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    Pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba dapat dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengawasan dan memberikan sanksi yang tepat terhadap pelaku. Cara lain yaitu dengan melakukan penyuluhan tentang penyalahgunaan narkoba. Tujuan sosialisasi ini untuk mengetahui dampak dari penyalahgunaan narkoba pada masyarakat Desa Sei Lama. Partisipan dalam sosialisasi ini adalah kepala desa sei lama beserta warga setempat. Jumlah partisipan sekitar 30 orang, Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba telah dilakukan dengan berbagai cara seperti pengawasan dan juga sosialisasi yang selama ini terbukti efektif. Pihak kepala desa memberikan respon yang baik dengan dilakukannya sosialisasi/penyuluhan bahaya narkoba untuk generasi masa kini di desa sei lama.Kata Kunci: Sosialisasi, Narkoba, Pencegaha

    Hubungan Berat Badan Lahir dengan Ruptur Perineum pada Persalinan Normal di Puskesmas di Tunong

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    Rips through the birth canal is a form of obstetric trauma is one of the causes of the high maternal mortality rate in Indonesia. Perineal laceration occurs in almost all deliveries are the first and often also on the next delivery. Data in Puskesmas Idi Tunong in 2014 there were 249 maternal and a total of 112 (44.9%) were ruptured perineum, in 2015 there were 256 maternal and a total of 143 (55.8%) were ruptured perineum. This study aims to determine the relationship of birth weight with perineal rupture in normal deliveries at health centers Idi Tunong. This study used analytic survey with cross sectional study design. The samples were all mothers giving birth at health centers Idi Tunong the period January-April 2016 was 49 maternal. Data were analyzed by Chi-Square test. The results were obtained birth weight infants majority had normal birth weight as many as 42 infants (85.7%) infants. Normal child birth majority of ruptured perineum as much as 29 (59.2%). Statistical test results obtained by value p (sig) = 0.040 <0.05; then the hypothesis is accepted, which means that there is a relationship between birth weight with rupture of the perineum in Puskesmas Idi Tunong 2016. Suggested for health workers, especially midwives in order to increase knowledge and competence mainly in regards to the rupture of the perineum at birth mothers to reduce further complications to mothers who have ruptured perineum