3,956 research outputs found

    What can gauge-gravity duality teach us about condensed matter physics?

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    I discuss the impact of gauge-gravity duality on our understanding of two classes of systems: conformal quantum matter and compressible quantum matter. The first conformal class includes systems, such as the boson Hubbard model in two spatial dimensions, which display quantum critical points described by conformal field theories. Questions associated with non-zero temperature dynamics and transport are difficult to answer using conventional field theoretic methods. I argue that many of these can be addressed systematically using gauge-gravity duality, and discuss the prospects for reliable computation of low frequency correlations. Compressible quantum matter is characterized by the smooth dependence of the charge density, associated with a global U(1) symmetry, upon a chemical potential. Familiar examples are solids, superfluids, and Fermi liquids, but there are more exotic possibilities involving deconfined phases of gauge fields in the presence of Fermi surfaces. I survey the compressible systems studied using gauge-gravity duality, and discuss their relationship to the condensed matter classification of such states. The gravity methods offer hope of a deeper understanding of exotic and strongly-coupled compressible quantum states.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures + 16 pages of Supplementary Material with 4 figures; to appear in Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter Physics; (v2) add a figure, and clarifications; (v3) final version; (v4) small correction

    Valence bond solid order near impurities in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets

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    Recent scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) experiments on underdoped cuprates have displayed modulations in the local electronic density of states which are centered on a Cu-O-Cu bond (Kohsaka et. al., cond-mat/0703309). As a paradigm of the pinning of such bond-centered ordering in strongly correlated systems, we present the theory of valence bond solid (VBS) correlations near a single impurity in a square lattice antiferromagnet. The antiferromagnet is assumed to be in the vicinity of a quantum transition from a magnetically ordered Neel state to a spin-gap state with long-range VBS order. We identify two distinct classes of impurities: i) local modulation in the exchange constants, and ii) a missing or additional spin, for which the impurity perturbation is represented by an uncompensated Berry phase. The `boundary' critical theory for these classes is developed: in the second class we find a `VBS pinwheel' around the impurity, accompanied by a suppression in the VBS susceptibility. Implications for numerical studies of quantum antiferromagnets and for STM experiments on the cuprates are noted.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figures; (v2) Minor changes in terminology, added reference

    Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in the random Ising model

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    A quantum phase transition from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic phase is driven by a time-dependent external magnetic field. For any rate of the transition the evolution is non-adiabatic and finite density of defects is excited in the ferromagnetic state. The density of excitations has only logarithmic dependence on the transition rate. This is much weaker than any usual power law scaling predicted for pure systems by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism.Comment: 4 pages and 2 figures; improved presentatio

    Mean field dynamics of superfluid-insulator phase transition in a gas of ultra cold atoms

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    A large scale dynamical simulation of the superfluid to Mott insulator transition in the gas of ultra cold atoms placed in an optical lattice is performed using the time dependent Gutzwiller mean field approach. This approximate treatment allows us to take into account most of the details of the recent experiment [Nature 415, 39 (2002)] where by changing the depth of the lattice potential an adiabatic transition from a superfluid to a Mott insulator state has been reported. Our simulations reveal a significant excitation of the system with a transition to insulator in restricted regions of the trap.Comment: final version, correct Fig.7 (the published version contains wrong fig.7 by mistake

    Metallic spin glasses

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    Recent work on the zero temperature phases and phase transitions of strongly random electronic system is reviewed. The transition between the spin glass and quantum paramagnet is examined, for both metallic and insulating systems. Insight gained from the solution of infinite range models leads to a quantum field theory for the transition between a metallic quantum paramagnetic and a metallic spin glass. The finite temperature phase diagram is described and crossover functions are computed in mean field theory. A study of fluctuations about mean field leads to the formulation of scaling hypotheses.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of the ITP Santa Barbara conference on Non-Fermi liquids, 25 pages, requires IOP style file

    Quantum electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions, confinement, and the stability of U(1) spin liquids

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    Compact quantum electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions often arises as an effective theory for a Mott insulator, with the Dirac fermions representing the low-energy spinons. An important and controversial issue in this context is whether a deconfinement transition takes place. We perform a renormalization group analysis to show that deconfinement occurs when N>Nc=36/π31.161N>N_c=36/\pi^3\approx 1.161, where NN is the number of fermion replica. For N<NcN<N_c, however, there are two stable fixed points separated by a line containing a unstable non-trivial fixed point: a fixed point corresponding to the scaling limit of the non-compact theory, and another one governing the scaling behavior of the compact theory. The string tension associated to the confining interspinon potential is shown to exhibit a universal jump as NNcN\to N_c^-. Our results imply the stability of a spin liquid at the physical value N=2 for Mott insulators.Comment: 4 pages; 1 figure; v4: version accepted for publication in PRL. Additional material: the detailed derivation of the RG equations appearing in this preprint can be downloaded from http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~nogueira/cqed3.htm

    Itinerant-localized dual character of a strongly-correlated superfluid Bose gas in an optical lattice

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    We investigate a strongly-correlated Bose gas in an optical lattice. Extending the standard-basis operator method developed by Haley and Erdos to a boson Hubbard model, we calculate excitation spectra in the superfluid phase, as well as in the Mott insulating phase, at T=0. In the Mott phase, the excitation spectrum has a finite energy gap, reflecting the localized character of atoms. In the superfluid phase, the excitation spectrum is shown to have an itinerant-localized dual structure, where the gapless Bogoliubov mode (which describes the itinerant character of superfluid atoms) and a band with a finite energy gap coexist. We also show that the rf-tunneling current measurement would give a useful information about the duality of a strongly-correlated superfluid Bose gas near the superfluid-insulator transition.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Density of States of Quantum Spin Systems from Isotropic Entanglement

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    We propose a method which we call "Isotropic Entanglement" (IE), that predicts the eigenvalue distribution of quantum many body (spin) systems (QMBS) with generic interactions. We interpolate between two known approximations by matching fourth moments. Though, such problems can be QMA-complete, our examples show that IE provides an accurate picture of the spectra well beyond what one expects from the first four moments alone. We further show that the interpolation is universal, i.e., independent of the choice of local terms.Comment: 4+ pages, content is as in the published versio

    Critical quench dynamics in confined systems

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    We analyze the coherent quantum evolution of a many-particle system after slowly sweeping a power-law confining potential. The amplitude of the confining potential is varied in time along a power-law ramp such that the many-particle system finally reaches or crosses a critical point. Under this protocol we derive general scaling laws for the density of excitations created during the non-adiabatic sweep of the confining potential. It is found that the mean excitation density follows an algebraic law as a function of the sweeping rate with an exponent that depends on the space-time properties of the potential. We confirm our scaling laws by first order adiabatic calculation and exact results on the Ising quantum chain with a varying transverse field.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Numerical evidence for the spin-Peierls state in the frustrated quantum antiferromagnet

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    We study the spin-121\over2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet with an antiferromagnetic J3J_3 (third nearest neighbor) interaction on a square lattice. We numerically diagonalize this ``J1J_1-J3J_3'' model on clusters up to 32-sites and search for novel ground state properties as the frustration parameter J3/J1J_3/J_1 changes. For ``larger'' J3/J1J_3/J_1 we find enhancement of incommensurate spin order, in agreement with spin-wave, large-NN expansions, and other predictions. But for intermediate J3/J1J_3/J_1, the low lying excitation energy spectrum suggests that this incommensurate order is short-range. In the same region, the first excited state has the symmetries of the columnar dimer (spin-Peierls) state. The columnar dimer order parameter suggests the presence of long-range columnar dimer order. Hence, this spin-Peierls state is the best candidate for the ground state of the J1J_1-J3J_3 model in an intermediate J3/J1J_3/J_1 region.Comment: RevTeX file with five postscript figures uuencode