8 research outputs found

    MEI and Verovio for MIR: A Minimal Computing Approach

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    While the increase in digital editions, online corpora, and browsable databases of encoded music presents an extraordinary resource for contemporary music scholarship, using these databases for computational research remains a complex endeavor. Although norms and standards have begun to emerge, and interoperability among different formats is often possible, researchers must devote considerable time to discover, learn, and maintain the skill sets necessary to make use of these resources. This talk will discuss our work with the Serge Prokofiev Archive and the creation of a prototype to browse, display, and play notated music from Prokofiev’s notebooks via a web browser. The project is an example of how using the principles of minimal computing can reduce the burden of technological expertise required to both disseminate and access encoded music

    A model for annotating musical versions and arrangements across multiple documents and media

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    We present a model for the annotation of musical works, where the annotations are created with respect to a conceptual abstraction of the music instead of directly to concrete encodings. This supports musicologists in constructing arguments about musical elements that occur in multiple digital library sources (or other web resources), that recur across a work, or that appear in different forms in different arrangements. It provides a way of discussing musical content without tying that discourse to the location, notation or medium of the content, allowing evidence from multiple libraries and in different formats to be brought together to support musicological assertions. This model is implemented in Linked Data and illustrated in a prototype application in which musicologists annotate vocal arrangements of the Allegretto from Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony from multiple sources

    Supporting musicological investigations with information retrieval tools: an iterative approach to data collection

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    Digital musicology research often proceeds by extending and enriching its evidence base as it progresses, rather than starting with a complete corpus of data and metadata, as a consequence of an emergent research need. In this paper, we consider a research workflow which assumes an incremental approach to data gathering and annotation. We describe tooling which implements parts of this workflow, developed to support the study of nineteenth-century music arrangements, and evaluate the applicability of our approach through interviews with musicologists and music editors who have used the tools. We conclude by considering extensions of this approach and the wider implications for digital musicology and music information retrieval

    A New Conceptual Model for Musical Sources and Musicological Studies

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    We present a new multi-layered, conceptual model for associating musical source materials to musicological arguments. We describe our proposal for operationalizing these concepts through a framework for musical annotation which we have implemented using RDF. Briefly stated, this model shows how portions of digitized data in various files and formats can be identified, selected, labelled, and compared

    Beethoven’s Large-Scale Works outside the Concert Hall: Toward a Digital Representation of Domestic Arrangements

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    The dissemination of Beethoven’s large-scale works—as usual in the nineteenth century—occurred mainly in diverse forms of domestic arrangements, not in concert hall performances. This fundamental musical repertoire has, up until now, only scarcely been studied. Arrangements challenge traditional definitions in several ways: They enlarge our concept of work, which is usually connected to a composer’s authority; they shed light on other agents like arrangers, publishers, and performers; and—because of the widespread popularity of domestic music making—they reached a much broader audience, as public concerts were rare at the time. Additionally, arrangements with varied scorings engaged amateurs, including female musicians. Therefore, arrangements could build bridges between different national, geographical, and socially distant areas. Lastly, vocal arrangements could add new meanings to a work of “absolute” music. Despite the fact that the authors of the Beethoven thematic catalog (Dorfmüller et al. 2014) listed known arrangements up to 1830, many more sources can be traced—not to mention later adaptations. For documenting and analyzing this immensely rich repertoire, historical approaches need to be complemented with the new possibilities offered by digital frameworks and tools on three different levels: the documentation of the arrangements, the encoding of the music, and the presentation of the results. We will shed new light on this historically highly relevant repertoire and the opportunities for its study using digital methods: 1. Christina Bashford will focus on hidden “musicking,” using Beethoven in the Victorian home as an example. Based on a group of overlooked archival sources, this introductory talk will discuss what can be learned about the works being played; the social, musical, and demographic profile of the performers and listeners; the responses engendered; and the broader significance that this “musicking” may have had in how conceptions of Beethoven came to be constructed in Britain. 2. The following case study by Lisa Rosendahl and Elisabete Shibata will consider musical and pedagogical ambitions in piano trio and vocal arrangements of the Allegretto in Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony, op. 92, one of the most popular Beethoven movements. 3. David Lewis’s contribution will situate a wide variety of domestic arrangements between general characteristics and individual solutions. 4. The challenge of categorizing the material will be discussed in in Andrew Hankinson’s and Laurent Pugin’s contribution, which considers arrangements, collections, and the work from the perspective of cataloguing and the use of metadata. 5. Richard Sänger will demonstrate how the VideAppCorr tool, developed by the project “Beethovens Werkstatt,” includes perspectives of arrangements, using Beethoven’s piano version of the Große Fuge, op. 134, as an example. 6. This will lead to suggestions for harmonizing models. Johannes Kepper and Mark Saccomano will discuss challenges of sharing concept, data, and tools between digital projects 7. Concluding, Kevin Page will address the Music Encoding and Linked Data framework perspective and demonstrate how the tools used by the presented research project will widen our understanding of the repertoire in question. The seven lightning talks (ten to twelve minutes each) will be followed by a general discussion, chaired by the organizer