16 research outputs found

    Critical behavior of phase interfaces in porous media: Analysis of scaling properties with the use of noncoherent and coherent light

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    Original Russian Text © D.A. Zimnyakov, A.V. Sadovoi, M.A. Vilenskii, P.V. Zakharov, R. Myllylä, 2009, published in Zhurnal Éksperimental’noĭ i Teoreticheskoĭ Fiziki, 2009, Vol. 135, No. 2, pp. 351–368. Image sequences of the surface of disordered layers of porous medium (paper) obtained under noncoherent and coherent illumination during capillary rise of a liquid are analyzed. As a result, principles that govern the critical behavior of the interface between liquid and gaseous phases during its pinning are established. By a cumulant analysis of speckle-modulated images of the surface and by the statistical analysis of binarized difference images of the surface under noncoherent illumination, it is shown that the macroscopic dynamics of the interface at the stage of pinning is mainly controlled by the power law dependence of the appearance rate of local instabilities (avalanches) of the interface on the critical parameter, whereas the growth dynamics of the local instabilities is controlled by the diffusion of a liquid in a layer and weakly depends on the critical parameter. A phenomenological model is proposed for the macroscopic dynamics of the phase interface for interpreting experimental data. The values of critical indices are determined that characterize the samples under test within this model. These values are compared with the results of numerical simulation for discrete models of directed percolation corresponding to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation

    Pulmonary embolism by a foreign body (polymethyl methacrylate)

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    A rare clinical case of material pulmonary embolism is described. After 2 month of reconstructive surgery on the spine, on the chest cavity organs X-ray picture spiral solid was revealed. Surgical intervention - removal of a foreign body of the pulmonary artery with a good result