1,277 research outputs found

    Comprehensive quantum Monte Carlo study of the quantum critical points in planar dimerized/quadrumerized Heisenberg models

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    We study two planar square lattice Heisenberg models with explicit dimerization or quadrumerization of the couplings in the form of ladder and plaquette arrangements. We investigate the quantum critical points of those models by means of (stochastic series expansion) quantum Monte Carlo simulations as a function of the coupling ratio α=J/J\alpha = J^\prime/J. The critical point of the order-disorder quantum phase transition in the ladder model is determined as αc=1.9096(2)\alpha_\mathrm{c} = 1.9096(2) improving on previous studies. For the plaquette model we obtain αc=1.8230(2)\alpha_\mathrm{c} = 1.8230(2) establishing a first benchmark for this model from quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Based on those values we give further convincing evidence that the models are in the three-dimensional (3D) classical Heisenberg universality class. The results of this contribution shall be useful as references for future investigations on planar Heisenberg models such as concerning the influence of non-magnetic impurities at the quantum critical point.Comment: 10+ pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Lowest Weight Representations of Super Schrodinger Algebras in One Dimensional Space

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    Lowest weight modules, in particular, Verma modules over the N = 1,2 super Schrodinger algebras in (1+1) dimensional spacetime are investigated. The reducibility of the Verma modules is analyzed via explicitly constructed singular vectors. The classification of the irreducible lowest weight modules is given for both massive and massless representations. A vector field realization of the N = 1, 2 super Schrodinger algebras is also presented.Comment: 19 pages, no figur

    Quantum Phase Transitions of Hard-Core Bosons in Background Potentials

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    We study the zero temperature phase diagram of hard core bosons in two dimensions subjected to three types of background potentials: staggered, uniform, and random. In all three cases there is a quantum phase transition from a superfluid (at small potential) to a normal phase (at large potential), but with different universality classes. As expected, the staggered case belongs to the XY universality, while the uniform potential induces a mean field transition. The disorder driven transition is clearly different from both; in particular, we find z~1.4, \nu~1, and \beta~0.6.Comment: 4 pages (6 figures); published version-- 2 references added, minor clarification

    Gravity duals for non-relativistic CFTs

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    We attempt to generalize the AdS/CFT correspondence to non-relativistic conformal field theories which are invariant under Galilean transformations. Such systems govern ultracold atoms at unitarity, nucleon scattering in some channels, and more generally, a family of universality classes of quantum critical behavior. We construct a family of metrics which realize these symmetries as isometries. They are solutions of gravity with negative cosmological constant coupled to pressureless dust. We discuss realizations of the dust, which include a bulk superconductor. We develop the holographic dictionary and compute some two-point correlators. A strange aspect of the correspondence is that the bulk geometry has two extra noncompact dimensions.Comment: 12 pages; v2, v3, v4: added references, minor corrections; v3: cleaned up and generalized dust; v4: closer to published versio

    Quantum Phase Transition, O(3) Universality Class and Phase Diagram of Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on Distorted Honeycomb Lattice: A Tensor Renormalization Group Study

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    The spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the distorted honeycomb (DHC) lattice is studied by means of the tensor renormalization group method. It is unveiled that the system has a quantum phase transition of second-order between the gapped quantum dimer phase and a collinear Neel phase at the critical point of coupling ratio \alpha_{c} = 0.54, where the quantum critical exponents \nu = 0.69(2) and \gamma = 1.363(8) are obtained. The quantum criticality is found to fall into the O(3) universality class. A ground-state phase diagram in the field-coupling ratio plane is proposed, where the phases such as the dimer, semi-classical Neel, and polarized phases are identified. A link between the present spin system to the boson Hubbard model on the DHC lattice is also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    Entanglement at the boundary of spin chains near a quantum critical point and in systems with boundary critical points

