84 research outputs found

    Concert: Ithaca College Wind Ensemble

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    Concert: Ithaca College Brass Choir

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    Sharp-Wave Ripples Orchestrate the Induction of Synaptic Plasticity during Reactivation of Place Cell Firing Patterns in the Hippocampus

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    SummaryPlace cell firing patterns reactivated during hippocampal sharp-wave ripples (SWRs) in rest or sleep are thought to induce synaptic plasticity and thereby promote the consolidation of recently encoded information. However, the capacity of reactivated spike trains to induce plasticity has not been directly tested. Here, we show that reactivated place cell firing patterns simultaneously recorded from CA3 and CA1 of rat dorsal hippocampus are able to induce long-term potentiation (LTP) at synapses between CA3 and CA1 cells but only if accompanied by SWR-associated synaptic activity and resulting dendritic depolarization. In addition, we show that the precise timing of coincident CA3 and CA1 place cell spikes in relation to SWR onset is critical for the induction of LTP and predictive of plasticity generated by reactivation. Our findings confirm an important role for SWRs in triggering and tuning plasticity processes that underlie memory consolidation in the hippocampus during rest or sleep

    Ripples Make Waves: Binding Structured Activity and Plasticity in Hippocampal Networks

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    Establishing novel episodic memories and stable spatial representations depends on an exquisitely choreographed, multistage process involving the online encoding and offline consolidation of sensory information, a process that is largely dependent on the hippocampus. Each step is influenced by distinct neural network states that influence the pattern of activation across cellular assemblies. In recent years, the occurrence of hippocampal sharp wave ripple (SWR) oscillations has emerged as a potentially vital network phenomenon mediating the steps between encoding and consolidation, both at a cellular and network level by promoting the rapid replay and reactivation of recent activity patterns. Such events facilitate memory formation by optimising the conditions for synaptic plasticity to occur between contingent neural elements. In this paper, we explore the ways in which SWRs and other network events can bridge the gap between spatiomnemonic processing at cellular/synaptic and network levels in the hippocampus

    The Suv39H1 methyltransferase inhibitor chaetocin causes induction of integrated HIV-1 without producing a T cell response

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    AbstractLatent HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus-1) provirus is unaffected by current AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) therapies. We show here that chaetocin, an SUV39H1 histone methyltransferase inhibitor, causes 25-fold induction of latent HIV-1 expression, while producing minimal toxicity and without causing T cell activation. Induction is associated with loss of histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9) trimethylation at the long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter, and a corresponding increase in H3K9 acetylation. The effect of chaetocin is amplified synergistically in combination with histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. These results indicate that chaetocin may provide a therapy to purge cells of latent HIV-1, possibly in combination with other chromatin remodeling drugs