262 research outputs found

    Features of the immune status of patients with acute coronary syndrome who underwent СOVID-19, depending on the number of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD8<sup>+</sup>)

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    The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on health and economies around the world. Direct myocardial injury and cytokine storm, leading to destabilization of preexisting plaques and accelerated formation of new plaques, are two mechanisms that trigger the acute coronary syndrome in COVID-19. There is insufficient data on the immune status of patients with acute coronary syndrome who have undergone COVID-19. The aim of the study was to study T and B cell, humoral immunity depending on the number of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD8+) in patients with acute coronary syndrome who underwent COVID-19. Materials and methods of research: 65 men with unstable angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction (acute coronary syndrome) from 40 to 65 years old, who had previously had COVID-19, were examined. A study of peripheral blood was carried out: complete blood count (Medonic device, Sweden), general and specific IgM, IgG, IgA, compliment fragments (Vector Best, Russia). Subpopulations of T and B lymphocytes were determined by flow cytometry. In persons with acute coronary syndrome who underwent COVID-19 with predominantly normal and elevated levels of cytotoxic T cells, a more severe course of the disease was observed: patients with acute myocardial infarction prevailed, they had longer mortality, longer treatment duration, and stent thrombosis was more common. In patients with elevated cytotoxic T cells, there was a maximum increase in erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, lymphocytes of both the total number and subpopulations – T helpers, T-NK lymphocytes, NK lymphocytes, T lymphocytes of early and late activation, B1 and B2 lymphocytes, index of NBT-induced test. In patients with normal levels of NK cells, compared with other groups, there was an increase in spontaneous NBT activity and index, a significant decrease in C3a and C5a complement fragments. Prevalence of stent thrombosis and mortality in the group of patients with normal levels of cytotoxic T cells may indicate torpidity of the immune system in these patients with poor outcomes

    Medical and social portrait and clinical features of patients with endometrial hyperplasia

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    The aim of the study was comparative analysis of the medical and social profile and clinical features of the patients with endometrial hyperplasia (EH) without atypia in the cohorts of 2016- 2018 and 2006-2008 in the light of the pathomorphosis studyЦель исследования — cравнительный анализ медико-социального портрета и клинических особенностей пациенток с гиперплазией эндометрия без атипии в когортах 2016–2018 и 2006–2008 гг. в свете учения о патоморфоз

    High-precision calculations of dispersion coefficients, static dipole polarizabilities, and atom-wall interaction constants for alkali-metal atoms

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    The van der Waals coefficients for the alkali-metal atoms from Na to Fr interacting in their ground states, are calculated using relativistic ab initio methods. The accuracy of the calculations is estimated by also evaluating atomic static electric dipole polarizabilities and coefficients for the interaction of the atoms with a perfectly conducting wall. The results are in excellent agreement with the latest data from ultra-cold collisions and from studies of magnetic field induced Feshbach resonances in Na and Rb. For Cs we provide critically needed data for ultra-cold collision studies

    Systematic evaluation of an atomic clock at 2e-18 total uncertainty

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    The pursuit of better atomic clocks has advanced many research areas, providing better quantum state control, new insights in quantum science, tighter limits on fundamental constant variation, and improved tests of relativity. The record for the best stability and accuracy is currently held by optical lattice clocks. This work takes an important step towards realizing the full potential of a many-particle clock with a state-of-the-art stable laser. Our 87Sr optical lattice clock now achieves fractional stability of 2.2e-16 at 1 s. With this improved stability, we perform a new accuracy evaluation of our clock, reducing many systematic uncertainties that limited our previous measurements, such as those in the lattice ac Stark shift, the atoms' thermal environment, and the atomic response to room-temperature BBR. Our combined measurements have reduced the total uncertainty of the JILA Sr clock to 2.1e-18 in fractional frequency units.Comment: Full published versio

    Basic approaches to the definition of legal security: history and modernity

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    This paper contains a comprehensive study of the evolution of views on the legal security of the individual, society and the state in the general social and legal aspect

    High accuracy calculation of 6s -> 7s parity nonconserving amplitude in Cs

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    We calculated the parity nonconserving (PNC) 6s -> 7s amplitude in Cs. In the Dirac-Coulomb approximation our result is in a good agreement with other calculations. Breit corrections to the PNC amplitude and to the Stark-induced amplitude β\beta are found to be -0.4% and -1% respectively. The weak charge of 133^{133}Cs is QW=72.5±0.7Q_W=-72.5 \pm 0.7 in agreement with the standard model.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX2e, uses revtex4.cls, submitted to PR

    Cephalhematoma of the newborns: the risk factors

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    Retrospective comparative invtstigation has been done for cases newborns with cephalhematoma and cases healthy newborn. On the base of the comparative analisis and statistic working up of the obtained results there have been chosen the main factors leading to the formation of cephalhematoma. Different role of harmful factors have been revealed in para 1 and in para 2. Macrosomia, pathology of umbilical cord and morphological caracteristica of newborn lead to the formation of cephalhematoma in para 1. Macrosomia, complicated deliver of a pregnant woman play the main role in para 2. Prospective invtstigation cerebral blood flow has been done for newborns with cephalhematoma and healthy newborns. Cerebral blood flow velocity in the newborns with cephalhematoma was different in para 1 and para 2.Проведено сравнительное исследование случаев рождения детей с кефалогематомой и случаев рождения здоровых детей. На основании сравнительного анализа и статистической обработки полученных результатов выделены основные факторы, способствующие формированию кефалогематом у новорожденных. Впервые выявлена различная роль повреждающих факторов при первых и повторных родах. При первых родах формированию кефалогематомы способствуют макросомия, патология пуповины и морфофункциональные особенности плода. При повторных родах ведущую роль играют макросомия, осложненное течение 2 периода родов, конституциональные особенности роженицы. Выявлены допплерометрические особенности церебральной гемодинамики новорожденных с кефалогематомой, подтверждающие различия факторов, приводящих к формированию субпериостальных кровоизлияний у детей от первых и повторных родов

    E1 transitions between states with n = 1 to 6 in helium-like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, neon, silicon, and argon

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    Wavelengths and transition rates are given for E1 transitions between singlet S, P, D, and F states, between triplet S, P, and D states, and between triplet P and singlet S states in ions of astrophysical interest: helium-like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, neon, silicon, and argon. All possible E1 transitions between states with J < 4 and n < 7 are considered. Energy levels and wave functions used in calculations of the transition rates are obtained from relativistic configuration-interaction calculations that include both Coulomb and Breit interactions.Comment: submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Correlated many-body treatment of Breit interaction with application to cesium atomic properties and parity violation

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    Corrections from Breit interaction to basic properties of atomic 133Cs are determined in the framework of third-order relativistic many-body perturbation theory. The corrections to energies, hyperfine-structure constants, off-diagonal hyperfine 6S-7S amplitude, and electric-dipole matrix elements are tabulated. It is demonstrated that the Breit corrections to correlations are comparable to the Breit corrections at the Dirac-Hartree-Fock level. Modification of the parity-nonconserving (PNC) 6S-7S amplitude due to Breit interaction is also evaluated; the resulting weak charge of 133^{133}Cs shows no significant deviation from the prediction of the standard model of elementary particles. The neutron skin correction to the PNC amplitude is also estimated to be -0.2% with an error bound of 30% based on the analysis of recent experiments with antiprotonic atoms. The present work supplements publication [A. Derevianko, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1618 (2000)] with a discussion of the formalism and provides additional numerical results and updated discussion of parity violation.Comment: 16 pages; 5 figs; submitted to Phys. Rev.