50 research outputs found

    Kernel learning over the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices for dimensionality reduction in a BCI application

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    In this paper, we propose a kernel for nonlinear dimensionality reduction over the manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices in a Motor Imagery (MI)-based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) application. The proposed kernel, which is based on Riemannian geometry, tries to preserve the topology of data points in the feature space. Topology preservation is the main challenge in nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLDR). Our main idea is to decrease the non-Euclidean characteristics of the manifold by modifying the volume elements. We apply a conformal transform over data-dependent isometric mapping to reduce the negative eigen fraction to learn a data dependent kernel over the Riemannian manifolds. Multiple experiments were carried out using the proposed kernel for a dimensionality reduction of SPD matrices that describe the EEG signals of dataset IIa from BCI competition IV. The experiments show that this kernel adapts to the input data and leads to promising results in comparison with the most popular manifold learning methods and the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) technique as a reference algorithm in BCI competitions. The proposed kernel is strong, particularly in the cases where data points have a complex and nonlinear separable distribution

    Semi-supervised classification in stratified spaces by considering non-interior points using Laplacian behavior

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    Manifold-based semi-supervised classifiers have attracted increasing interest in recent years. However, they suffer from over learning of locality and cannot be applied to the point cloud sampled from a stratified space. This problem is resolved in this paper by using the fact that the smoothness assump- tion must be satisfied with the interior points of the manifolds and may be violated in the non-interior points. Distinction of interior and non-interior points is based on the behavior of graph Laplacian in the �-neighborhood of the intersection points. First, this property was generalized to K NN graph representing the stratified space and then a new algorithm was proposed that penalizes the smoothness on the non- interior points of the manifolds by modifying the edge weights of the graph. Compared to some recent multi-manifold semi-supervised classifiers, the proposed method does not require neither knowing the dimensions of the manifolds nor large amount of unlabeled points to estimate the underling manifolds and does not assume similar properties for neighbors of all data points. Some experiments have been conducted in order to show that it improves the classification accuracy on a number of artificial and real benchmark data sets

    Improving Learning Automata based Particle Swarm: An optimization algorithm

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    Optimization (PSO) algorithms have been recently developed, with the best aim of escaping from local minima. One of these recent variations is PSO-LA model which employs a Learning Automata (LA) that controls the velocity of the particle. Another variation of PSO enables particles to dynamically search through global and local space. This paper presents a Dynamic Global and Local Combined Particle Swarm Optimization based on a 3-action Learning Automata (DPSOLA). The embedded learning automaton accumulates the information from individuals, local best and global best particles then combines them to navigate the particle through the problem space. The proposed algorithm has been tested on eight benchmark functions with different dimensions. The work is unique from its test bed; evaluations contain large population size (150) and high dimension (150). The results show that, fitness and convergence pace is better than traditional PSO, DGLCPSO and previous PSO based LA algorithms. I

    Self-supervised Vector-Quantization in Visual SLAM using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders

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    In this paper, we introduce AE-FABMAP, a new self-supervised bag of words-based SLAM method. We also present AE-ORB-SLAM, a modified version of the current state of the art BoW-based path planning algorithm. That is, we have used a deep convolutional autoencoder to find loop closures. In the context of bag of words visual SLAM, vector quantization (VQ) is considered as the most time-consuming part of the SLAM procedure, which is usually performed in the offline phase of the SLAM algorithm using unsupervised algorithms such as Kmeans++. We have addressed the loop closure detection part of the BoW-based SLAM methods in a self-supervised manner, by integrating an autoencoder for doing vector quantization. This approach can increase the accuracy of large-scale SLAM, where plenty of unlabeled data is available. The main advantage of using a self-supervised is that it can help reducing the amount of labeling. Furthermore, experiments show that autoencoders are far more efficient than semi-supervised methods like graph convolutional neural networks, in terms of speed and memory consumption. We integrated this method into the state of the art long range appearance based visual bag of word SLAM, FABMAP2, also in ORB-SLAM. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of this approach in indoor and outdoor datasets over regular FABMAP2 in all cases, and it achieves higher accuracy in loop closure detection and trajectory generation