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    We analyze the entanglement properties of spins (qubits) attached to the boundary of spin chains near quantum critical points, or to dissipative environments, near a boundary critical point, such as Kondo-like systems or the dissipative two level system. In the first case, we show that the properties of the entanglement are significantly different from those for bulk spins. The influence of the proximity to a transition is less marked at the boundary. In the second case, our results indicate that the entanglement changes abruptly at the point where coherent quantum oscillations cease to exist. The phase transition modifies significantly less the entanglement.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Adiabatic dynamics in open quantum critical many-body systems

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    The purpose of this work is to understand the effect of an external environment on the adiabatic dynamics of a quantum critical system. By means of scaling arguments we derive a general expression for the density of excitations produced in the quench as a function of its velocity and of the temperature of the bath. We corroborate the scaling analysis by explicitly solving the case of a one-dimensional quantum Ising model coupled to an Ohmic bath.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; revised version to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Artifact of the phonon-induced localization by variational calculations in the spin-boson model

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    We present energy and free energy analyses on all variational schemes used in the spin-boson model at both T=0 and T0T\neq0. It is found that all the variational schemes have fail points, at where the variational schemes fail to provide a lower energy (or a lower free energy at T0T\neq0) than the displaced-oscillator ground state and therefore the variational ground state becomes unstable, which results in a transition from a variational ground state to a displaced oscillator ground state when the fail point is reached. Such transitions are always misidentied as crossover from a delocalized to localized phases in variational calculations, leading to an artifact of phonon-induced localization. Physics origin of the fail points and explanations for different transition behaviors with different spectral functions are found by studying the fail points of the variational schemes in the single mode case.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Theory of finite temperature crossovers near quantum critical points close to, or above, their upper-critical dimension

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    A systematic method for the computation of finite temperature (TT) crossover functions near quantum critical points close to, or above, their upper-critical dimension is devised. We describe the physics of the various regions in the TT and critical tuning parameter (tt) plane. The quantum critical point is at T=0T=0, t=0t=0, and in many cases there is a line of finite temperature transitions at T=Tc(t)T = T_c (t), t<0t < 0 with Tc(0)=0T_c (0) = 0. For the relativistic, nn-component ϕ4\phi^4 continuum quantum field theory (which describes lattice quantum rotor (n2n \geq 2) and transverse field Ising (n=1n=1) models) the upper critical dimension is d=3d=3, and for d<3d<3, ϵ=3d\epsilon=3-d is the control parameter over the entire phase diagram. In the region TTc(t)Tc(t)|T - T_c (t)| \ll T_c (t), we obtain an ϵ\epsilon expansion for coupling constants which then are input as arguments of known {\em classical, tricritical,} crossover functions. In the high TT region of the continuum theory, an expansion in integer powers of ϵ\sqrt{\epsilon}, modulo powers of lnϵ\ln \epsilon, holds for all thermodynamic observables, static correlators, and dynamic properties at all Matsubara frequencies; for the imaginary part of correlators at real frequencies (ω\omega), the perturbative ϵ\sqrt{\epsilon} expansion describes quantum relaxation at ωkBT\hbar \omega \sim k_B T or larger, but fails for ωϵkBT\hbar \omega \sim \sqrt{\epsilon} k_B T or smaller. An important principle, underlying the whole calculation, is the analyticity of all observables as functions of tt at t=0t=0, for T>0T>0; indeed, analytic continuation in tt is used to obtain results in a portion of the phase diagram. Our method also applies to a large class of other quantum critical points and their associated continuum quantum field theories.Comment: 36 pages, 4 eps figure

    Density matrix renormalization group approach of the spin-boson model

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    We propose a density matrix renormalization group approach to tackle a two-state system coupled to a bosonic bath with continuous spectrum. In this approach, the optimized phonon scheme is applied to several hundred phonon modes which are divided linearly among the spectrum. Although DMRG cannot resolve very small energy scales, the delocalized-localized transition points of the two-state system are extracted by the extrapolation of the flow diagram results. The phase diagram is compared with the numerical renormalization group results and shows good agreement in both Ohmic and sub-Ohmic cases.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure