30 research outputs found

    Hagfish: champions of CO2 tolerance question the origins of vertebrate gill function

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    The gill is widely accepted to have played a key role in the adaptive radiation of early vertebrates by supplanting the skin as the dominant site of gas exchange. However, in the most basal extant craniates, the hagfishes, gills play only a minor role in gas exchange. In contrast, we found hagfish gills to be associated with a tremendous capacity for acid-base regulation. Indeed, Pacific hagfish exposed acutely to severe sustained hypercarbia tolerated among the most severe blood acidoses ever reported (1.2 pH unit reduction) and subsequently exhibited the greatest degree of acid-base compensation ever observed in an aquatic chordate. This was accomplished through an unprecedented increase in plasma [HCO3−] (>75 mM) in exchange for [Cl−]. We thus propose that the first physiological function of the ancestral gill was acid-base regulation, and that the gill was later co-opted for its central role in gas exchange in more derived aquatic vertebrates

    International agreements and the plant genetics research community: A guide to practice

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    Plant genetic resources (PGR), including collections held in national and international gene banks, provide access to a wide array of genetic diversity and are critical to genomics research, conservation efforts, and applied breeding. Yet, there is a general lack of awareness in the research community about the rules and treaties that govern the use of PGR, about access and benefit sharing obligations contained in international treaties and/or national laws, and about how best to comply with potentially applicable requirements. This article provides a brief history and overview of three key international agreements, namely the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol, and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, which collectively address responsibilities and obligations related to the use of much of the world’s PGR. By highlighting the coverage and key considerations of each agreement, the article provides a guide for those who use PGR in plant genetics research to better understand when and how international agreements apply, and—where the rules are unclear—to suggest best practices for compliance with existing agreements

    Implications potentielles de l’utilisation de l’information gĂ©nĂ©tique numĂ©rique sur les ressources gĂ©nĂ©tiques sur les trois objectifs de la Convention sur la diversitĂ© biologique. Document soumis par le CGIAR au SecrĂ©tariat de la Convention sur la diversitĂ© biologique

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    This report has been submitted by CGIAR in response to an invitation issued by the Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) calling on “relevant organizations and stakeholders to submit views and relevant information on any potential implications of the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources for the three objectives of the Convention” as input to the "Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources", 13 - 16 February 2018, Montreal, Canada. CGIAR experience to date confirms that digital genomic sequence data can play important roles in the management and sustainable use of biological diversity and in the sharing of benefits associated with the use of that diversity. Technological capacities to generate genomic sequence data have accelerated faster than capacities to enable practical use of this information. Relatively small investments in the initial generation of genomic sequences, must then be coupled with significantly larger investments to comparatively analyse genomic sequences, to link genetic variability to useful phenotypic traits or performance, to ‘optimize’ those traits, and ultimately, to develop new crop varieties for release and use in farmers’ fields. CGIAR underscores the importance of capacity building for developing country research and development organizations to generate and use genomic sequence information as part of their own conservation and crop improvement programs, and to be able to participate on equal footing in internationally coordinated and funded research and development programs. The most important benefit to be shared from the use of genomic sequence information in agricultural research and development and plant breeding is improved food and livelihood security. Other non-monetary benefits are farmers’ improved access to technologies, enhanced institutional capacities of developing country research organizations, shared research results, and local and regional economic development

    Using genomic sequence information to increase conservation and sustainable use of crop diversity and benefit-sharing

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    This article describes how CGIAR centers and partners are using genomic sequence information to promote the conservation and sustainable use of crop genetic diversity, and to generate and share benefits derived from those uses. The article highlights combined institutional, and benefit-sharing-related challenges that need to be addressed to support expanded use of digital sequence information in agricultural research and developmen

    Potential implications of the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources for the three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity. A submission from CGIAR to the Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

