291 research outputs found

    Optimal Auctions vs. Anonymous Pricing

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    For selling a single item to agents with independent but non-identically distributed values, the revenue optimal auction is complex. With respect to it, Hartline and Roughgarden (2009) showed that the approximation factor of the second-price auction with an anonymous reserve is between two and four. We consider the more demanding problem of approximating the revenue of the ex ante relaxation of the auction problem by posting an anonymous price (while supplies last) and prove that their worst-case ratio is e. As a corollary, the upper-bound of anonymous pricing or anonymous reserves versus the optimal auction improves from four to ee. We conclude that, up to an ee factor, discrimination and simultaneity are unimportant for driving revenue in single-item auctions.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, To appear in 56th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2015

    Using Photorealistic Face Synthesis and Domain Adaptation to Improve Facial Expression Analysis

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    Cross-domain synthesizing realistic faces to learn deep models has attracted increasing attention for facial expression analysis as it helps to improve the performance of expression recognition accuracy despite having small number of real training images. However, learning from synthetic face images can be problematic due to the distribution discrepancy between low-quality synthetic images and real face images and may not achieve the desired performance when the learned model applies to real world scenarios. To this end, we propose a new attribute guided face image synthesis to perform a translation between multiple image domains using a single model. In addition, we adopt the proposed model to learn from synthetic faces by matching the feature distributions between different domains while preserving each domain's characteristics. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on several face datasets on generating realistic face images. We demonstrate that the expression recognition performance can be enhanced by benefiting from our face synthesis model. Moreover, we also conduct experiments on a near-infrared dataset containing facial expression videos of drivers to assess the performance using in-the-wild data for driver emotion recognition.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables, accepted by FG 2019. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1905.0028

    Learn to synthesize and synthesize to learn

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    Attribute guided face image synthesis aims to manipulate attributes on a face image. Most existing methods for image-to-image translation can either perform a fixed translation between any two image domains using a single attribute or require training data with the attributes of interest for each subject. Therefore, these methods could only train one specific model for each pair of image domains, which limits their ability in dealing with more than two domains. Another disadvantage of these methods is that they often suffer from the common problem of mode collapse that degrades the quality of the generated images. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose attribute guided face image generation method using a single model, which is capable to synthesize multiple photo-realistic face images conditioned on the attributes of interest. In addition, we adopt the proposed model to increase the realism of the simulated face images while preserving the face characteristics. Compared to existing models, synthetic face images generated by our method present a good photorealistic quality on several face datasets. Finally, we demonstrate that generated facial images can be used for synthetic data augmentation, and improve the performance of the classifier used for facial expression recognition.Comment: Accepted to Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU

    Split pond design and the use of Nano TiO2 for stormwater quality improvement

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    This research was proposed to enhance stormwater quality due to limited freshwater resources considering water crisis and global warming and public health. Applied treatment methods to improve quality of stormwater; as a source of freshwater; especially in detention ponds are not good enough and problems related to using contaminated water is increasing. The research contains two new concepts in detention pond designation for outflow quality improvement. First flush separation using a channel-partition filled with stratified sand filter inside the pond for suspended solids removal maximization, and second applying immobilized Nano-TiO2 concrete mixture as a cover on the partitions and pond body for its contamination removal and oxidation abilities fruition. The photo-degradation of COD, phosphate and nitrate in stormwater in the photocatalytic reactor wet detention pond using Nano titanium dioxide (TiO2) was investigated in the presence of natural ultraviolet (UV) from tropical sunlight in Malaysia. The observations were compared to regular pond at scale model in UTM laboratory. Two forms of TiO2 Nano powders (Anatase with average diameter of 25 nm and Rutile 100 nm Nano particles) were used in the two different types of concrete that is used ordinary portland and white cement. For weightage optimization purpose they were mixed at three different mixtures of 3%, 10% and 30% of Nano-TiO2 weightage and cement as a thin cover to surround the body of the pond and partitions. Experiments with and without the catalyst were carried out for comparison and control. “Results revealed that applying the channel partition can physically increase the TSS removal rate up to 92%. More over utilization of various weight of Nano-TiO2 in average can chemically reduce phosphate, nitrate and COD up to 40%, 11%, and 43% within two days and 83%, 30% and 68% within three weeks, respectively'

    Influence of the Loading Condition on Single Grain Crushing in DEM Simulation

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    Grain crushing is of essential importance for understanding the mechanical behavior of granular materials such as sand, gravel or broken rock under higher pressures. In order to investigate the breakage mechanism of a single grain under different loading conditions, numerical simulations are carried out using DEM. Two different types of boundary conditions are considered to apply displacement-controlled load: loading using platens and loading by uncrushable macro-grains. A 2D crushable macro-grain is built up from a large number of micro-grains which are connected with respect to breakable parallel-bond properties. The response of the crushable macro-grain for different coordination numbers and location of the contact points is discussed. The numerical results show that the type of loading condition can influence the loading capacity and fragmentation patterns of the crushable macro-grain

    Effective reduction of stiffness at peak frequency in hydraulic engine mounts by using magneto-rheological fluids

