84 research outputs found

    Penerimaan Keluarga Terhadap Waria Atau Transgender (Studi Kasus Atas Waria/transgender Di Pesantren Waria Al-fatah YOGYAKARTA) Arif Nuh Safri UIN Sunan Kalijaga

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    Family is the most urgent aspect of the life of every human being. Since, the family is firstcommunity that be obtained by each individual and the first community influencingpatterns and lifestyles. Likewise for transgender (waria), the family actually became thebasis foundation of their life expectancy. Because a transgender (waria), essentiallyalready experiencing inner conflict since he felt the strangeness or different situationswith others. Only, when the inner conflict unfinished openly expressed heard, theircourage to open up as a transgender (waria), got the hard rejection. Through this article,the author will give an idea, how the transgender desperately need the presence of familyin their lives. In addition, this article also give an understanding of the existence oftransgender pesantren (pesantren), and transgender understanding of itself. Thus,expected to open up space for dialogue wider for them

    Pergeseran Mitologi Jilbab (Dari Simbol Status Ke Simbol Kesalehan/keimanan)

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    The problem of the veil remains a controversial issue that requires ongoing debate. This is inevitable because the use or wearing of a veil is closely associated with culture. In terms of etymology, the term hijab was not known in Indonesia until the coming of Islam. In the history of Indonesia, females are more familiar with the term kerudung than jilbab (both meaning veil). In the contemporary era, however, the term jilbab is arguably also marginalized by the term hijab. This word shift must have been influenced by the local culture. If the term can shift, so too can the meaning of its functions and benefits. Through this article, the author tries to read the veil from its shifting meanings and functions. For Roland Barthes the shift in meaning is called myth. It is very interesting to present the veil from the perspective of mythology, so that at a glance we can see the shift in the meaning of the veil in the Muslim community, ranging from a status symbol from the pre-Islamic era to the time of the Prophet, and now to a symbol of piety and lifestyle

    Bangkit Dari Ketertindasan (Studi Atas Pemikiran Kesetaraan Gender Fatayat Nu)

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    Fatayat NU is one of the Islami cwomen\u27s organizations in Indonesia. This organization has a goal, deletionall forms of violence, injustice and poverty in the community by developinga constructivediscourseof sociallife, democracy and gender justice. Therefore, throught his organizational sobuilds awareness of women\u27s criticalto realizing gender equality and justice. Throughthis article, I will explain howFatayatNUtried tobuild an opinionand fighting forthe rights of womento beable to rise fromoppressio

    Implementasi Pencatatan Keuangan pada Kelompok Petani Sayur Kauman

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    Implementasi pencatatan keuangan merupakan sistem yang dibutuhkan pada suatu organisasi, hal ini disebabkan karena proses transaksi yang terjadi sangat sering dan melibatkan nominal yang besar, sistem mempunyai prosedur dan proses bisnis yang banyak dan rumit sehingga dibutuhkan suatu model untuk membantu kinerja keuangan menjadi lebih baik dan terorganisasi dengan rapi. Kelompok petani sayur Kauman merupakan kelompok tani yang memiliki masalah dalam pengelolaan keuangan, terlihat dari hasil penghitungan penjualan yang selalu mengalami kerugian padahal penjualan tiap bulan selalu meningkat. Hal ini diakibatkan tidak adanya sistem yang menangani masalah pencatatan keuangan. Penerapan implentasi pencatatan keuangan pada kelompok petani sayur akan membantu dalam pengelolaan keuangan, fitur yang ada pada sistem meliputi merancang anggaran bulanan, mendokumentasikan pemasukan, membuat realisasi anggaran, dapat mencetak laporan laba rugi setiap masa tanam yang telah ditentukan dan dapat menentukan harga jual sayuran, sistem dibuat berbasis website sehingga bisa diakses dari manapun. Hasil implementasi berupa sistem pencatatan keuangan dan telah diuji menggunakan pengujian fungsional secara black-box dan alpha testing. Berdasarkan pengujian fungsional secara black-box oleh pakar sistem keuangan, sistem sudah dapat berjalan dengan baik, dengan ditandai bahwa tiap-tiap fungsi system sudah sesuai dengan kaidah perhitungan keuangan dalam transaksi jual beli. Sedangkan hasil pengujian alpha test dari sudut pandang pengguna, mayoritas berpendapat setuju dalam kemudahan memantau keuangan, sebagai acuan dalam menentukan harga sayur dan informasi laporan laba rugi hasil penjualan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem telah mampu menjalankan fungsi utamanya serta memberikan kemudahan dan potensi manfaat bagi kelompok petani sayur Kauman

    Ventricular arrhythmias classification and onset determination system

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    Accurately differentiating between ventricular fibrillation (VF) and ventricular tachycardia (VT) episodes is crucial in preventing potentially fatal missed interpretations that could lead to needless shock to the patients, resulting in damaging the heart. Apart from accurately classifying between VT and VF, the predetermination of the onset of the ventricular arrhythmias is also important in order to allow for more efficient monitoring of patients and can potentially save one’s life. Thus, this research intends to focus on developing a system called Classification and Onset Determination System (CODS) that is able to classify, track and monitor ventricular arrhythmias by using a method called Second Order Dynamic Binary Decomposition (SOD-BD) technique. Two significant characteristics (the natural frequency and the input parameter) were extracted from Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals that are provided by Physiobank database and analyzed to find the significant differences for each ventricular arrhythmia types and classify the ECGs accordingly (N, VT and VF). The outcome from these ECG extractions was also used to locate the onset of ventricular arrhythmia that is useful to predict the occurrence of the heart abnormalities. All the ECGs analysis, parameters extraction, classification techniques, and the CODS are developed using LabVIEW software

    Single channel electroencephalogram feature extraction based on probability density function for synchronous brain computer interface

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    Over recent years, there has been an explosive growth of interest in Electroencephalogram (EEG) based-Brain Computer Interface (BCI). Technically any architecture of a BCI is designed to have the ability of extracting out a set of features from brain signal. This paper demonstrated the extraction process based on Probability Density Function (PDF).A shared control scheme was developed between a mobile robot and subject. In general, subjects were required to synchronously imagine a star rotating and mind relaxation at specific time and direction. The imagination of a star would trigger a mobile robot suggesting that there is an object at certain direction. The mobile robot was then looking for a target based on probability value assigned to it. The result shows that 95 of theta activity was concentrated at target\x92s direction (during star imagination) and reduced when there is no target (during mind relaxation)

    Cognitive function assessment in young adult using trail making and stroop tests

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    Cortical network between brain regions is one of the topics that being investigated by brain researchers. Methods that are used to investigate brain developments of cognitive function include Partial Directed Coherence (PDC) and the power spectrum of the brain activity. The purposes of this study were to determine the cortico-cortical functional connectivity between brain regions using PDC and to investigate the power spectrum of brain activity while performing cognitive function assessments. Twenty healthy young adults, age between 20 to 30 years old, were asked to perform two tasks/tests, Trail Making Test (TMTA-alphabet, TMTA-number, TMTB-mixed alphabets and numerical) and Stroop Task. An electroencephalogram (EEG) machine was used to record the brain signals, and the data were analyzed using PDC and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Our findings showed that not only frontal area but temporal and occipital area also generates information and the information was sent to various scalp location. Theta frequency was significantly increased at frontal area while gamma and high-gamma frequency bands were significantly increased at centroparieto-occipito-temporal regions. All of these areas are associated with cognitive function doing specific task