5 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (Man) 4 Karawang Berbasis Web

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    The development of web-based information technology is currently increasing. One of them is the website. The website has the advantage that all the information you want can be easily and cheaply obtained. Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Rengasdengklok or now known as MAN 4 Karawang currently processing academic data, especially in processing grades is still very simple, namely only with Microsoft Excel. The presence of this academic information system is expected to help teachers and students get academic information more quickly, easily and cheaply. In building this system the writer uses the waterfall methodology. The design and implementation were carried out with the Dreamweaver programming language and PHP and the database used by PhpMyAdmin. With this academic information system, hopefully it can help to support school performance, especially for processing academic data

    Penerapan Metode Rapid Application Development dalam Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Web

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    SMA Panca Moral Cikampek merupakan suatu perwujudan dalam membentuk, mendidik genarasi muda bangsa Indonesia. Semakin bertambahnya jumlah siswa setiap tahunnya, dituntut ketepatan dan ketelitian dalam memberikan suatu informasi yang akurat dan tepat kepada siswa tanpa adanya Perulangan data atau informasi yang sama. SMA Panca Moral Cikampek sangat membutuhkan adanya sebuah sistem yang dapat menunjang dalam proses penyajian informasi akademik. Untuk menangani masalah tersebut maka dibutuhkan suatu sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Web Pada SMA Panca Moral Cikampek sebagai salah satu solusi untuk memberikan sebuah informasi secara akurat, cepat dan tepat. Sistem informasi akademik yang ditawarkan dapat mengelola mengenai informasi akademik baik data absensi siswa, absen mengajar masuk dan absen mengajar guru, mengelola data nilai, jadwal pelajaran, jadwal mengajar guru, serta dapat menerbitkan informasi-informasi yang berhubungan dengan akademik. Pengembangan sistem informasi akademik berbasis web ini menggunakan metode rapid application development(RAD), model pengembangan ini digunakan karena model ini dianggap model dengan mengutamakan waktu, sehingga pengerjaannya relatif singkat sehingga dengan adanya pengembangan sistem informasi ini dapat berguna dalam memberikan kemudahan baik pelajar maupun kepada pengajar

    Komparasi Algoritma Naive Bayes dengan Algoritma Genetika pada Analisis Sentimen Pengguna Busway

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    Congestion major cities in Indonesi caused by the proliferation of the use of private vehicles. Some expressing he thinks about busway user through the social media and other web site, This opinion can be used as a sentiment analysis to see if the user busway proposes a review of positive or negative. The results of the analysis sentiment can help in the sight of and evaluate the use of busway, also expected to improve and transjakarta facility from so they tend to have an opinion positive. Based on the results of the analysis, sentiment it is hoped people will switch to using the will of course will reduce congestion. In the study also added the stages preprocesing by using the framework gataframework to complete the process that cannot be done on tools rapidminer. The methodology that was used in this research was it is anticipated that analysis the sentiment of the by the application of an genetic algorithm for an election features with an algorithm naive bayes. From the results of the testing to the case in research it is found that classification algorithm naive bayes based genetic algorithm having the kind of accuracy that good enough 88,55 % and value of auc reached 0,813 % with the level of the diagnosis classifications good. So that in this research classification algorithm naive bayes based genetic algorithm can be recommended as algorithms classifications good enough to analyze the busway user sentimen. Based on analysis is expected to private transport users will switch to using the busway will reduce congestio