1,881 research outputs found
Electrostatic Interactions of Asymmetrically Charged Membranes
We predict the nature (attractive or repulsive) and range (exponentially
screened or long-range power law) of the electrostatic interactions of
oppositely charged and planar plates as a function of the salt concentration
and surface charge densities (whose absolute magnitudes are not necessarily
equal). An analytical expression for the crossover between attractive and
repulsive pressure is obtained as a function of the salt concentration. This
condition reduces to the high-salt limit of Parsegian and Gingell where the
interaction is exponentially screened and to the zero salt limit of Lau and
Pincus in which the important length scales are the inter-plate separation and
the Gouy-Chapman length. In the regime of low salt and high surface charges we
predict - for any ratio of the charges on the surfaces - that the attractive
pressure is long-ranged as a function of the spacing. The attractive pressure
is related to the decrease in counter-ion concentration as the inter-plate
distance is decreased. Our theory predicts several scaling regimes with
different scaling expressions for the pressure as function of salinity and
surface charge densities. The pressure predictions can be related to surface
force experiments of oppositely charged surfaces that are prepared by coating
one of the mica surfaces with an oppositely charged polyelectrolyte
Strain engineered graphene using a nanostructured substrate: I Deformations
Using atomistic simulations we investigate the morphological properties of
graphene deposited on top of a nanostructured substrate. Sinusoidally
corrugated surfaces, steps, elongated trenches, one dimensional and cubic
barriers, spherical bubbles, Gaussian bump and Gaussian depression are
considered as support structures for graphene. The graphene-substrate
interaction is governed by van der Waals forces and the profile of the graphene
layer is determined by minimizing the energy using molecular dynamics
simulations. Based on the obtained optimum configurations, we found that: (i)
for graphene placed over sinusoidally corrugated substrates with corrugation
wave lengths longer than 2\,nm, the graphene sheet follows the substrate
pattern while for supported graphene it is always suspended across the peaks of
the substrate, (ii) the conformation of graphene to the substrate topography is
enhanced when increasing the energy parameter in the van der Waals model, (iii)
the adhesion of graphene into the trenches depends on the width of the trench
and on graphene's orientation, i.e. in contrast to a small width (3 nm)
nanoribbon with armchair edges, the one with zig-zag edges follows the
substrate profile, (iv) atomic scale graphene follows a Gaussian bump substrate
but not the substrate with a Gaussian depression, and (v) the adhesion energy
due to van der Waals interaction varies in the range [0.1-0.4] J/m^2.Comment: 12 pages and 16 figures, To appear in Phys. Rev.
Surface tension in bilayer membranes with fixed projected area
We study the elastic response of bilayer membranes with fixed projected area
to both stretching and shape deformations. A surface tension is associated to
each of these deformations. By using model amphiphilic membranes and computer
simulations, we are able to observe both the types of deformation, and thus,
both the surface tensions, related to each type of deformation, are measured
for the same system. These surface tensions are found to assume different
values in the same bilayer membrane: in particular they vanish for different
values of the projected area. We introduce a simple theory which relates the
two quantities and successfully apply it to the data obtained with computer
Universal reduction of pressure between charged surfaces by long-wavelength surface charge modulation
We predict theoretically that long-wavelength surface charge modulations
universally reduce the pressure between the charged surfaces with counterions
compared with the case of uniformly charged surfaces with the same average
surface charge density. The physical origin of this effect is the fact that
surface charge modulations always lead to enhanced counterion localization near
the surfaces, and hence, fewer charges at the midplane. We confirm the last
prediction with Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 8 pages 1 figure, Europhys. Lett., in pres
Self-limited self-assembly of chiral filaments
The assembly of filamentous bundles with controlled diameters is common in
biological systems and desirable for the development of nanomaterials. We
discuss dynamical simulations and free energy calculations on patchy spheres
with chiral pair interactions that spontaneously assemble into filamentous
bundles. The chirality frustrates long-range crystal order by introducing twist
between interacting subunits. For some ranges of system parameters this
constraint leads to bundles with a finite diameter as the equilibrium state,
and in other cases frustration is relieved by the formation of defects. While
some self-limited structures can be modeled as twisted filaments arranged with
local hexagonal symmetry, other structures are surprising in their complexity.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Swelling of particle-encapsulating random manifolds
We study the statistical mechanics of a closed random manifold of fixed area
and fluctuating volume, encapsulating a fixed number of noninteracting
particles. Scaling analysis yields a unified description of such swollen
manifolds, according to which the mean volume gradually increases with particle
number, following a single scaling law. This is markedly different from the
swelling under fixed pressure difference, where certain models exhibit
criticality. We thereby indicate when the swelling due to encapsulated
particles is thermodynamically inequivalent to that caused by fixed pressure.
The general predictions are supported by Monte Carlo simulations of two
particle-encapsulating model systems -- a two-dimensional self-avoiding ring
and a three-dimensional self-avoiding fluid vesicle. In the former the
particle-induced swelling is thermodynamically equivalent to the
pressure-induced one whereas in the latter it is not.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
Minimal Bending Energies of Bilayer Polyhedra
Motivated by recent experiments on bilayer polyhedra composed of amphiphilic
molecules, we study the elastic bending energies of bilayer vesicles forming
polyhedral shapes. Allowing for segregation of excess amphiphiles along the
ridges of polyhedra, we find that bilayer polyhedra can indeed have lower
bending energies than spherical bilayer vesicles. However, our analysis also
implies that, contrary to what has been suggested on the basis of experiments,
the snub dodecahedron, rather than the icosahedron, generally represents the
energetically favorable shape of bilayer polyhedra
The lamellar-to-isotropic transition in ternary amphiphilic systems
We study the dependence of the phase behavior of ternary amphiphilic systems
on composition and temperature. Our analysis is based on a curvature elastic
model of the surfactant film with sufficiently large spontaneous curvature and
sufficiently negative saddle-splay modulus that the stable phases are the
lamellar phase and a droplet microemulsion. In addition to the curvature
energy, we consider the contributions to the free energy of the long-ranged van
der Waals interaction and of the undulation modes. We find that for bending
rigidities of order k_B T, the lamellar phase extends further and further into
the water apex of the phase diagram as the phase inversion temperature is
approached, in good agreement with experimental results.Comment: LaTeX2e, 11 pages with references and 2 eps figures included,
submitted to Europhys. Let
Spicules and the effect of rigid rods on enclosing membrane tubes
Membrane tubes (spicules) arise in cells, or artificial membranes, in the
nonlinear deformation regime due to, e.g. the growth of microtubules, actin
filaments or sickle hemoglobin fibers towards a membrane. We calculate the
axial force exerted by the cylindrical membrane tube, and its average radius,
by taking into account steric interactions between the fluctuating membrane and
the enclosed rod. The force required to confine a fluctuating membrane near the
surface of the enclosed rod diverges as the separation approaches zero. This
results in a smooth crossover of the axial force between a square root and a
linear dependence on the membrane tension as the tension increases and the tube
radius shrinks. This crossover can occur at the most physiologically relevant
membrane tensions. Our work may be important in (i) interpreting experiments in
which axial force is related to the tube radius or membrane tension (ii)
dynamical theories for biopolymer growth in narrow tubes where these
fluctuation effects control the tube radius.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur
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