24 research outputs found
Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata dalam Pengembangan Kawasan Tepian Sungai Siak
Siak River is a historical site in Pekanbaru and the Kingdom of Siak Indrapura, and the deepest in Indonesia. While on the banks of the Siak River, there are still a lot of heritage in the form of houses on stilts, historical homestay, pasar bawah market, rubber factory, old terminal, historical grave, mosque and many more. But unfortunately, the lack of utilization of the potential of Siak River banks by the Department of Culture and Tourism Pekanbaru City made it not optimally utilized. Can be seen from inadequate supporting facilities, lack of role and public awareness, lack of promotion, limited human resources, constrained land acquisition and lack of budget. Department of Culture and Tourism Pekanbaru City seeks to develop the Siak River banks into a tourist destination object. This study aims to determine the efforts of the Department of Culture and Tourism in developing the Siak River banks and the factors inhibiting the development of the siak river banks.The theory used is the theory by Suwantoro which are tourism object and attraction, tourist infrastructure, tourism facilities, management or infrastructure, and society or the environment. In this study the authors used descriptive qualitative research methods with the location of research at the Department of Culture and Tourism Pekanbaru City and the key informant is the head section of facilities and infrastructure Department of Culture and Tourism. The Data collection techniques were interviews, observation and documentation.From the results of this study it can be known that the development of Siak River banks has not been maximized. It can be seen from the lack of facilities and infrastructure, limited supporting facilities such as entertainment facilities and tourist attractions. The factors that hamper the efforts of the Department of Culture and Tourism in the Development of Siak River banks is the lack of funds from the City Government, especially for tourism development, constrained land acquisition, most of the land ownership status owned by residents around the edge has not reached the certification stage Recorded at City BPN (HM, HGB, HGL, etc)
Pelaksanaan Standard Operating Procedure (Sop) Sertifikasi Halal oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia (Mui) Riau (Studi Kasus USAha Katering di Kota Pekanbaru)
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is guidance of work stages to perform tasks based on function and tools of work assessment made systematically in order to maintaining bureaucratic effectively and efficiently. SOP arranged to abridging, straightening, and ordering tasks which it is contained chronology of process in performing tasks from the beginning task until the last task. Therefore, in making of halal certification, LPPOM MUI as executioner of the process has arranged a plot of SOP systematically before the certification being published including catering enterprise. Facts on field that society and producer are in misperception to SOP halal licence publication. This research aimed to understand SOP of halal licence and its application to Catering Enterprise in Pekanbaru City.Theory of concept which is used by researcher is SOP theory by Purnamasari, which indicators such as Consistency, Efficiency, Minimization of Error, Problem Resolution and Working Map. This research use qualitative research method which data analyzed descriptively. In data collecting, researcher use interview technique, observation and documentation. With using technique of purposive sampling as source of information and triangulation technique as source of data validityResult of this research shows that SOP of Halal Certification by LPPOM MUI Riau generally and catering enterprise particularly is good enough, nevertheless not implemented maximally based on efficiency which is not fast by time and precise along with lack of public socialization to society or producers in Pekanbaru City. On the other hand, process that working manually made execution of certification still not fast by time and Halal Guarantee System (HGS) not fully implemented by LPPOM to catering enterprise in Pekanbaru City
Efektivitas Peran Komisi Informasi Provinsi Riau dalam Menyelesaikan Sengketa Informasi Publik
Information Commission of Riau Province is an independen institution formed by the law No.14 of 2008 on public disclosure, Riau Govenor regulation No. 72 of 2012 on information commission province formation. But Information Commission of Riau Province is not maximized in realizing the public disclosure particulary with regard to buged and finace of public institution information because of blocked imitations member, buged and operationa finance. The problem in this study is how the effectiveness role of Information Commission of Riau Province on finished pubic information dispute and factors effecting effectiveness role of Information Commission of Riau Province on finished public information dispute. Purpose from this study is to know effectiveness role Information Commission of Riau Province on finished public information dispute an factors effecting effectiveness role information commission Riau province on finished pubic informastion dispute.The concept of the theory is that organization, information disclosure, and organization effectiveness. This study use qualitative resarch methods to study descriptive data. The collecting data, the resarcher used interview,observation and documentation.The result of this study indicate that the effectiveness role Information Commission of Riau Province on finished public information dispute has not been effective, visible from stage of effectiveness are not fulfilled. The factors that effecting effectiveness role Information Commission of Riau Province on finished public information dispute is ability to adapt, productivity, job satisfaction, resource utilization, the ability to produce
Upaya Pengembangan Objek Wisata Air Terjun Guruh Gemurai oleh Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
