194 research outputs found


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    In process of work the problems are set and solved. There are problems of social welfare research inconditions of nonhomogeneity of objects and subjects of management, of revealing and substantiating insuperabledifficulties in rising of social welfare by approaches, worked out before. Also there developed a new directionin implementation of the most important aim of any socially-oriented econom

    Consumer behavior and qualitative selection of goods

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    © Medwell Journals, 2017. The study presents theoretical-methodological approach to the content of consumer behavior taking into account quality of goods that allowed to formulate practical recommendations concerning methods of its regulation in conditions of modern Russian economy. It offers methodical approach to determination of quality as basic factor of consumer behavior based on assessment of integrated criterion of quality as the radius vector of the n-dimensional space characterizing set of uniform characteristics of quality for various categories of a product consumers, work or service number of measurements of which is defined by the structure of consumer community for this product on the basis of which the vector of consumer usefulness of production by criterion of quality is formed

    Prospects of small business in Tatarstan

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    The article discusses the problems and prospects of small business in the Republic of Tatarstan. Studied the function of small business and its role in the regional economy. Development of small business promotes gradual creation of a wide layer of the small owners (middle class) who are independently providing own welfare and a worthy standard of living, the social and economic reforms which were a basis, the guarantor of political stability and democratic development of society

    Effect of quality on the demand and utility

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    This paper are investigated questions of interrelation of quality and demand and are considered concepts, which limiting utility, quality and demand On the basis of revealing of interconnection between theories of welfare and markets of imperfect competition, by quality non-homogeneity of goods and services, consumers and producers there determines the influence of public welfare on mechanisms of imperfect competition market and their adverse effect on public welfare which includes stimulation of demand and growth of welfare on the basis of rising level of quality of produced and consumed goods and services. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    The Correlation of the Consumer Utility, Product Demand and Grade

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    In paper consider the impact of information and advertising on consumer behaviour and theprocess of productive differentiation formation. Advertising, television, radio, magazines and direct mail asmajor constraints of mass media may act as sources of information. Economics modernization aimed ataccelerated development of the knowledge intensive industries, which contribute to Russia's entrance at theworld economy; the reset of manufacturing base of Russian economics; development of import substitutionindustries and limited participation in international labor specialisation. © 2013 IDOSI Publications

    Quality of goods, demand and utility

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    © 2014, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. This paper are investigated questions of interrelation of quality and demand and are considered concepts, which limiting utility, quality and demand On the basis of revealing of interconnection between theories of welfare and markets of imperfect competition, by quality non-homogeneity of goods and services, consumers and producers there determines the influence of public welfare on mechanisms of imperfect competition market and their adverse effect on public welfare which includes stimulation of demand and growth of welfare on the basis of rising level of quality of produced and consumed goods and services. In this article we tried to complete and expand the scientific results in the field of theory quality, value and profits by identifying mechanisms of influence the quality of goods and services to offer the producer, the consumer utility and the utility of the formation of their benefits (profit and utility)

    The Development of welfare theory in conditions of changes in the quality of goods and services

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    In work on the basis of revealing of interconnection between theories of welfare and markets of imperfect competition, by quality non-homogeneity of goods and services, consumers and producers there determines the influence of public welfare on mechanisms of imperfect competition market and their adverse effect on public welfare which includes stimulation of demand and growth of welfare on the basis of rising level of quality of produced and consumed goods and services. © IDOSI Publications, 2012

    High-tech businesses management based on the trends of explicit and implicit knowledge markets

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. The research presents a model of high-tech businesses management, basing on the trends of explicit and explicit knowledge market; classification of high-tech businesses, taking into consideration the three types of economic activity: high-, middle- and low-tech; possibilities to manage the life span of high-tech business basing on its market value, technological innovations costs and business indicators. The research is based upon: authors’ methodology of explicit and implicit knowledge market analysis; methodology of classification of the types of industrial production and science-intensive services; the knowledge management model; methodological materials of the Russian Agency on Statistics (Rosstat), statistical data of the National research university “Higher School of Economics”

    Special aspects of development of business in the knowledge-based economy

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    The article deals with the questions of development of the theory of business in the knowledge-based economy or information economy and substantiates the new direction of research of questions, connected with the category "business", from positions of the information components influencing it. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    Organization of cost accounting of fur farming in controlling concept

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    In this paper we study controlling as internal management of organization system by creating a specific plan-monitoring mechanism for informational and analytical support, coordination and integration of all management subsystems to achieve the organization goals for its sustainable and efficient functioning and development. The forms of controlling registers are offered as a way of forming factual information to manage costs and profits within the controlling concept of fur farming
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