811 research outputs found

    Laboratory observations of slow earthquakes and the spectrum of tectonic fault slip modes

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    Slow earthquakes represent an important conundrum in earthquake physics. While regular earthquakes are catastrophic events with rupture velocities governed by elastic wave speed, the processes that underlie slow fault slip phenomena, including recent discoveries of tremor, slow-slip and low-frequency earthquakes, are less understood. Theoretical models and sparse laboratory observations have provided insights, but the physics of slow fault rupture remain enigmatic. Here we report on laboratory observations that illuminate the mechanics of slow-slip phenomena. We show that a spectrum of slow-slip behaviours arises near the threshold between stable and unstable failure, and is governed by frictional dynamics via the interplay of fault frictional properties, effective normal stress and the elastic stiffness of the surrounding material. This generalizable frictional mechanism may act in concert with other hypothesized processes that damp dynamic ruptures, and is consistent with the broad range of geologic environments where slow earthquakes are observed

    Streetlights, augmented intelligence, and information discovery

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    ISSN:2504 - 185

    Diverse neurological manifestations of lead encephalopathy

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    Three patients with lead encephalopathy due to industrial poisoning are presented. They all showed a wide spectrum of neurological manifestations, which mimic other neurological presentations. It is emphasised that lead poisoning still occurs in industry, despite efforts at prevention.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 1721 (1974)

    Acromegaly presenting with hemiplegia

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    A case of acromegaly presenting with hemiplegia is described. The radiological features, including cerebral angiography, are discussed. Acromegaly is uncommon in the Black population of South Africa. Experience at Baragwanath Hospital (2400 beds) confirms the rarity of the disease, and reference to the South African Medical Journal over the past 25 years has failed to reveal a single case. In all published series no case of 'stroke' in acromegaly is specifically described. This is unusual because of the many underlying aetiological factors of potential stroke present in acromegaly.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 684 (1974)

    Acromegaly Presenting with Hemiplegia

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    A case of acromegaly presenting with hemiplegia is described. The radiological features, including cerebral angiography, are discussed. Acromegaly is uncommon in the Black population of South Africa. Experience at Baragwanath Hospital (2400 beds) confirms the rarity of the disease, and reference to the South African Medical Journal over the past 25 years has failed to reveal a single case. In all published series no case of 'stroke' in acromegaly is specifically described. This is unusual because of the many underlying aetiological factors of potential stroke present in acromegaly.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 684 (1974)

    The role of deformation bands in dictating poromechanical properties of unconsolidated sand and sandstone

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    Cataclastic shear bands in sands and sandstones are typically stronger, stiffer, and exhibit lower permeability than the surrounding matrix, and therefore act as barriers to fluid flow. Previous work has quantified the reduction in permeability associated with these features; however, little is known about the role of shear band structure in controlling the way they impact permeability and elastic properties. Here, we report on a suite of laboratory measurements designed to measure the poromechanical properties for host material and natural shear bands, over effective stresses from 1–65 MPa. In order to investigate the role of host material properties in controlling poromechanical evolution with stress, we sampled shear bands from two well-studied sandstones representing structurally distinct end-members: a poorly cemented marine terrace sand from the footwall of the McKinleyville thrust fault in Humboldt County, California, and a strongly-cemented sandstone from the hanging wall of the Moab Fault in Moab, Utah. The permeability-porosity trends are similar for all samples, with permeability decreasing systematically with increasing effective stress and decreasing porosity. The permeability of the host material is consistently >1 order of magnitude greater than the shear bands for both localities. For the unconsolidated case, shear bands are less permeable and stiffer than the host material, whereas for the consolidated case, shear bands are slightly less permeable, and wave speeds are slower than in the host. We attribute the differences between the McKinleyville and Moab examples to changes in structure of the nearby host material that accompanied formation of the shear band

    Evolution of elastic and mechanical properties during fault shear. The roles of clay content, fabric development, and porosity

