing filters have been madeAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio