1,315 research outputs found

    Relocation of the Judge and His Family in Kiran Desai’s the Inheritance of Loss: A Subaltern Study

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    This essay argues the process of subalternation of some of the main characters of including the Judge, Justice Jamibhai Patel. The Judge, However, being a very prestigious post of Indian Civil Service is not the one who can be condescended to paradigm of subalternity. The very inflated ego and an affected sense of algophilia, disassociates the Judge from the Indian Community in the Kalimpong. Moreover, his service, The Cook, suffers from the same sense of fancy of British Raj. The other minor characters like Biju envisions a materialistically successful life as illegal immigrant in US, which shatters to pieces. The grand daughter Sai is also misfit to the household, distanced from her grandfather and gullibly heeds to the fabricated stories of the Cook. The Booker Winer of 2006, Kiran Desai shows the paradigm sift of the entire family cult and identifies how these people lost voices through the detachment and alienation from the broader society, and subsequently, subalternated. Keywords: relocation, isolation, Subaltern studies. DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/95-01 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Productivity Spillovers in the Global Market

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    Congenital Anterior Urethral Diverticulum in a Male Teenager: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    We present the case of a 13-year-old boy with a congenital anterior urethral diverticulum. This is a rare condition in males which can lead to obstructive lower urinary tract symptoms and urosepsis. Diagnosis is by urethroscopy and radiological imaging. Surgical treatment can be open or endoscopic. Long-term followup is required to check for reoccurrence of the obstruction

    Effects of Packing Materials and Ethanol Concentrations on Removal of Astringency of ‘Rojo Brillante’ in Room Temperature

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    Most of the persimmons grown in Afghanistan are astringent and hence their fruits require de-astringency treatments in order to become edible at harvest time. CO2 with or without ethanol treatment provides an optimal method for the rapid removal of the persimmon astringency, but it is a bit sophisticated and currently not feasible for most of farmers. The present study is therefore carried out to assess a simple and suitable technique for de-astringency of the persimmons at farmer level. The fruits of ‘Rojo Brillante’, a Pollination Variant Astringent (PVA) Spanish cultivar which is astringent, were harvested in yellow-orange color and then quickly dipped in 0, 10, 20, and 40% ethanol concentrations. The treated fruits were packed and sealed in the paper cartons, plastic bags or left open in the room temperature. Firmness, total soluble solids and astringency level of fruits were measured each three days. The astringency of ‘Rojo Brillante’ was removed when fruits treated with 20% or 40% ethanol and packed in the plastic bags for 9 days. Total soluble solids content was not affected by any of the treatments, while commercial firmness (1.5-2.5 kg) obtained by packing the fruits in the plastic bags or paper cartons alone.

    Mapping environmental sustainability of knitted textile production facilities

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    To achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, it is important to investigate the sustainability of both products and manufacturing facilities to identify the areas to improve. The number of published research works on measuring the eco-indices of fashion products are plenty, while ignoring the measurement of the eco-indices of fashion production facilities. Therefore, this study investigated the environmental sustainability of knit-dyeing facilities linked to fast fashion production in Bangladesh. The Facility Environment Module (FEM) of the Higg index tool 2.0 from Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) was applied to detect the sustainability scores. Multiple case study approach was adopted for this study. Seven tools of FEM related to the environmental management system, energy use, GHG emissions, water use, wastewater, air emissions, waste management, and chemical management were applied to collect data. Scores of these categories were calculated using the FEM tool. Qualitative data was collected through short interviews using a questionnaire. A varying range of scores (from low to high) was found for all the categories. The scores reveal the technical, managerial, and resource limitations on practicing sustainable production approaches in knit-textiles facilities. The overall finding urges all stakeholders, including manufacturers, researchers, buyers, and policymakers, to pay serious attention and reformulate strategies and resources to reduce the negative impact of knit manufacturing on the environment

    Framework for Environmentally Sustainable Fashion and Textile Production to achieve United Nation (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12

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    A framework with three key actions - identify (I), act (A), and evaluate (E) to achieve complete environmental sustainability in fashion and textile production in line with SDG 12– has been developed as a part of a Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) project. Called as the ‘I-A-E framework’, it emphasises more on zero or near-zero waste generation at source and incorporating sustainability thinking in material and process selections, rather than post-production waste management after generating huge amounts of wastes and effluents. The first step involves ‘identifying’ present scenarios and points of action in context of resource consumption, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution, and solid waste generation in product development and production. The next step is to ‘act’ for sustainable development, which includes - incorporating a zero-waste philosophy during production, incorporating sustainability thinking into material selection and incorporating sustainability into production process, incorporating sustainability in resource and waste management. The third component of the framework is to ‘evaluate’ to celebrate and move forward by checking the eco-indices to amend targets or set new ones. This new framework was validated through stakeholders’ workshops and roundtable discussion. It is an easy-to-follow toolkit that the fashion and textile industry will be able to implement into their product development and production activities

    Design and study of an mmWave wearable textile based compact antenna for healthcare applications

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    In this study, the design of a compact and novel millimeter wave cotton textile-based wearable antenna for body-centric communications in healthcare applications is presented. The free space and on-body antenna performance parameters for the proposed antenna at 60 GHz are investigated and analyzed. The antenna is based on a 1.5 mm thick cotton substrate and has an overall dimension of 7.0 × 4.5 ×1.5 mm3. In free space, the antenna is resonant at 60 GHz and achieves a wide impedance bandwidth. The maximum gain at this resonant frequency is 6.74 dBi, and the radiation efficiency is 93.30%. Parametric changes were carried out to study the changes in the resonant frequency, gain, and radiation efficiency. For body-centric communications,the antenna was simulated at 5 different distances from a three-layer human torso-equivalent phantom. The radiation efficiency dropped by 24% and gradually increased with the gap distance. The antenna design was also analyzed by using 10 different textile substrates for both free space and on-body scenarios. The major benefits of the antenna are discussed as follows. Compared to a previous work, the antenna is very efficient, compact, and has a wide bandwidth. In BCWCs for e-health applications, the antenna needs to be very compact due to the longer battery life, and it has to have a wide bandwidth for high data rate communication. Since the antenna will be wearable with a sensor system, the shape of the antenna needs to be planar, and it is better to design the antenna on a textile substrate for integration into clothes. The antenna also needs to show high gain and efficiency for power-efficient communication. This proposed antenna meets all these criteria, and hence, it will be a good candidate for BCWCs in e-health applications

    Comparative Analysis of Production Processes and Quality Parameters of Two Different Semi-Combed Yarns

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    Semi-combed yarn represents a type of ring-spun yarn produced by modifying the typical carded and combed yarn manufacturing process. Carded yarn is inferior in quality, while combed yarns are not cost efficient. The semi-combed yarn has therefore emerged as an alternative to fully combed yarn to facilitate a reasonable quality-cost compromise. This paper reports two manufacturing techniques and associated features of the cotton ring-spun semi-combed yarn of the same count. One process involves sliver mixing in draw frame, and the other by reducing the noil extraction percentage in comber. The aim of this study is to run a comparative analysis of both the end products against themselves and their carded and combed counterparts to establish their acceptance in the industrial scale. Important quality parameters such as unevenness (U%), coefficient of variation (CVm%), thick place(+50%)/km, thin place(−50%)/km, neps(+200%)/km, hairiness (H), strength, elongation, CSP, and cost have been evaluated, analyzed, and compared among these products. In several cases, the quality of semi-combed yarn was comparable to fully combed yarns and better than carded yarns. This offers a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to combed yarn. Comparison shows that the noil extraction process offers less hairiness, and more sustainability and involves no extra operation to develop the yarn

    Conductive textiles for signal sensing and technical applications

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    Conductive textiles have found notable applications as electrodes and sensors capable of detecting biosignals like the electrocardiogram (ECG), electrogastrogram (EGG), electroencephalogram (EEG), and electromyogram (EMG), etc; other applications include electromagnetic shielding, supercapacitors, and soft robotics. There are several classes of materials that impart conductivity, including polymers, metals, and non-metals. The most significant materials are Polypyrrole (PPy), Polyaniline (PANI), Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), carbon, and metallic nanoparticles. The processes of making conductive textiles include various deposition methods, polymerization, coating, and printing. The parameters, such as conductivity and electromagnetic shielding, are prerequisites that set the benchmark for the performance of conductive textile materials. This review paper focuses on the raw materials that are used for conductive textiles, various approaches that impart conductivity, the fabrication of conductive materials, testing methods of electrical parameters, and key technical applications, challenges, and future potential

    Anthropometric Indices of Giardia-Infected Under-Five Children Presenting with Moderate-to-Severe Diarrhea and Their Healthy Community Controls: Data from the Global Enteric Multicenter Study

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    Among all intestinal parasitosis, giardiasis has been reported to be associated with delayed growth in malnourished children under 5 living in low- and middle-income countries. Relevant data on the nutritional status of children aged 0-59 months presenting with moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) and giardia infection were collected from sentinel health facilities of the Global Enteric Multicenter Study's (GEMS) seven field settings, placed in diverse countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia between, December 2007 and February 2011. Then, this study analyzed a robust dataset of study participants (n = 22,569). Children having giardiasis with MSD constituted as cases (n = 1786), and those without MSD constituted as controls (n = 3470). Among the seven field sites, symptomatic giardiasis was 15% and 22% in Asian and African sites, respectively, whereas asymptomatic giardia infection (healthy without MSD) in Asian and African sites was 21.7% and 30.7%, respectively. Wasting and underweight were more frequently associated and stunting less often associated with symptomatic giardiasis (for all, p < 0.001). Symptomatic giardiasis had a significant association with worsening of nutritional status in under-five children. Improved socio-economic profile along with proper sanitation and hygienic practices are imperative to enhance child nutritional status, particularly in resource limited settings