1,608 research outputs found

    Ujian Nasional sebagai Cermin Mutu Pendidikan dan Pemersatu Bangsa

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    Tujuan studi ini adalah menjawab pertanyaan apakah ujian nasional dapat menjadi pemersatu bangsa dan apakah hasil UN dapat mencerminkan mutu pendidikan secara nasional. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pelaku pendidikan di Banda Aceh Provinsi Aceh tahun 2014, dengan sampel sebanyak 78 responden yang terdiri dari 24 siswa SMAN dan 27 siswa MAN, 19 guru SMAN dan MAN, 8 pejabat di lingkungan Dikbud termasuk kepala sekolah SMAN dan MAN. Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif diperoleh hasil, pertama, responden yang menyatakan setuju UN sebagai pemersatu bangsa adalah 79,5%, sedangkan responden yang menyatakan tidak setuju adalah 20,5%. Kedua, responden yang menyatakan bahwa hasil UN dapat mencerminkan mutu pendidikan secara nasional adalah 59%, sedangkan responden yang menyatakan tidak adalah 41%. Berdasarkan hasil studi disimpulkan bahwa Ujian Nasional sudah menjadi perekat bangsa dan mencerminkan mutu pendidikan walaupun belum maksimal

    Antara Biografi Dan Historiografi (Studi 36 Buku Biografi Di Indonesia )

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    The writing of the religious leaders in Indonesia ranks the second after political figures ones. This ranking is the result of Gerry van Klinken\u27 research on biographies writings in Indonesia from1950 to 2000 as many as 2,629 books . As the domain of science history , the quantity of writing biographies have not shown the quality of historiography. A total of 36 biography books that the writer analyzed using prevalence history method found out four historiographical issues. First, in the writing of character\u27s biography about his life has an impact on a critical attitude gap between academic interests of biographer and psychological pressure from mainstream figures who has written. Second, there is a plurality of the biographer rated from reporter, historians, scholars and experts from various professions with their own characteristics of literacy. Third, a biography written by historian is more scientific which shows the portion of the balance in the selection of figures, while the non- historian biographer is more interested in contemporary issues and prefer well-known figures. A variety of professions of the biographer is one of a consequences of the biography writing that much or even related to historiography

    Potret Jalaluddin Al-suyuti Sebagai Seorang Sejarawan

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    Tulisan ini mendiskusikan salah salah satu pemikir paling prolifik dalam tradisi pemikiran Islam, yakni Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (1445 -1505 M), sosok yang memiliki kepakaran dalam berbagai macam disiplin ilmu. Meski demikian, ia hanya terlatih dalam lingkar ilmu-ilmu tradisional (al-‘ulum al-naqliyyah) dan dengan tegas menolak ilmu-ilmu rasional (al-‘ulum al-‘aqliyyah). Salah satu bidang kajian yang menjadi kepakarannya adalah sejarah (fann altarikh). Hal ini dibutikan lewat beberapa karya sejarah yang ia tulis mencakup literatur t}abaqat (prosopografi), tarikhhauliyyat (kronografi), dan ‘ilm al-tarikh (ilmu sejarah). Mendiskusikan alSuyuti sebagai seorang sejarawan menjadi hal yang menarik mengingat kepakaran tersebut berasal dari genealogi tradisionalis. Tulisan ini secara khusus memotret profil al-Suyuti sebagai seorang sejarawan dengan melakukan kajian bibliografis atas karya-karyanya serta analisis genealogis terhadap kepakarannya dalam kajian sejarah

    Central Bank Transparency in Indonesia: a Law and Economic Perspective

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    This paper studies the manner in which central bank transparency has been implemented in Indonesia, and the impact of transparency on the central bank\u27s performance in achieving its goals. First, a normative analysis is conducted to seek the regulatory framework for central bank transparency. Secondly, a performance analysis is carried out to observe the extent to which central bank transparency has been implemented in Indonesia, and the impact it brings on the central bank\u27s performance in conducting monetary policy. Finally, an International practice analysis is performed to set a benchmark based on the manner in which transparency has been implemented by other central banks

    Strategi Rumah Sakit Dalam Menghadapi Krisis Public Relations Menurut Perspektif Fiqh Muamalat

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    The hospital is a complex organization and That Is Solid BECAUSE nature of capital, Solid Labor, Technology and ALSO Solid Solid problems. The hospital is a place of health promotion, prevention and cure of disease, improving health and Recovery Patients Performed multi-Discipline BY VARIOUS Posted professionally educated and trained group of Discipline concerning medical, legal, economic, social, and management. Consumer complaints against hospitals, CAN cause problems For hospitals The AS is known crisis public relations. A crisis can be defned as Extraordinary Events OR circuit events affecting the integrity of products, as well as the organization's reputation Financial Stability, OR From the worker's health, community, public OR IN area. Step Management of Crisis PR include (1) MAKE draft development strategy Management of Crisis PR (aktiitas Preparation, directing conduct, a statement holding prepare, prepare PT response, development of strategies to prepare Intermediaries Media.), (2) Implementation Phase (do Communication storey, alternative location determining, updating statement holds). Public Relations Management Activity husband studied CAN BE Fiqh Muamalat through Law Shulhu OR mediation

    Shadow-free multimers as extreme-performance meta-atoms

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    We generalize the concept of parity-time symmetric structures with the goal to create meta-atoms exhibiting extraordinary abilities to overcome the presumed limitations in the scattering of overall lossless particles, such as non-zero forward scattering and the equality of scattering and extinction powers for all lossless particles. Although the forward scattering amplitude and the extinction cross section of our proposed meta-atoms vanish, they scatter incident energy into other directions, with controllable directionality. These meta-atoms possess extreme electromagnetic properties not achievable for passive scatterers. As an example, we study meta-atoms consisting of two or three small dipole scatters. We consider possible microwave realizations in the form of short dipole antennas loaded by lumped elements. The proposed meta-atom empowers extraordinary response of a shadow-free scatterer and theoretically enables most unusual material properties when used as a building block of an artificial medium.Comment: 14 pages, 9 Figure
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