188 research outputs found

    LL_\infty-Algebras, the BV Formalism, and Classical Fields

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    We summarise some of our recent works on LL_\infty-algebras and quasi-groups with regard to higher principal bundles and their applications in twistor theory and gauge theory. In particular, after a lightning review of LL_\infty-algebras, we discuss their Maurer-Cartan theory and explain that any classical field theory admitting an action can be reformulated in this context with the help of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. As examples, we explore higher Chern-Simons theory and Yang-Mills theory. We also explain how these ideas can be combined with those of twistor theory to formulate maximally superconformal gauge theories in four and six dimensions by means of LL_\infty-quasi-isomorphisms, and we propose a twistor space action.Comment: 19 pages, Contribution to Proceedings of LMS/EPSRC Durham Symposium Higher Structures in M-Theory, August 201

    Quantization of Flag Manifolds and their Supersymmetric Extensions

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    We first review the description of flag manifolds in terms of Pluecker coordinates and coherent states. Using this description, we construct fuzzy versions of the algebra of functions on these spaces in both operatorial and star product language. Our main focus is here on flag manifolds appearing in the double fibration underlying the most common twistor correspondences. After extending the Pluecker description to certain supersymmetric cases, we also obtain the appropriate deformed algebra of functions on a number of fuzzy flag supermanifolds. In particular, fuzzy versions of Calabi-Yau supermanifolds are found

    'Schwinger Model' on the Fuzzy Sphere

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    In this paper, we construct a model of spinor fields interacting with specific gauge fields on fuzzy sphere and analyze the chiral symmetry of this 'Schwinger model'. In constructing the theory of gauge fields interacting with spinors on fuzzy sphere, we take the approach that the Dirac operator DqD_q on q-deformed fuzzy sphere SqF2S_{qF}^2 is the gauged Dirac operator on fuzzy sphere. This introduces interaction between spinors and specific one parameter family of gauge fields. We also show how to express the field strength for this gauge field in terms of the Dirac operators DqD_q and DD alone. Using the path integral method, we have calculated the 2n2n-point functions of this model and show that, in general, they do not vanish, reflecting the chiral non-invariance of the partition function.Comment: Minor changes, typos corrected, 18 pages, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Super Calabi-Yau's and Special Lagrangians

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    We apply mirror symmetry to the super Calabi-Yau manifold CP^{(n|n+1)} and show that the mirror can be recast in a form which depends only on the superdimension and which is reminiscent of a generalized conifold. We discuss its geometrical properties in comparison to the familiar conifold geometry. In the second part of the paper examples of special-Lagrangian submanifolds are constructed for a class of super Calabi-Yau's. We finally comment on their infinitesimal deformations.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, latex; v2: references added; v3: minor clarifications added, version published in JHE

    Towards an M5-Brane Model II:Metric String Structures

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    In this paper, we develop the mathematical formulation of metric string structures. These play a crucial role in the formulation of certain six-dimensional superconformal field theories and we believe that they also underlie potential future formulations of the (2,0)-theory. We show that the connections on non-abelian gerbes usually introduced in the literature are problematic in that they are locally gauge equivalent to connections on abelian gerbes. Connections on string structures form an exception and we introduce the general concept of an adjusted Weil algebra leading to potentially interacting connections on higher principal bundles. Considering a special case, we derive the metric extension of string structures and the corresponding adjusted Weil algebra. The latter lead to connections that were previously constructed by hand in the context of gauged supergravities. We also explain how the Leibniz algebras induced by an embedding tensor in gauged supergravities fit into our picture.Comment: v2: 70 pages, presentation improved, typos fixed, published versio

    Quantization of Magnetic Poisson Structures:LMS/EPSRC Durham Symposium on Higher Structures in M-Theory

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    We describe three perspectives on higher quantization, using the example of magnetic Poisson structures which embody recent discussions of nonassociativity in quantum mechanics with magnetic monopoles and string theory with non-geometric fluxes. We survey approaches based on deformation quantization of twisted Poisson structures, symplectic realization of almost symplectic structures, and geometric quantization using 2-Hilbert spaces of sections of suitable bundle gerbes. We compare and contrast these perspectives, describing their advantages and shortcomings in each case, and mention many open avenues for investigation.Comment: 13 pages, Contribution to Proceedings of LMS/EPSRC Durham Symposium Higher Structures in M-Theory, August 201

    Matrix Models and D-branes in Twistor String Theory

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    We construct two matrix models from twistor string theory: one by dimensional reduction onto a rational curve and another one by introducing noncommutative coordinates on the fibres of the supertwistor space P^(3|4)->CP^1. We comment on the interpretation of our matrix models in terms of topological D-branes and relate them to a recently proposed string field theory. By extending one of the models, we can carry over all the ingredients of the super ADHM construction to a D-brane configuration in the supertwistor space P^(3|4). Eventually, we present the analogue picture for the (super) Nahm construction.Comment: 1+37 pages, reference added, JHEP style, published versio

    Drinfeld-Twisted Supersymmetry and Non-Anticommutative Superspace

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    We extend the analysis of hep-th/0408069 on a Lorentz invariant interpretation of noncommutative spacetime to field theories on non-anticommutative superspace with half the supersymmetries broken. By defining a Drinfeld-twisted Hopf superalgebra, it is shown that one can restore twisted supersymmetry and therefore obtain a twisted version of the chiral rings along with certain Ward-Takahashi identities. Moreover, we argue that the representation content of theories on the deformed superspace is identical to that of their undeformed cousins and comment on the consequences of our analysis concerning non-renormalization theorems.Comment: 1+17 pages; typos fixed, minor correction

    Fuzzy Scalar Field Theory as a Multitrace Matrix Model

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    We develop an analytical approach to scalar field theory on the fuzzy sphere based on considering a perturbative expansion of the kinetic term. This expansion allows us to integrate out the angular degrees of freedom in the hermitian matrices encoding the scalar field. The remaining model depends only on the eigenvalues of the matrices and corresponds to a multitrace hermitian matrix model. Such a model can be solved by standard techniques as e.g. the saddle-point approximation. We evaluate the perturbative expansion up to second order and present the one-cut solution of the saddle-point approximation in the large N limit. We apply our approach to a model which has been proposed as an appropriate regularization of scalar field theory on the plane within the framework of fuzzy geometry.Comment: 1+25 pages, replaced with published version, minor improvement

    Gauge symmetries of strings in supertwistor space

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    Recently we have considered supertwistor reformulation of the D=4 N=1,2 superstring action that comprises Newman-Penrose dyad components and is classically equivalent to the Green-Schwarz one. It was shown that in the covariant kappa-symmetry gauge the supertwistor representation of the string action simplifies. Here we analyze its Hamiltonian formulation, classify the constraints on the phase-space variables, and find the covariant set of generators of the gauge symmetries. Quantum symmetries of the supertwistor representation of the string action are examined applying the world-sheet CFT technique. Considered are various generalizations of the model from the perspective of their possible relation to known twistor superstring models.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX; v.2 minor changes in the text, references added, misprints correcte