    Semi-supervised Vector-Quantization in Visual SLAM using HGCN

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    In this paper, two semi-supervised appearance based loop closure detection technique, HGCN-FABMAP and HGCN-BoW are introduced. Furthermore an extension to the current state of the art localization SLAM algorithm, ORB-SLAM, is presented. The proposed HGCN-FABMAP method is implemented in an off-line manner incorporating Bayesian probabilistic schema for loop detection decision making. Specifically, we let a Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Neural Network (HGCN) to operate over the SURF features graph space, and perform vector quantization part of the SLAM procedure. This part previously was performed in an unsupervised manner using algorithms like HKmeans, kmeans++,..etc. The main Advantage of using HGCN, is that it scales linearly in number of graph edges. Experimental results shows that HGCN-FABMAP algorithm needs far more cluster centroids than HGCN-ORB, otherwise it fails to detect loop closures. Therefore we consider HGCN-ORB to be more efficient in terms of memory consumption, also we conclude the superiority of HGCN-BoW and HGCN-FABMAP with respect to other algorithms

    Adaptive spectrum transformation by topology preserving on indefinite proximity data

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    Similarity-based representation generates indefinite matrices, which are inconsistent with classical kernel-based learning frameworks. In this paper, we present an adaptive spectrum transformation method that provides a positive semidefinite ( psd ) kernel consistent with the intrinsic geometry of proximity data. In the proposed method, an indefinite similarity matrix is rectified by maximizing the Euclidian fac- tor ( EF ) criterion, which represents the similarity of the resulting feature space to Euclidean space. This maximization is achieved by modifying volume elements through applying a conformal transform over the similarity matrix. We performed several experiments to evaluate the performance of the proposed method in comparison with flip, clip, shift , and square spectrum transformation techniques on similarity matrices. Applying the resulting psd matrices as kernels in dimensionality reduction and clustering problems confirms the success of the proposed approach in adapting to data and preserving its topological information. Our experiments show that in classification applications, the superiority of the proposed method is considerable when the negative eigenfraction of the similarity matrix is significant

    3D Motion Reconstruction from 2D Motion Data Using Multimodal Conditional Deep Belief Network

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    In this paper, we propose a deep generative model named Multimodal Conditional Deep Belief Network (MCDBN) for cross-modal learning of 3D motion data and their non-injective 2D projections on the image plane. This model has a three sectional structure, which learns conditional probability distribution of 3D motion data given 2D projections. Two distinct Conditional Deep Belief Networks (CDBNs), encode the real-valued spatiotemporal patterns of 2D and 3D motion time series captured from subjects’ movements into the compact representations. The third part includes a Multimodal Restricted Boltzmann Machines (MRBMs) which in the training process, learns the relationship between the compact representations of data modalities by variation information criteria. As a result, conditioned on a 2D motion data obtained from a video, MCDBN can regenerate 3D motion data in generation phase. We introduce Pearson correlation coefficient of ground truth and regenerated motion signals as a new evaluation metric in motion reconstruction problems. The model is trained with human motion capture data and the results show that the real and the regenerated signals are highly correlated which means the model can reproduce dynamical patterns of motion accurately

    Semantic Relation Extraction: A Review of Approaches, Datasets, and Evaluation Methods With Looking at the Methods and Datasets in the Persian Language

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    A large volume of unstructured data, especially text data, is generated and exchanged daily. Consequently, the importance of extracting patterns and discovering knowledge from textual data is significantly increasing. As the task of automatically recognizing the relations between two or more entities, semantic relation extraction has a prominent role in the exploitation of raw text. This article surveys different approaches and types of relation extraction in English and the most prominent proposed methods in Persian. We also introduce, analyze, and compare the most important datasets available for relation extraction in Persian and English. Furthermore, traditional and emerging evaluation metrics for supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised methods are described, along with pointers to commonly used performance evaluation datasets. Finally, we briefly describe challenges in extracting relationships in Persian and English and dataset creation challenges

    Condition Monitoring of an Industrial Oil Pump Using a Learning Based Technique

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    This paper proposes an efficient learning based approach to detect the faults of an industrial oil pump. The proposed method uses the wavelet transform and genetic algorithm (GA) ensemble for an optimal feature extraction procedure. Optimal features, which are dominated through this method, can remarkably represent the mechanical faults in the damaged machine. For the aim of condition monitoring, we considered five common types of malfunctions such as casing distortion, cavitation, looseness, misalignment, and unbalanced mass that occur during the machine operation. The proposed technique can determine optimal wavelet parameters and suitable statistical functions to exploit excellent features via an appropriate distance criterion function. Moreover, our optimization algorithm chooses the most appropriate feature submatrix to improve the final accuracy in an iterative method. As a case study, the proposed algorithms are applied to experimental data gathered from an industrial heavy-duty oil pump installed in Arak Oil Refinery Company. The experimental results are very promising