Kuantan Singingi Regency has many potentials with various tourist objects such as natural attractions are quite interesting and reliable to be developed as a rural tourist attraction. The potential and character of the Kuantan Singingi regency as mentioned above is also supported by the Kuantan Singingi regional government policy stated in the vision and mission of Kuantan Singingi Regency in the development of regional economy.Related to the number of tourism potential owned by Kuantan Singingi Regency and the effort to realize the vision and mission of Kuantan Singingi Regency Government in the field of tourism, the government of Kuantan Singingi Regency made the regional regulation no. 18 of 2012 on tourism business, and in this regulation governing tourism issues such as tourism services business, the exploitation of tourism objects and attractions, the business of tourism facilities, the exploitation of attractions and various tourism regional economic development.The theory used is according to Suwantoro (2004: 3) Tourism is a process of temporary departure from someone or more to another place outside the residence. The term tourism is closely related to the definition of travel, ie as a change in tempaat stay for a reason and not to conduct activities that generate wages. In this study the authors used descriptive qualitative research with the location of research at the Department of Culture and Tourism Kuantan Singingi Regency and the key information is the Head of Tourism.From the results of research known that the implementation of tourism development conducted by the Department of Culture and Tourism Kuantan Singingi regency has not fully run with the maximum. This is caused by the existence of several factors that the authors encountered in the location of research that is; 1) Limitations of Funds, 2) Lack of human resources, 3) Infrastructure in supporting tourism 4) And lack of adequate support Facilities and Infrastructure
Implementasi Peraturan Wali Kota Pekanbaru Nomor 24 Tahun 2013 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Reklame di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Papan Reklame di Jembatan Penyeberangan Orang Kota Pekanbaru
The placement of billboards has a major influence on urban life because the billboard media is often the place where information can be delivered effectively. The reality of billboards in JPO is very disturbing for users of pedestrian bridges because of the large billboards that are not in accordance with the less well maintained JPO Pekanbaru.This study aims to determine the Implementation of Mayor Regulation Pekanbaru Number 24 of 2013 on the Implementation of Reklame In Pekanbaru City (Case Studies Bulletin Board At the Crossing Crossroads of Pekanbaru City). Theoretical concept of the researcher is the implementation of the policy by using the Mazmanian and Sabatier theory by looking at the data obtained will be discussed thoroughly based on the fact that the institution or research office is implemented. Then compared with the concept and theory that support. The research method used is qualitative research with descriptive data assessment. In the data collection, researchers used interview techniques, observations, and documentation set based on Snowball sampling.Based on the results of research show that not yet opimal this is seen there are deficiencies, there are many billboards that pairs in JPO that JPO own conditions are not good and many are not feasible and JPO development is not in accordance with the criteria. The factors that influence this research are poor communication, lack of public participation and attitude of executor
Kualitas Pelayanan E-library (Perpustakaan Elektronik) di Perppustakaan Wilayah Soeman Hs Provinsi Riau
Research is a study to describe e-library services. the electronic (E-library) is a library that holds data those in the (writing), pictures, voices in the form of electronic files and distribute them using electronic protocol via computer networks. Based on observation, the problems that happened is the lack of attention for facility of the library completeness e-library and management of devices those are not optimal.The research is to determine and analyze service quality e-library (the library email) in the Soeman Hs Libarary in the Province of Riau and to determine and analyze the factors that affect the quality of e-library services (the library email) at the Soeman Hs library in the Province of Riau.The concept of the theory that used is the service has the Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empaty. This study is using the method of qualitative research with data collection is descriptive. In the collection of data the author uses of the interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The key informants as a source of information and analyze of data.The conclusion of the research the Soeman Hs library has good enough quality in served the community and in according with what is expectation by the visitors the library, and to complete the facilities and infrastructure, especially e-library is less to the amount of hardware that's available, you know the factors those affect the quality of service in the Soeman Hs library are the facilities and infrastructure those are not adequate and human resources (HR) who lacks educational background of the library is needed
Efektivitas Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa secara Elektronik (E-procurement) pada Lpse Kota Pekanbaru
This research is based on the phenomenon is still often the occurrence of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) practices of goods and services by the government. So that e-procurement can be an instrument to prevent and reduce corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) because through e-procurement program, procurement of goods and services can further improve transparency and accountability, increase market access and fair business competition, Improve the efficiency of the procurement process, support monitoring and auditing processes, and meet real-time information access needs. So the purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of procurement of goods and services electronically (e-procurement) on LPSE Pekanbaru and to determine the factors that affect the effectiveness of procurement of goods and services electronically (e-procurement) on LPSE Pekanbaru.The concept of theory used is effectiveness, which Mahmudi proposes. This research uses qualitative research methods with descriptive data assessment. In the data collecting researchers using interviewing techniques, observation and documentation. By using key informant as source of information and technique of tringulation as source in testing of data validity.The results of this study by using e-procurement program in the procurement of goods and services within Pekanbaru city government has not been implemented effectively. Because this is due to limited human resources (HR), technical difficulties and limited funding. Which all these factors greatly affect the effectiveness of procurement of goods and services electronically (e-procurement) on LPSE Pekanbaru