58 research outputs found

    Congolese Refugee Students in Higher Education: Equity and Opportunity

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    The purpose of this study was to explore Congolese refugee students’ experiences in higher education in the United States. In order to understand the challenges Congolese students face in higher education, this study used narrative inquiry methodology to investigate Congolese students’ lived experiences that affected their educational endeavors before and after resettlement to the United States. The study examined personal stories of 10 Congolese students in the Pacific Northwest using semi-structured in-depth interviews, one-on-one follow-up interviews, field notes and two focus group interviews. Using narrative analysis five reoccurring themes were identified and discussed in the findings. The study findings indicate that Congolese students experienced many obstacles and inequitable treatment in higher education after resettlement to the United States. These challenges evolved from a combination of traumatic experiences caused by wars, the lack of opportunities and equitable resources in higher education, unpreparedness of faculty and staff to work with students across cultures, and lack of cultural sensitivity among educators and peers. The study provides recommendations for faculty, staff, and policymakers to provide opportunities and equitable education for all students in higher education in the United States

    Road to healthcare professional’s burnout: poor empathy and impaired work ability, are they cause or effect?

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    Introduction: Occupational stress is inevitable, but prolonged and intense can lead to serious health problems. Neglecting this significant aspect of work and inadequate treatment of the first indicators results in the reduced working capacity of healthcare professionals. Material and methods: Assessing working conditions of 100 healthcare professionals regarding stress impact on empathy and workability was the primary goal of this study. A survey was conducted to identify differences between work in intensive care units and other clinical departments all related to empathy, workability, and stress perceiving to determine what is a better predictor of workability. Results: In the research group “intensive care units”, significantly lower empathy quotients, poorer workability, and different stressors were registered compared to research groups named “other departments”. Conclusion: The main conclusion of the study states different dynamics in the working environment of intensive care units compared to other departments that could potentially harm the personal capacity of healthcare professionals.&nbsp

    Nove elektrokemijske metode u analitici odabranih lijekova primjenom senzora s ugljikovim nanocjevčicama

