12 research outputs found

    Evolution of the levels of human leukocyte antigen G (HLA-G) in Beninese infant during the first year of life in a malaria endemic area : using latent class analysis

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    Background: HLA-G, a non-classical HLA class I antigen, is of crucial interest during pregnancy by inhibiting maternal immune response. Its role during infections is discussed, and it has been described that high levels of soluble HLA-G during childhood increase the risk of malaria. To explore more precisely interactions between soluble HLA-G and malaria, latent class analysis was used to test whether distinct sub-populations of children, each with distinctive soluble HLA-G evolutions may suggest the existence of groups presenting variable malaria susceptibility. Method: A study was conducted in Benin from 2010 to 2013 and 165 children were followed from birth to 12 months. Evolution of soluble HLA-G was studied by the latent class method. Results: Three groups of children were identified: one with consistently low levels of soluble HLA-G during follow-up, a second with very high levels and a last intermediate group. In all groups, low birth weight, high number of malaria infections and high exposure to malaria transmission were associated with high level of soluble HLA-G. Placental malaria was not. Presence of soluble HLA-G in cord blood increased the probability of belonging to the highest trajectory. Conclusion: These results, together with previous ones, confirm the important role of HLA-G in the individual susceptibility to malaria. Assaying soluble HLA-G at birth could be a good indicator of newborns more fragile and at risk of infections during childhood

    The role of HLA-G in parasitic diseases

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    Little attention has been devoted to the role of HLA-G gene and molecule on parasitic disorders, and the available studies have focused on malaria, African and American trypanosomiasis, leishmaniosis, toxoplasmosis and echinococcosis. After reporting a brief description regarding the role of the cells of innate and adaptive immune system against parasites, we reviewed the major features of the HLA-G gene and molecule and the role of HLA-G on the major cells of immune system. Increased levels of soluble HLA-G (sHLA-G) have been observed in patients presenting toxoplasmosis and in the active phase of echinococcosis. In addition, increased sHLA-G has also been associated with increased susceptibility to malaria and increased susceptibility to develop human African trypanosomiasis (HAT). In contrast, decreased membrane-bound HLA-G has been reported in placenta of patients infected with Plasmodium falciparum and in heart and colon of patients presenting Chagas disease. The 30 untranslated region of the HLA-G gene has been the main focus of studies on malaria, HAT and Chagas disease, exhibiting distinct patterns of associations. Considering that HLA-G is an immune checkpoint molecule, inhibiting the activity of several cells of the immune system, the excessive neoexpression and the increased sHLA-G levels together with the decreased constitutive tissue expression of membrane-bound HLA-G may be detrimental to the host infected with parasite agents

    High plasma levels of HLA-G are associated with low birth weight and with an increased risk of malaria in infancy

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    Background: The immunosuppressive properties of HLA-G protein can create a tolerogenic environment that may allow Plasmodium falciparum to avoid host immune responses. There are known associations between high levels of circulating soluble HLA-G (sHLA-G) and either parasite or viral infections and it has been suggested that the induction of sHLA-G expression could be a mechanism via which infectious agents subvert host immune defence. The study presented here is the first to investigate the possible association between sHLA-G and malaria or malaria related risk factors in Benin. Methods: A parasitological and clinical follow-up of 165 mothers and their newborns from delivery through to one year of age was conducted in the Tori Bossito area of southern Benin. Plasma levels of sHLA-G were determined by ELISA in maternal peripheral and cord blood and again in infants' peripheral blood at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of age. The associations between the levels of sHLA-G and malaria risk factors were investigated through multivariate mixed models. Results: Strong correlations were observed between the maternal and cord plasma concentrations of sHLA-G. In multivariate analyses, high cord plasma levels of sHLA-G were independently associated with (i) low birth weight and (ii) an increased risk of P. falciparum infection in infancy. Conclusion: These results show for the first time the possible involvement of sHLA-G in generating immune tolerance during pregnancy-associated malaria. Soluble HLA-G may represent a useful marker of susceptibility to malaria in infants and be associated with the higher susceptibility to infection observed for LBW children