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    This report has been submitted by CGIAR in response to an invitation issued by the Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) calling on “relevant organizations and stakeholders to submit views and relevant information on any potential implications of the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources for the three objectives of the Convention” as input to the "Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources", 13 - 16 February 2018, Montreal, Canada. CGIAR experience to date confirms that digital genomic sequence data can play important roles in the management and sustainable use of biological diversity and in the sharing of benefits associated with the use of that diversity. Technological capacities to generate genomic sequence data have accelerated faster than capacities to enable practical use of this information. Relatively small investments in the initial generation of genomic sequences, must then be coupled with significantly larger investments to comparatively analyse genomic sequences, to link genetic variability to useful phenotypic traits or performance, to ‘optimize’ those traits, and ultimately, to develop new crop varieties for release and use in farmers’ fields. CGIAR underscores the importance of capacity building for developing country research and development organizations to generate and use genomic sequence information as part of their own conservation and crop improvement programs, and to be able to participate on equal footing in internationally coordinated and funded research and development programs. The most important benefit to be shared from the use of genomic sequence information in agricultural research and development and plant breeding is improved food and livelihood security. Other non-monetary benefits are farmers’ improved access to technologies, enhanced institutional capacities of developing country research organizations, shared research results, and local and regional economic development

    Posibles repercusiones del uso de la información digital sobre secuencias de recursos genéticos para los tres objetivos del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica. Informe del CGIAR presentado ante la Secretaría del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica

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    This report has been submitted by CGIAR in response to an invitation issued by the Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) calling on “relevant organizations and stakeholders to submit views and relevant information on any potential implications of the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources for the three objectives of the Convention” as input to the "Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources", 13 - 16 February 2018, Montreal, Canada. CGIAR experience to date confirms that digital genomic sequence data can play important roles in the management and sustainable use of biological diversity and in the sharing of benefits associated with the use of that diversity. Technological capacities to generate genomic sequence data have accelerated faster than capacities to enable practical use of this information. Relatively small investments in the initial generation of genomic sequences, must then be coupled with significantly larger investments to comparatively analyse genomic sequences, to link genetic variability to useful phenotypic traits or performance, to ‘optimize’ those traits, and ultimately, to develop new crop varieties for release and use in farmers’ fields. CGIAR underscores the importance of capacity building for developing country research and development organizations to generate and use genomic sequence information as part of their own conservation and crop improvement programs, and to be able to participate on equal footing in internationally coordinated and funded research and development programs. The most important benefit to be shared from the use of genomic sequence information in agricultural research and development and plant breeding is improved food and livelihood security. Other non-monetary benefits are farmers’ improved access to technologies, enhanced institutional capacities of developing country research organizations, shared research results, and local and regional economic development

    Technical assistance to strengthen national agricultural research organizations’ capacity to use digital sequence information. A submission from CGIAR

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    CGIAR submitted this report in response to an open request from the Plant Treaty Secretary, for submissions regarding, a) contracting parties’ and stakeholders’ capacity building needs for accessing and using digital sequence information (DSI)/genomic sequence data (GSD) and b) ‘technical assistance’ and ‘actions taken’ by stakeholders (including CGIAR) ‘to reduce the existing gap on capacity regarding DSI/GSD’. The primary objective of this paper is to respond to the second part of the request by sharing information about how CGIAR Centers and Initiatives have been assisting organizations outside CGIAR to access, generate, share, analyse, and use DSI for the conservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PRGFA) and for the use of PGRFA in pre-breeding and breeding. This paper does not provide an exhaustive account of all of the Centers’ relevant activities, but it does provide a general overview of the kinds of activities in which the Centers have been engaged. CGIAR very much appreciates the Governing Body’s initiative, as expressed in Resolution 16/2022, to ask the Plant Treaty Secretariat to gather and synthesize information about both demand for, and supply of, capacity strengthening related to DSI linked to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, with the overall objective of working to close the capacity gap between developed and developing countries. It is our hope that, based on the outcomes of this exercise, CGIAR will be able to further adapt and improve its own approach to capacity sharing in response to needs prioritized by the Governing Body

    Digital sequence information is changing the way genetic resources are used in agricultural research and development: implications for new benefit-sharing norms

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    This paper analyses the ways in which CGIAR Centers use digital sequence information (DSI) in their efforts to conserve and sustainably utilize the world’s most important crop and livestock genetic diversity. The paper then reflects on which of the benefit-sharing options currently under consideration by the Contracting Parties to the CBD (and the versions of those options that must be considered by the Governing Body of the Plant Treaty and the UN FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture) would provide effective policy support for the continued use of DSI in agricultural research and development in the future