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    Due to strict requirements regarding quality control of pharmaceuticals and with the aim of obtaining maximal efficacy and safety of drug therapy for patients, there is a constant demand for developing new reliable analytical methods to determine drug concentrations in complex samples. Electroanalytical techniques, especially voltammetric, represent a powerful analytical tool. Electrochemical nanosensors have recently found extensive applications in pharmaceutical analysis. Therefore, the aim of this doctoral thesis was to develop new electroanalytical methods for the determination of selected pharmaceuticals in dosage forms and biological fluids using novel sensors based on multi-walled carbon nanotubes dispersed in Nafion matrix, as well as their combination with zirconium oxide nanoparticles. Electrochemical behaviour of selected drugs was examined by cyclic voltammetry to get an insight into their redox mechanism at modified electrodes. Experimental conditions and instrumental parameters that could affect the electroanalytical performance of proposed sensors were carefully optimised. New methods were validated according to ICH guidelines. Direct pulse voltammetric techniques (square-wave or differential pulse) were used to determine the content of ropinirole, L-dopa, mesalazine and nebivolol in tablets, except for ondansetron in which case adsorptive stripping procedure was employed. The good recoveries indicated that excipients did not interfere with the assay of active ingredient in any case. In comparison to the high performance liquid chromatographic methods, there were no significant differences regarding the accuracy and precision; however voltammetric techniques offer high sensitivity, rapid response and simplicity. Finally, nanosensors were applied for the simultaneous quantification of selected pharmaceuticals with other coadministered drugs in therapy (such as ondansetron with morphine and ropinirole with L-dopa) or their metabolites (mesalazine and N-acetylated metabolite) in human serum samples using adsorptive stripping voltammetry. Integration of the nanoparticles in the sensor improved notably the determination of therapeutic concentrations of nebivolol in serum. Excellent recoveries in the range of 98.7 – 102.6 % were obtained in all cases, without the need for sample pretreatment. A considerable enhancement effect on voltammetric responses of selected drugs, is due to synergy of remarkable properties of nanomaterials and cationexchange polymer, that enhanced the preconcentration of positively charged drug molecules.Uslijed strogih zahtjeva u pogledu kontrole kakvoće lijekova, a s ciljem postizanja maksimalne učinkovitosti i sigurnosti terapije za pacijente, postoji neprestani zahtjev za razvojem novih pouzdanih analitičkih metoda za određivanje koncentracija lijekova u složenim uzorcima. Elektroanalitičke tehnike, među kojima posebno voltametrijske, predstavljaju moćan analitički alat u tom cilju. S druge strane, elektrokemijski nanosenzori su u posljednje vrijeme našli značajnu primjenu u analitici lijekova. Stoga je cilj ovog doktorskog rada bio razvoj novih elektroanalitičkih metoda za određivanje odabranih lijekova u dozirnim oblicima i biološkim tekućinama primjenom inovativnih senzora s ugljikovim nanocjevčicama dispergiranima u matriksu Nafiona, kao i u kombinaciji s nanočesticama cirkonijeva dioksida. Elektrokemijsko ponašanje odabranih lijekova ispitano je cikličkom voltametrijom radi stjecanja uvida u mehanizam redoks procesa na modificiranim elektrodama. Eksperimentalni uvjeti i instrumentalni parametri koji bi mogli utjecati na elektroanalitičku izvedbu predloženih senzora pažljivo su optimirani. Nove metode validirane su u skladu s ICH smjernicama. Za određivanje sadržaja ropinirola, levodope, mesalazina i nebivolola u tabletama primijenjene su direktne pulsne voltametrijske tehnike (pravokutnovalna ili diferencijalno pulsna), osim u slučaju ondansetrona kada je primijenjena adsorptivna tehnika. Vrijednosti analitičkih prinosa ukazuju da pomoćne tvari ne interferiraju s određivanjem aktivnih tvari odabranih lijekova. Usporedbom s rezultatima tekućinske kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti, nisu nađene značajne razlike između tehnika što se tiče točnosti i preciznosti, ali su voltametrijske tehnike jednostavnije, brže i nude visoku osjetljivost. Nadalje, nanosenzori su korišteni i za simultanu kvantifikaciju lijekova koji se primijenjuju zajedno u terapiji (poput ondansetrona s morfinom i ropinirola s levodopom) te za simultanu kvantifikaciju lijekova s njihovim metabolitima (mesalazin s N-acetiliranim metabolitom mesalazina) u humanim uzorcima seruma primjenom adsorptivne voltametrije. Integracijom nanočestica u senzore omogućeno je osjetljivije određivanje terapijskih koncentracija nebivolola u serumu. Postignute su izvrsne vrijednosti analitičkih prinosa u rasponu od 98.7 % do 102.6 % u svim slučajevima, bez potrebe za predobradbom uzoraka. Znatno pojačanje voltametrijskih odgovora odabranih lijekova posljedica je sinergističkog učinka izvanrednih svojstava nanomaterijala i kationskog izmjenjivača, koji je omogućio ukoncentriravanje pozitivno nabijenih molekula lijekova

    Distribution of Malassezia species in Patients with Different Dermatological Disorders and Healthy Individuals

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    There are differences with respect to the commonly isolated Malassezia species, not only between healthy individuals and the patients with various skin diseases, but also between different countries. We investigated the species composition of Malassezia microflora on the skin of patients with Malassezia-associated diseases and of healthy subjects (HS). Two hundred and fifty skin scrapings from patients with pityriasis versicolor (PV), seborrheic dermatitis (SD), atopic dermatitis (AD), psoriasis (PS), and healthy subjects (HS), fifty each, were inoculated into Sabouraud dextrose agar and into modified Dixon agar and identified using conventional culture-based methods. In PV and PS lesions, the most common species was M. globosa (62% and 52%, respectively), while M. restricta was predominant in SD lesions (28%). M. sympodialis was the most common species recovered from AD (52%) and healthy trunk skin (30%). Fewer cultures were positive for Malassezia growth in patients with AD than in patients with other skin conditions, and even in controls. Our data are in agreement with other studies and suggest that the pathogenic species of PV is M. globosa. The evidence that any given species is clinically important in the pathogenicity of SD, AD and PS is still lacking. </p