    Associations between an IgG3 polymorphism in the binding domain for FcRn, transplacental transfer of malaria-specific IgG3, and protection against Plasmodium falciparum malaria during infancy : a birth cohort study in Benin

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    Background Transplacental transfer of maternal immunoglobulin G (IgG) to the fetus helps to protect against malaria and other infections in infancy. Recent studies have emphasized the important role of malaria-specific IgG3 in malaria immunity, and its transfer may reduce the risk of malaria in infancy. Human IgGs are actively transferred across the placenta by binding the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) expressed within the endosomes of the syncytiotrophoblastic membrane. Histidine at position 435 (H435) provides for optimal Fc-IgG binding. In contrast to other IgG subclasses, IgG3 is highly polymorphic and usually contains an arginine at position 435, which reduces its binding affinity to FcRn in vitro. The reduced binding to FcRn is associated with reduced transplacental transfer and reduced half-life of IgG3 in vivo. Some haplotypes of IgG3 have histidine at position 435. This study examines the hypotheses that the IgG3-H435 variant promotes increased transplacental transfer of malaria-specific antibodies and a prolonged IgG3 half-life in infants and that its presence correlates with protection against clinical malaria during infancy. Methods and findings In Benin, 497 mother-infant pairs were included in a longitudinal birth cohort. Both maternal and cord serum samples were assayed for levels of IgG1 and IgG3 specific for MSP1(19), MSP2 (both allelic families, 3D7 and FC27), MSP3, GLURP (both regions, R0 and R2), and AMA1 antigens of Plasmodium falciparum. Cord: maternal ratios were calculated. The maternal IgG3 gene was sequenced to identify the IgG3-H435 polymorphism. A multivariate logistic regression was used to examine the association between maternal IgG3-H435 polymorphism and transplacental transfer of IgG3, adjusting for hypergammaglobulinemia, maternal malaria, and infant malaria exposure. Twenty-four percent of Beninese women living in an area highly endemic for malaria had the IgG3-H435 allele (377 women homozygous for the IgG3-R435 allele, 117 women heterozygous for the IgG3-R/H alleles, and 3 women homozygous for the IgG3-H435 allele). Women with the IgG3-H435 allele had a 78% (95% CI 17%, 170%, p = 0.007) increased transplacental transfer of GLURP-R2 IgG3 compared to those without the IgG3-H435 allele. Furthermore, in infants born to mothers with the IgG3-H435 variant, a 28% longer IgG3 half-life was noted (95% CI 4%, 59%, p = 0.02) compared to infants born to mothers homozygous for the IgG3-R435 allele. Similar findings were observed for AMA1, MSP2-3D7, MSP3, GLURP-R0, and GLURP-R2 but not for MSP119 and MSP2-FC27. Infants born to women with IgG3-H435 had a 32% lower risk of symptomatic malaria during infancy (incidence rate ratio [IRR- = 0.68 [95% CI 0.51, 0.91-, p = 0.01) compared to infants born to mothers homozygous for IgG3-R435. We did not find a lower risk of asymptomatic malaria in infants born to women with or without IgG3-H435. Limitations of the study were the inability to determine (i) the actual amount of IgG3-H435 relative to IgG-R435 in serum samples and (ii) the proportion of malaria-specific IgG produced by infants versus acquired from their mothers. Conclusions An arginine-to-histidine replacement at residue 435 in the binding domain of IgG3 to FcRn increases the transplacental transfer and half-life of malaria-specific IgG3 in young infants and is associated with reduced risk of clinical malaria during infancy. The IgG3-H435 allele may be under positive selection, given its relatively high frequency in malaria endemic areas

    First genome-wide association study of non-severe malaria in two birth cohorts in Benin