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    Phyllosilicates weaken faults due to the formation of shear fabrics. Although the impacts of clay abundance and fabric on frictional strength, sliding stability, and porosity of faults are well studied, their influence on elastic properties is less known, though they are key factors for fault stiffness. We document the role that fabric and consolidation play in elastic properties and show that smectite content is the most important factor determining whether fabric or porosity controls the elastic response of faults. We conducted a suite of shear experiments on synthetic smectite-quartz fault gouges (10–100 wt% smectite) and sediment incoming to the Sumatra subduction zone. We monitored Vp, Vs, friction, porosity, shear and bulk moduli. We find that mechanical and elastic properties for gouges with abundant smectite are almost entirely controlled by fabric formation (decreasing mechanical and elastic properties with shear). Though fabrics control the elastic response of smectite-poor gouges over intermediate shear strains, porosity is the primary control throughout the majority of shearing. Elastic properties vary systematically with smectite content: High smectite gouges have values of Vp ~ 1,300–1,800 m/s, Vs ~ 900–1,100 m/s, K ~ 1–4 GPa, and G ~ 1–2 GPa, and low smectite gouges have values of Vp ~ 2,300–2,500 m/s, Vs ~ 1,200–1,300 m/s, K ~ 5–8 GPa, and G ~ 2.5–3 GPa. We find that, even in smectite-poor gouges, shear fabric also affects stiffness and elastic moduli, implying that while smectite abundance plays a clear role in controlling gouge properties, other fine-grained and platy clay minerals may produce similar behavior through their control on the development of fabrics and thin shear surfaces

    Breakdown pressure and fracture surface morphology of hydraulic fracturing in shale with H2O, CO2 and N2

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    Slick-water fracturing is the most routine form of well stimulation in shales; however N2, LPG and CO2 have all been used as “exotic” stimulants in various hydrocarbon reservoirs. We explore the use of these gases as stimulants on Green River shale to compare the form and behavior of fractures in shale driven by different gas compositions and states and indexed by breakdown pressure and the resulting morphology of the fracture networks. Fracturing is completed on cylindrical samples containing a single blind axial borehole under simple triaxial conditions with confining pressure ranging from 10 to 25 MPa and axial stress ranging from 0 to 35 MPa (σ1 > σ2 = σ3). Results show that: (1) under the same stress conditions, CO2 returns the highest breakdown pressure, followed by N2, and with H2O exhibiting the lowest breakdown pressure; (2) CO2 fracturing, compared to other fracturing fluids, creates nominally the most complex fracturing patterns as well as the roughest fracture surface and with the greatest apparent local damage followed by H2O and then N2; (3) under conditions of constant injection rate, the CO2 pressure build-up record exhibits condensation between ~5 and 7 MPa and transits from gas to liquid through a mixed-phase region rather than directly to liquid as for H2O and N2 which do not; (4) there is a positive correlation between minimum principal stress and breakdown pressure for failure both by transverse fracturing (σ3axial) and by longitudinal fracturing (σ3radial) for each fracturing fluid with CO2 having the highest correlation coefficient/slope and lowest for H2O. We explain these results in terms of a mechanistic understanding of breakdown, and through correlations with the specific properties of the stimulating fluids

    Frictional and lithological controls on shallow slow slip at the Northern Hikurangi Margin

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    Slow slip events (SSEs) have been identified at subduction zones globally as an important link in the continuum between elastodynamic ruptures and stable creep. The northern Hikurangi margin is home to shallow SSEs which propagate to within 2 km of the seafloor and possibly to the trench, providing insights into the physical conditions conducive to SSE behavior. We report on a suite of friction experiments performed on protolith material entering the SSE source region at the Hikurangi margin, collected during the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 375. We performed velocity stepping and slide-hold-slide experiments over a range of fault slip rates, from plate rate (5 cm/yr or 1.6 × 10−9 m/s) to ∼1 mm/s (10−3 m/s) and quantified the frictional velocity dependence and healing rates for a range of lithologies atdifferent stresses. The frictional velocity dependence (a-b) and critical slip distance DC increase with fault slip rate in our experiments. We observe atransition from velocity weakening to strengthening at slip rates of ∼0.3 µm/s. This velocity dependence of DC could be due to a combination of dilatant strengthening and a widening of the active shear zone at higher slip rates. We document low healing rates in the clay-rich volcaniclastic conglomerates, which lie above the incoming plate basement at least locally, and relatively higher healing rates in the chalk lithology. Finally, our experimental constraints on healing rates in different input lithologies extrapolated to timescales of 1–10 years are consistent with the geodetically inferred low stress drops and healing rates characteristic of the Hikurangi SSEs

    HD 69686: A Mysterious High Velocity B Star

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    We report on the discovery of a high velocity B star, HD 69686. We estimate its space velocity, distance, surface temperature, gravity, and age. With these data, we are able to reconstruct the trajectory of the star and to trace it back to its birthplace. We use evolutionary tracks for single stars to estimate that HD 69686 was born 73 Myr ago in the outer part of our Galaxy (r12r \sim 12 kpc) at a position well below the Galactic plane (z1.8z \sim -1.8 kpc), a very unusual birthplace for a B star. Along the star's projected path in the sky, we also find about 12 other stars having similar proper motions, and their photometry data suggest that they are located at the same distance as HD 69686 and probably have the same age. We speculate on the origin of this group by star formation in a high velocity cloud or as a Galactic merger fragment.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap