539 research outputs found
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881–1938) was the founder of the modern-day Turkish Republic. Although much has been published about his life, only one biography adopted a psychological/psychoanalytic perspective. The authors Vamık Volkan and Norman Itzkowitz argued that the main driving mechanism behind Atatürk’s behavior was his narcissistic personality organization. Their framework considered Mustafa’s birth, which occurred shortly after his elder brothers had passed away, and how his mother, presumably in a state of severe depression, could not provide adequate emotional care, which gave way to compensatory narcissistic tendencies in the child. For several decades, the hypothesis has remained unchallenged, and no serious review has yet been carried out. In this article, I argue that Mustafa Kemal was a highly intelligent and gifted child based on his well-developed verbal skills and his record as a high achiever at school. While considering the impact of adverse events in early childhood on cognitive development and personality, a review of historical texts revealed that his elder brothers died in 1883—not before Mustafa’s birth, as the authors had believed. Thus, no serious event appears to have taken place in his early years when rapid brain development is thought to occur. Since the central premise has lost its integrity to support the biography, Volkan and Itzkowitz’s hypothesis can no longer be regarded as tenable and viable.Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881. – 1938.) utemeljitelj je moderne Turske Republike. Iako je o njegovu životu objavljeno puno publikacija, samo je jedna biografija prihvatila psihološku/ psihoanalitičku perspektivu. Autori Vamık Volkan i Norman Itzkowitz tvrdili su da je glavni pokretački mehanizam Atatürkova ponašanja bila njegova narcisoidna organizacija osobnosti. Okosnica njihova istraživanja bilo je Mustafino rođenje koje se dogodilo nedugo nakon što su njegova starija braća umrla te njegova majka, vjerojatno u stanju teške depresije, nije mogla pružiti odgovarajuću emocionalnu skrb. To je, prema mišljenju tih autora, ustupilo mjesto kompenzacijskim narcističkim tendencijama djeteta. Hipoteza je nekoliko desetljeća ostala neosporena i još uvijek nije provedena nikakva ozbiljna revizija. U ovom članku tvrdi se da je Mustafa Kemal, na temelju svojih dobro razvijenih verbalnih vještina i uspjeha u školi, bio vrlo inteligentno i nadareno dijete. Dok je razmatran utjecaj nepovoljnih događaja u ranom djetinjstvu na Atatürkov kognitivni razvoj i njegovu osobnost, pregled povijesnih tekstova otkrio je da su njegova starija braća umrla 1883. – a ne prije Mustafina rođenja, kao što su autori Volkan i Itzkowitz vjerovali. Stoga se čini da se nije dogodio nikakav ozbiljan događaj u njegovim ranim godinama u kojima se smatra da dolazi do brzog razvoja mozga. Budući da je središnja premisa tog istraživanja izgubila svoj integritet u Atatürkovoj biografiji, hipoteza Volkana i Itzkowitza više se ne može smatrati logičnom i održivom
Development of parametric finite element modelling methods for nonwoven materials including rate dependent material behaviour
Thermally bonded nonwovens are low-price substitutes for traditional textiles. They
are used in many areas including filtration, automotive and aerospace industries.
Hence, understanding deformation behaviours of these materials is required to design
new products tailored for specific applications in different areas. Because of their
complex and random structure, numerical simulations of nonwoven materials have
been a challenging task for many years. The main aim of the thesis is to develop a
computational modelling tool to simulate the effect of design parameters on
structural behaviour of low-density nonwoven materials by using a finite element
method. The modelling procedure is carried out with a parametric modelling
technique, which allows a designer to run a series of analyses with different design
parameters and observe the effects of these parameters on the mechanical behaviour
of nonwoven materials.
The thesis also presents the study of rate dependent behaviour of nonwoven fibres.
Novel test and data-interpretation procedures are proposed to determine the creep
behaviour of fibres in the nonwoven structure. Some case studies are presented to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the model.
The developed computational tool allows macro and micro-scale structural
investigation of nonwoven materials. Two additional studies are presented,
performed with the developed tool. In the first study, the effect of design parameters
on tensile stiffness of nonwovens was determined by performing numerical analyses
with various nonwoven models. In the second one, strain distribution in fibres is
studied thoroughly together with factors affecting the distribution. The models,
developed in the thesis can also be employed in further studies of nonwovens, such
as investigation of their damage and fracture behaviour
Job shop scheduling with beam search
Cataloged from PDF version of article.Beam Search is a heuristic method for solving optimization problems. It is an adaptation of the branch and bound
method in which only some nodes are evaluated in the search tree. At any level, only the promising nodes are kept for
further branching and remaining nodes are pruned o permanently. In this paper, we develop a beam search based
scheduling algorithm for the job shop problem. Both the makespan and mean tardiness are used as the performance
measures. The proposed algorithm is also compared with other well known search methods and dispatching rules for a
wide variety of problems. The results indicate that the beam search technique is a very competitive and promising tool
which deserves further research in the scheduling literature. Ó 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
Operation-based flow-time estimation in dynamic job shops
Cataloged from PDF version of article.In the scheduling literature, estimation of job owtimes has been an important issue since the late 1960s. The previous
studies focus on the problem in the context of due date assignment and develop methods using aggregate information in the
estimation process. In this study, we propose a new owtime estimation method that utilizes the detailed job, shop and route
information for operations of jobs as well as the machine imbalance information. This type of information is now available in
computer-integrated manufacturing systems. The performance of the proposed method is measured by computer simulation
under various experimental conditions. It is compared with the existing owtime estimation methods for a wide variety of
performance measures. The results indicate that the proposed method outperforms all the other owtime estimation methods.
