3 research outputs found

    SiRNA Berbasis Aptamer-PLEGP1800 Enkapsulasi Chitosan : Literature Review Penatalaksanaan Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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    Triple Negative Breast Cancer  (TNBC) memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan jenis kanker payudara pada umumnya karena bersifat agresif, resisten terhadap pengobatan, proliferasi yang tinggi, dan angka harapan hidup yang rendah. Pemanfaatan siRNA spesifik silencing gen mutan p53 dan VEGF sebagai penatalaksanaan TNBC merupakan metode yang menjanjikan. Penulisan literature review ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji mekanisme dan efek klinis siRNA-Aptamer-PLEGP1800-Chitosan sebagai terapi TNBC berbasis teknologi nano. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan literature review ini adalah kajian pustaka dengan data menggunakan search engine seperti NCBI, Pubmed, dan Google Scholar sehingga ditemukan 28 jurnal yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. SiRNA akan dikonjugasi dengan aptamer dan PLEGP1800. SiRNA-Aptamer-PLEGP1800 juga akan dienkapsulasi dengan chitosan untuk meningkatkan bioavailabilitas dan melindungi senyawa di dalamnya dari degradasi serum. Efek klinis beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Silencing mut-p53 dan TNF secara bersamaan menyebabkan hilangnya viabilitas sel, serta Pemberian siRNA/PLEGP1800 nanocomplex menurunkan ekspresi gen VEGF. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa siRNA-Aptamer-PLEGP1800-Chitosan memiliki prospek yang baik sebagai penatalaksanaan TNBC

    Pretreatment Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio as a Stage Determination in Breast Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer tends to respond differently to treatments, which are usually determined by clinicopathological characteristics. Several studies evaluated the role of the peripheral blood test as diagnostic and prognostic markers in several types of solid cancer and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-tolymphocyte ratio (PLR) are two of them which already tested. However, the evidence in breast cancer is still lacking. AIM: Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the value of NLR and PLR as biomarkers concerning breast cancer stage. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted using breast cancer patients’ medical records from 2014 to 2019 at Sanglah General Hospital. The histopathological records and complete blood counts of the patients were collected and analyzed risk analysis model, receiver operator characteristics analysis, and correlation of NLR and PLR with cancer staging analysis used correlation test. RESULT: One hundred five patients data were used in this study, with 35 subjects had early-stage breast cancer while 70 subjects had an advanced stage. Breast cancer staging with NLR and PLR showed significant associations (p < 0.001). Both NLR and PLR had area under the curve >0.7 (p < 0.001). The cutoff, sensitivity, and specificity values of NLR and PLR were 2.504 (71%; 70%) and 157.1 (73%; 70%). Advanced stage of breast cancer was mostly found in high NLR and PLR value with (OR: 4.231; CI = 1.791-9.995, p < 0.001) and (OR: 3.949; 95% CI = 1.679–9.287; p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: From this preliminary study, pretreatment NLR and PLR values might determine the breast cancer stage. Further research is needed to evaluate the association between grade and patient survival


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    Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the colon including the colon and rectum with symptoms such as blood in the stool, anemia, and abdominal pain. This is the third most common cancer worldwide and causes 30.017 cases in Indonesia on 2019. Current treatment of colorectal cancer includes the administration of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy. However, they are considerably expensive and have many side effects. Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) is known to have an anticancer effect by influencing carcinogenesis in cell proliferation, apoptosis, and stimulates anticancer immunity. This literature review aims to examine the potential of L. plantarum as an intervention in the management of colorectal cancer based on the modification of the gut microbiota. The writing method used is literature study by examining library sources from five research engines, namely Google Scholar, Pubmed, Plos ONE, Nature, and Sciencedirect. After going through the screening, 79 relevant sources were obtained which were then processed and compiled systematically. L. plantarum suppresses proliferation by inhibiting G1 phase in the cell cycle and targetting ErbB2 and ErbB3. In addition, L. plantarum induces cell death (apoptosis) by activating Bcl-2. These bacteria also stimulate Th1 and inhibit Th2 immune responses.ABSTRAKKanker kolorektal merupakan kanker pada usus besar meliputi kolon dan rektum dengan beberapa gejala seperti darah dalam tinja, anemia, dan nyeri perut. Kanker ini menempati peringkat ketiga di dunia dan menyebabkan 30.017 kasus di Indonesia pada tahun 2019. Penanganan kanker kolorektal saat ini meliputi pemberian obat anti-kanker, pembedahan, dan radioterapi. Akan tetapi, penanganan saat ini dinilai mahal dan menimbulkan efek samping. Salah satu mikrobiota usus, yaitu Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) diketahui memiliki efek antikanker dengan memengaruhi karsinogenesis pada proliferasi sel, apoptosis, dan sebagai imunoterapi. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dengan mengkaji sumber kepustakaan dari lima research engine yaitu Google Scholar, Pubmed, Plos ONE, Nature, dan Sciencedirect. Setelah melalui skrining diperoleh 79 sumber relevan yang kemudian diolah dan disusun secara sistematis. L. plantarum menekan proliferasi melalui mekanisme penghentian fase G1 pada siklus sel dengan target reseptor ialah ErbB2 dan ErbB3. Selain itu, L. plantarum mampu menginduksi kematian sel (apoptosis) dengan mediasi Bcl-2. Bakteri ini juga berperan dalam imunoterapi dengan menstimulasi Th1 dan menghambat Th2 pada host immune system. Literature review ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi L. plantarum sebagai intervensi penatalaksanaan kanker kolorektal berbasis modifikasi mikrobiota usus.