    Komparativna analiza razine poduzetničkih aktivnosti u Hrvatskoj i odabranim zemljama

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    S obzirom na dokazanu vezu između poduzetničkih aktivnosti i ekonomskog rasta, kreiraju se brojne politike i programi u svrhu stvaranja poduzetničke ekonomije te brojni poticaji razvoju poduzetništva. U radu se analiziraju rezultati referentnih istraživanja vezanih uz ulogu razine razvoja poduzetništva na ekonomski razvoj neke zemlje. Također, komparativno se analiziraju pokazatelji poduzetničkih aktivnosti u Hrvatskoj i odabranim zemljama regije. Rezultati analize pokazali su da Slovenija i Hrvatska imaju najvišu razinu poduzetničkih aktivnosti od analiziranih zemalja. U radu se također istražuje povezanost razine ekonomske slobode s poduzetničkim aktivnostima i ekonomskim prosperitetom

    Komparativna analiza razine poduzetničkih aktivnosti u Hrvatskoj i odabranim zemljama

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    S obzirom na dokazanu vezu između poduzetničkih aktivnosti i ekonomskog rasta, kreiraju se brojne politike i programi u svrhu stvaranja poduzetničke ekonomije te brojni poticaji razvoju poduzetništva. U radu se analiziraju rezultati referentnih istraživanja vezanih uz ulogu razine razvoja poduzetništva na ekonomski razvoj neke zemlje. Također, komparativno se analiziraju pokazatelji poduzetničkih aktivnosti u Hrvatskoj i odabranim zemljama regije. Rezultati analize pokazali su da Slovenija i Hrvatska imaju najvišu razinu poduzetničkih aktivnosti od analiziranih zemalja. U radu se također istražuje povezanost razine ekonomske slobode s poduzetničkim aktivnostima i ekonomskim prosperitetom

    Family Transmission of Executive Functions: Mix of Traditional and Citizen Science Research Approach

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    The aim of this study was to examine the family transmission of executive functions deficits (working memory and inhibitory control) from parents to children, using a combination of traditional and citizen science research approaches. The final sample consisted of 110 families with two children (440 participants; 110 pairs of children, 110 fathers and 110 mothers). Children were preadolescent (6 to 10 years old; 24 pairs) or adolescent (11 to 15 years old; 86 pairs) siblings. The research results indicated that the inhibitory control of the mother is related to the inhibitory control of the younger child, and that the inhibitory control of the father is related to the inhibitory control of the older child in the family, regardless of developmental period. In the father-child relationship, it was revealed that there is a strong connection between parental and child working memory. On the other hand, there are significant interaction of mothers' working memory and age of children in the second-born child. Potential mechanisms of transmission were discussed, bearing in mind the specifics of mother's and father's involvement in raising children, as well as the potential direction of this research question towards the sphere of behavioral genetics and parenting styles