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    Hydraulic engine mounts are generally used in aerospace and automotive applications for the purpose of cabin noise and vibration reduction. By careful selection of hydraulic mount design parameters, at a certain frequency, namely the notch frequency, the dynamic stiffness will be smaller than the static stiffness and cabin vibration and noise reduction is provided at that frequency. Literature review indicates that in all previous designs of hydraulic engine mounts the dynamic stiffness increases after the notch frequency. This phenomenon undesirable because of the increase in the force transmitted to the cabin. This paper proposes a new hydraulic engine mount that uses two working fluids. The new design has two notch frequencies and two peak frequencies. In this study, effective reduction of the peak frequencies has been demonstrated by using a controllable fluid as one of the working fluids and a non-controllable fluid as the second working fluid. As a result, one can obtain a hydraulic engine mount design with only one notch frequency but having no peak frequency. The new hydraulic engine mount design and its mathematical model are presented in detail and some discussions on the simulation results are provided

    Quality of Service Provisioning for Voice Application over Wlans

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    Résumé Aujourd'hui, les réseaux locaux sans fils WLANs (en anglais Wireless Local Area Networks) sont de plus en plus déployés en raison de leur facilité d'installation et de leur faible coûts. Le standard IEEE (en anglais Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 802.11 définit les caractéristiques des réseaux locaux sans fil WLANs. Alors que la première norme proposée pouvait soutenir un débit de données jusqu'à 2 Mbps, dans les versions récentes de la norme 802.11, des débits de données pouvant atteindre jusqu'à 200 Mbps seront pris en charge dans les réseaux sans fil de prochaine génération. Garantir les besoins de QoS (en anglais Quality of Service) est un défi considérable pour les réseaux WLAN, en particulier pour les applications multimédia. Vu que largeur de bande disponible dans les réseaux sans fil est limitée, la bande passante supportant la QoS ne peut être facilement augmentée. Cependant, les protocoles efficaces capables de satisfaire la qualité de service doivent être conçus pour améliorer l'utilisation des ressources dans les réseaux. Le protocole de la couche MAC (en anglais Medium Access Control) affecte fondamentalement les paramètres QoS. Le contrôle d'admission est également un élément essentiel pour la qualité de service dans les réseaux locaux sans fil. Ca projet a pour objectif de modéliser et analyser la couche MAC et contrôler l'admission dans des réseaux locaux sans fil 802.11 avec infrastructure basée sur le mécanisme DCF (en anglais Distributed Coordination Function). Bien que notre objectif général est de garantir les besoins de QoS des applications multimédias sur les réseaux sans fil, nous avons répondu à plusieurs questions importantes telles que la modélisation de la couche MAC, l'évaluation de la QoS et le contrôle d'admission. La première contribution de cette recherche est de proposer un cadre analytique qui prend en compte la direction du trafic en mode infrastructure non saturé. Contrairement aux recherches antérieures, dans l'analyse proposée la probabilité de collision d'un paquet transmis par chaque station sans fil en liaison ascendante est différente de la probabilité de collision pour les paquets qui sont transmis à partir du point d'accès en liaison descendante. Ce modèle de distinction entre les modèles backoff par station en liaison ascendante et en liaison descendante est capable d'exprimer la performance MAC en termes de nombre de stations sans fil et plusieurs paramètres système tels que la taille de la fenêtre de contention, le nombre maximum d'étapes backoff, la taille du tampon à la couche MAC, ainsi que les paramètres de trafic tels que les durées de conversation, le silence et le taux d'arrivée. Contrairement aux études précédentes, nous appliquons deux groupes d'équations, un groupe est défini pour la station sans fil et l'autre pour le point d'accès. ----------Abstract Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) are widely deployed nowadays because of their low cost and convenient implementation. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 series standards define the specifications for such networks. While the first proposed standard could support a data rate up to 2 Mbps, in the recent upgraded versions of the standard data rates up to 54 Mbps are achievable and up to 200 Mbps are said to be supported in next generation WLANs. An important concern in WLANs is the support of Quality of Service (QoS), specifically for multimedia applications. Because of the limited available bandwidth in wireless networks, bandwidth cannot be easily increased to support QoS. However, efficient protocols capable of providing QoS have to be designed to improve resource utilization in networks. The Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol crucially affects the QoS parameters. Admission control is also an essential element for QoS provisioning in WLANs. Our research covers mathematical modeling and analysis of the MAC layer and admission control considering Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) in infrastructure mode of IEEE 802.11-based WLANs. While our general goal is to guarantee the QoS parameters of multimedia applications over WLANs, we address several important issues such as MAC layer modeling, QoS evaluation and admission control. The first contribution of this research is to propose an analytical framework which takes into account the traffic direction in non-saturated infrastructure mode of WLANs. Unlike previous work, in the proposed analysis the collision probability of a packet transmitted by each wireless station in the uplink direction is different from the probability of collision for the packets transmitted from the access point in the downlink direction. Our model differentiates between per-station backoff models in the uplink and downlink and is capable of expressing the MAC performance in terms of several system parameters such as contention window size, maximum number of backoff stages, size of buffer at the MAC layer, traffic parameters such as talk and silent durations and arrival rate, as well as the number of wireless stations. In contrast to the previous studies, we apply two groups of equations, one group is defined for the wireless station and the other one for the access point. These equations represent the transmission probability, probability of collision and the probability of being in the busy state in terms of the number of wireless stations, the traffic arrival rate and system parameters such as the size of the contention window and maximum number of retransmissions
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