Moreover, it is quite robust to changing shop conditions (i.e., machine breakdowns, arrival rate and processing time variations,
etc.). A comprehensive bibliography is also provided in the paper.
2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Rescheduling frequency in an FMS with uncertain processing times and unreliable machines
Cataloged from PDF version of article.This paper studies the scheduling/rescheduling problem
in a multi-resource FMS environment. Several reactive
scheduling policies are proposed to address the effects of
machine breakdowns and processing time variations. Both
off-line and on-line scheduling methods are tested under a
variety of experimental conditions. The performance of the
system is measured for mean tardiness and makespan criteria.
The relationships between scheduling frequency and
other scheduling factors are investigated. The results indicated
that a periodic response with an appropriate period
length would be sufficient to cope with interruptions. It was
also observed that machine breakdowns have more significant
impact on the system performance than processing
time variations. In addition, dispatching rules were found to
be more robust to interruptions than the optimum-seeking
off-line scheduling algorithm. A comprehensive bibliography
is also included in the paper
Analysis of reactive scheduling problems in a job shop environment
Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this paper, we study the reactive scheduling problems in a stochastic manufacturing environment. Specifically, we
test the several scheduling policies under machine breakdowns in a classical job shop system. In addition, we measure
the e ect of system size and type of work allocation (uniform and bottleneck) on the system performance. The performance
of the system is measured for the mean tardiness and makespan criteria. We also investigate a partial
scheduling scheme under both deterministic and stochastic environments for several system configurations
A Neural Network Model for Scheduling Problems
Cataloged from PDF version of article.Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been successfully applied to solve a variety of problems. This paper proposes a
new neural network approach to solve the single machine mean tardiness scheduling problem and the minimum makespan
job shop schedUling problem. The proposed network combines the characteristics of neural networks and algorithmic
approaches. The performance of the network is compared with the existing scheduling algorithms under various experimental
conditions. A comprehensive bibliography is also provided in the paper
Multimodal Group Activity Dataset for Classroom Engagement Level Prediction
We collected a new dataset that includes approximately eight hours of
audiovisual recordings of a group of students and their self-evaluation scores
for classroom engagement. The dataset and data analysis scripts are available
on our open-source repository. We developed baseline face-based and
group-activity-based image and video recognition models. Our image models yield
45-85% test accuracy with face-area inputs on person-based classification task.
Our video models achieved up to 71% test accuracy on group-level prediction
using group activity video inputs. In this technical report, we shared the
details of our end-to-end human-centered engagement analysis pipeline from data
collection to model development
Scheduling for non regular performance measure under the due window approach
Cataloged from PDF version of article.In the last two decades, Just-In-Time (JIT) production has proved to be an essential requirement of world class
manufacturing. This has made schedulers most concerned about the realization of a JIT environment. The JIT
concept requires not only a penalty for backorder and lateness but also for earliness. This can be translated into
non-regular scheduling objectives. The most obvious objective can be to minimize the deviation of completion times.
Concerning earliness/tardiness problems, researchers have usually considered systems where jobs incur no penalty
for completion at a certain point of time (i.e. due date). In practice, however, job completions can also be accepted
without penalty within an interval in time, which is known as the due window. This paper studies the scheduling
problems in terms of the non-regular measure, mean absolute deviation (MAD), under the due window approach.
The study is conducted in a dynamic job shop environment. Furthermore, we propose two new rules that perform
quite e ectively for the MAD measure. 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Analysis of order review/release problems in production systems
Cataloged from PDF version of article.Order Review/Release (ORR) activities have mostly been ignored in past job shop research. In most previous studies,
arriving jobs are immediately released to the shop #oor without considering any information about the system or job
characteristics. In practice however, these jobs are often "rst collected in a pool and then released to the system according
to a speci"c criterion. Although practitioners often observe the bene"ts of ORR, researchers have found limited support
for the use of these input reglation policies. One objective of this paper is to examine this research paradox in
a capacitated system. We also o!er a new classi"cation framework for existing research work. Finally, for the "rst time in
this paper, both periodic and continuous ORR methods are compared simultaneously under various experimental
conditions against di!erent performance measures. The results of simulation experiments and statistical tests are also
presented in the paper
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