    Neurorazvojni ishod nakon terapijske hipotermije zbog perinatalne asfi ksije

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    Studies are supporting neuroprotective benefi t of therapeutic hypothermia in term newborns with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. We assessed survival and neurodevelopmental outcome of neonates subjected to the procedure and factors that may have infl uenced it. Newborns with gestational age of more than 36 weeks and less than 6 hours of age with moderate to severe asphyxial encephalopathy underwent cooling protocol at a temperature of 33.5 °C for 72 hours and rewarming period of 6 hours. The outcome measures assessed were death and neurodevelopmental characteristics. Twenty-fi ve children were assessed during the period from October 2010 to October 2013. Median gestational age was 40 weeks, birth weight 3470 g, Apgar score 2/4 and pH on admission to the hospital 7.02. Four (16%) children died and two were lost for follow up. At the age of fi nal assessment, developmental categories of communication were normal in 68.4%, problem solving in 73.7%, personal-social in 68.4%, gross motor in 57.9%, and fi ne motor in 36.8% but with a high need of retesting in this area. Seven of 19 patients (36.8%) had completely normal results for all fi ve categories, while three (15.8%) had abnormal results for all categories. None of the 18 parameters that were correlated with neurodevelopmental outcome showed statistical signifi cance. Amplitude integrated electroencephalography was done in ten patients and the most prominent fi nding was discontinuous activity in eight patients. In conclusion, a relatively small number of patients and limitations of this study design precluded any far-reaching conclusions, but we think that this method can provide better survival and less neurologic sequels in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy patients.Rezultati raznih ispitivanja govore u prilog neuroprotektivnom učinku terapijske hipotermije u terminske novorođenčadi s hipoksič- no-ishemijskom encefalopatijom. Mi smo procjenjivali preživljenje i neurorazvojni ishod novorođenčadi podvrgnute ovom postupku te čimbenike koji bi mogli imati utjecaja na taj ishod. Postupak pothlađivanja na temperaturi od 33,5 ºC kroz 72 sata te 6-satno razdoblje utopljavanja primijenjen je kod novorođenčadi gestacijske dobi više od 36 tjedana i manje od 6 sati života s umjerenom do teškom asfi ksijskom encefalopatijom. Ispitivane mjere ishoda bile su smrt i neurorazvojne značajke. Od listopada 2010. do listopada 2013. godine procijenjeno je 25 djece, medijan gestacijske dobi 40 tjedana, porođajna masa 3470 g, APGAR 2/4 i pH kod prijma u bolnicu 7,02. Četvero (16%) djece je umrlo, a dvoje je izgubljeno tijekom razdoblja praćenja. U dobi konačne procjene razvojne kategorije komunikacije bile su normalne u 68,4%, rješavanja problema u 73,7%, osobne-socijalne u 68,4%, grube motorike u 57,9% i fi ne motorike u 36,8% djece, ali uz izraženu potrebu ponovnog testiranja u ovom području. Sedmero od 19 (36,8%) bolesnika imalo je potpuno normalne razultate u svih pet kategorija, dok su nenormalni razultati u svih pet kategorija zabilježeni u troje (15,8%) bolesnika. Nijedan od 18 parametara koji su korelirani s neurorazvojnim ishodom nije se pokazao statistički značjanim. Elektroencefalografi ja integrirane amplitude provedena je u desetoro bolesnika, a najizraženiji nalaz bila je isprekidana aktivnost u osmero bolesnika. Zaključno, relativno mali broj bolesnika i ograničenja ove studije ne dopuštaju nikakve dalekosežnije zaključke, ali smatramo da ova metoda može osigurati bolje preživljenje i manje neuroloških posljedica kod bolesnika s hipoksično-ishemijskom encefalopatijom

    Burnout syndrome in the banking sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Introduction: Burnout syndrome in some European countries is recognized as an occupational disease. In the past time, it has been identified predominantly in the service sectors such as healthcare, social services, mental health and education, but later it started to be predominant in other occupations with high job requirements and time pressure. The aim of this study was to assess the presence of burnout at work among the bank employees of Sarajevo Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in banks (n = 6) located in Sarajevo Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina, between January and April 2018. Employees filled out an anonymous questionnaire, after their written informed consent had been obtained. The study included employees regardless of their job positions and job seniority.Results: The total number of surveyed employees was 260. There are not statistically significant gender differences (p = 0.854¸ p &lt; 0.05) compared to the total Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) score. Statistically significant differences in relation to the total MBI score were observed in the examinees who have been working in the banking sector between 15 and 20 years (p = 0.04; p &lt; 0.05) and examinees working temporarily &lt;2 h/week (p = 0.016; p &lt; 0.05), that is, more than 8 h/week (p = 0.015; p &lt; 0.05). Mid value and standard deviation of the score in the subscale of emotional exhaustion (EE) is 26.26 ± 11.15, which shows that one third of the examinees are in high risk of EE.Conclusion: We can conclude that less than one third of examinees are in high risk of burnout syndrome