442 research outputs found

    Enhanced simulated evolution algorithm for digital circuit design yielding faster execution in a larger solution space

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    Evolutionary algorithms have been studied by several researchers for the design of digital circuits. Simulated evolution (SimE) is used in This work due to it simplicity and customizability to combinatorial problems. A tree data structure based circuits are evolved. Thus, a larger solution space is investigated. In addition, a new pattern based goodness measure is presented


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    ABSTRACT In this paper we, present a new heuristic called PowerFM which is a modification of the well-known Fidducia Mattheyeses algorithm for VLSI netlist partitioning. PowerFM considers the minimization of power consumption due to the nets cut. The advantages of using PowerFM as an initial solution generator for other iterative algorithms, in panicular Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Tabu Search (TS), for multiobjective optimization is investigated. A series of experiments are conducted on ISCAS-85/89 benchmark circuits to evaluate the efficiency of the PawerFM algorithm. Results suggest that this heuristic would provide a good starting solution for multiobjective optimization using iterative algorithms

    Enhanced Simulated Evolution Algorithm For Digital Circuit Design Yielding Faster Execution in a Larger Solution Space

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    Abstrncl- Evolutionary algorithms have been studied by several researchers for the design of digital circuits. Simulated Evolution (SimE) is used in this paper due to it simplicity and customizability to combinatorial problems. A tree data structure based circuits are evolved. Thus, a larger solution space is investigated. In addition, a new pattern based goodness measure is presented

    Maximum intensity determination of beam waist in BBO optical nonlinear crystal using single harmonic generation

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    Nonlinear optics is a branch of optics that explains the nonlinear response of atoms and molecules to a field of light radiation. There is a difficulty in cutting crystals in shapes commensurate with their optical properties, and thus it was significant to determine the descriptive shape of crystal properties based on its optic properties to be ideal in use. The problem of determining the length of the crystal to give the best output power is still under study and research and is one of the most important topics. In our research, a computational method based on mathematical relationships was used to estimate the length of the BBO crystal of I-type, which gives the best output power, by manipulating the location of the optical light scattering to be in the middle of the crystal. It was found that the best length of a crystal with a width of 3mm and a height of 3mm is 7mm. the comparison of these results with the previous literatures gave a great match, which confirms the correctness of the computations and the reliability of used method

    Enhanced Simulated Evolution Algorithm For Digital Circuit Design Yielding Faster Execution in a Larger Solution Space

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    Abstrncl- Evolutionary algorithms have been studied by several researchers for the design of digital circuits. Simulated Evolution (SimE) is used in this paper due to it simplicity and customizability to combinatorial problems. A tree data structure based circuits are evolved. Thus, a larger solution space is investigated. In addition, a new pattern based goodness measure is presented


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    Abstract A Weinberger array (WA) (Weinberger 1967) synthesis system is described that automatically generates WAs for combinational logic circuits modelled in Universal Hardware Programming Language (UAHPL) (Masud and Sait 1986). The system also minimizes the area required by the WA by performing row compaction. An algorithm similar to that used for channel routing is employed for compaction (Hashimoto and Stevens 1971). This convenient tool for designing combinational logic circuits models at a high level of abstraction and much of the procedure is automated. Descriptors: logic circuit


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    Network folding is a technique for realizing permutations on N elements using interconnection networks with M input (and output) terminals, where M<N. A major motivation for network folding is the severely limited number of I/O pins in microelectronic packages such as VLSI chips or multichip module (MCM) packages. Cost overhead and performance degradationdue to off chip communication as well as long on chip wires may render implementing otherwise good designs infeasible or inefficient and systematic methodology is proposed for designing folded permutation networks that can be route the class of bit-permute-complement (BPC) permutations. In particulaer, is is shown that any folded BPC permutation network can be contructed using only two stages of uniform-size transpose networks. This results in highly modular structures for bpc networks. The methodology trades off speed (time), with I/O and chip area

    Digital Circuit Design Through Simulated Evolution (SimE)

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    Abstract- In this paper, the use of Simulated Evolution (SimE) Algorithm in the design of digital logic circuits is proposed. SimE algorithm consists of three steps: evaluation, selection and allocation. Two goodness measures are designed to guide the selection and allocation operations of SimE. Area, power and delay are considered in the optimization of circuits. Results obtained by SimE algorithm are compared to those obtained by Genetic Algorithm (CA)

    Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensitivity Enhancement Based on Protonated Polyaniline Films Doped by Aluminum Nitrate

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    Complex composite films based on polyaniline (PANI) doped hydrochloric acid (HCl) incorporated with aluminum nitrate (Al(NO3)3) on Au-layer were designed and synthesized as a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing device. The physicochemical properties of (PANI-HCl)/Al(NO3)3 complex composite films were studied for various Al(NO3)3 concentrations (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 wt.%). The refractive index of the (PANI-HCl)/Al(NO3)3 complex composite films increased continuously as Al(NO3)3 concentrations increased. The electrical conductivity values increased from 5.10 µS/cm to 10.00 µS/cm as Al(NO3)3 concentration increased to 32 wt.%. The sensitivity of the SPR sensing device was investigated using a theoretical approach and experimental measurements. The theoretical system of SPR measurement confirmed that increasing Al(NO3)3 in (PANI-HCl)/Al(NO3)3 complex composite films enhanced the sensitivity from about 114.5 [Deg/RIU] for Au-layer to 159.0 [Deg/RIU] for Au-((PANI-HCl)/Al(NO3)3 (32 wt.%)). In addition, the signal-to-noise ratio for Au-layer was 3.95, which increased after coating by (PANI-HCl)/Al(NO3)3 (32 wt.%) complex composite layer to 8.82. Finally, we conclude that coating Au-layer by (PANI-HCl)/Al(NO3)3 complex composite films enhances the sensitivity of the SPR sensing device