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    Recent research efforts to identify genes involved in malaria susceptibility using genome-wide approaches have focused on severe malaria. Here, we present the first GWAS on non-severe malaria designed to identify genetic variants involved in innate immunity or innate resistance mechanisms. Our study was performed on two cohorts of infants from southern Benin (525 and 250 individuals used as discovery and replication cohorts, respectively) closely followed from birth to 18-24 months of age, with an assessment of a space- and time-dependent environmental risk of exposure. Both the recurrence of mild malaria attacks and the recurrence of malaria infections as a whole (symptomatic and asymptomatic) were considered. Post-GWAS functional analyses were performed using positional, eQTL, and chromatin interaction mapping to identify the genes underlying association signals. Our study highlights a role of PTPRT, a tyrosine phosphatase receptor involved in STAT3 pathway, in the protection against both mild malaria attacks and malaria infections (p = 9.70 x 10(-8) and p = 1.78 x 10(-7), respectively, in the discovery cohort). Strong statistical support was also found for a role of MYLK4 (meta-analysis, p = 5.29 x 10(-8) with malaria attacks), and for several other genes, whose biological functions are relevant in malaria infection. Results shows that GWAS on non-severe malaria can successfully identify new candidate genes and inform physiological mechanisms underlying natural protection against malaria

    HLA-G, -E and -F regulatory and coding region variability and haplotypes in the Beninese Toffin population sample

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    HLA-G/E/F genes exhibit immunomodulatory properties and are expressed in placenta. Little attention has been devoted to the study of these genes in sub-Saharan African populations, which are yet the most diverse. To fill this gap, we evaluated the complete gene variability, approximately 5.1 kb for HLA-G (n = 149), 7.7 kb for HLAE (n = 150) and 6.2 kb for HLA-P (n = 152) in the remote Beninese Toffin population, using massive parallel sequencing. Overall, 96, 37 and 68 variable sites were detected along the entire HLA-G,-E and-F, respectively, arranged into region-specific haplotypes; i.e., promoter haplotypes (16, 19, and 15 respectively), coding haplotypes (19, 15, and 29 respectively), 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) haplotypes (12, 7 and 2, respectively) and extended haplotypes (33, 31 and 32 respectively). All promoter/coding/3'UTR haplotypes followed the patterns already described in worldwide populations. HLA-E was the most conserved, exhibiting mainly two full-length encoded-molecules (E*01:01 and E*01:03), followed by HLA-F, three full-length proteins (F*01:01, F*01:02 and F*01:03) and HLA-G, four proteins: three full-length (G*01:01, G*01:03 and G*01:04) and one truncated (G*01:05N). Although HLA-G/E/F alleles in the Toffin population were the most frequently observed worldwide, the frequencies of the coding haplotypes were closely similar to those described for other African populations (Guinea-Conakry and Burkina-Faso), when compared to non-African ones (Brazilian), indicating that variable sites along these genes were present in Africa before human dispersion

    Hla-Cgenetic diversity and evolutionary insights in two samples from Brazil and Benin

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    Human leukocyte antigen-C (HLA-C) is a classical HLA class I molecule that binds and presents peptides to cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the cell surface. HLA-C has a dual function because it also interacts with Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) receptors expressed in natural killer and T cells, modulating their activity. The structure and diversity of the HLA-C regulatory regions, as well as the relationship among variants along the HLA-C locus, are poorly addressed, and few population-based studies explored the HLA-C variability in the entire gene in different population samples. Here we present a molecular and bioinformatics method to evaluate the entire HLA-C diversity, including regulatory sequences. Then, we applied this method to survey the HLA-C diversity in two population samples with different demographic histories, one highly admixed from Brazil with major European contribution, and one from Benin with major African contribution. The HLA-C promoter and 3 ' UTR were very polymorphic with the presence of few, but highly divergent haplotypes. These segments also present conserved sequences that are shared among different primate species. Nucleotide diversity was higher in other segments rather than exons 2 and 3, particularly around exon 5 and the second half of the 3 ' UTR region. We detected evidence of balancing selection on the entire HLA-C locusand positive selection in the HLA-C leader peptide, for both populations. HLA-C motifs previously associated with KIR interaction and expression regulation are similar between both populations. Each allele group is associated with specific regulatory sequences, reflecting the high linkage disequilibrium along the entire HLA-C locusin both populations