55 research outputs found

    Influence of Quadrato Motor Training on Salivary proNGF and proBDNF

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    Previous studies demonstrated exercise-induced modulation of neurotrophins, such as Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Yet, no study that we are aware of has examined their change as a function of different training paradigms. In addition, the understanding of the possible training-induced relationship between NGF and BDNF change is still lacking. Consequently, in the current study we examined the effect of a Walking Training (WT) and of Quadrato Motor Training (QMT) on NGF and BDNF precursors (proNGF and proBDNF). QMT is a specifically structured sensorimotor training that involves sequences of movements based on verbal commands, that was previously reported to improve spatial cognition, reflectivity, creativity as well as emotion regulation and general self-efficacy. In addition, QMT was reported to induce electrophysiological and morphological changes, suggesting stimulation of neuroplasticity processes. In two previous independent studies we reported QMT-induced changes in the salivary proNGF and proBDNF levels. Our present results demonstrate that following 12 weeks of daily QMT practice, proNGF level increases while proBDNF showed no significant change. More importantly, while no correlation between the two neurotrophins prior to training was detectable, there was a significant correlation between change in proNGF and proBDNF levels. Taken together the current results suggest that the two neurotrophins undergo a complex modulation, likely related to the different pathways by which they are produced and regulated. Since variations of these neurotrophins have been previously linked to depression, stress and anxiety, the current study may have practical implications and aid in understanding the possible physiological mechanisms that mediate improved well-being, and the dynamic change of neurotrophins as a result of training

    Creating well-being: Increased creativity and proNGF decrease following Quadrato Motor Training

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    Mind-body practices (MBP) are known to induce electrophysiological and morphological changes, whereas reports related to changes of neurotrophins are surprisingly scarce. Consequently, in the current paper, we focused on the Quadrato motor training (QMT), a newly developed whole-body movement-basedMBP, which has been reported to enhance creativity. Here we report the effects of 4 weeks of daily QMT on creativity and proNGF level in two interrelated studies. In Study A, we examined the effects of QMT compared with a walking training (WT) in healthy adults, utilizing the alternate uses task. In contrast with the WT, QMT resulted in increased creativity. In addition, the change in creativity negatively correlated with the change in proNGF levels. In Study B, we examined QMT effects on creativity and additional metacognitive functions in children, using a nonintervention group as control. Similar to Study A, following QMT, we found a negative correlation of proNGF with creativity, as well as working memory updating and planning ability. Together, the current results point to the relationship between increased creativity and decreased proNGF following MBP.Thus, the current research emphasizes the importance of widening the scope of examination of “MBP in motion” in relation to metacognition and well-being

    Heterochromatin Organization of a Natural Yeast Telomere CHANGES OF NUCLEOSOME DISTRIBUTION DRIVEN BY THE ABSENCE OF Sir3p

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    We have defined the in vivoheterochromatin structure of the left telomere of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome III (LIII). Analysis of heterochromatin of a single telomere was so far lacking, due to the difficulties intrinsic to the highly repetitive nature of telomeric sequences. In LIII, the terminal (C1–3A)n repetitive sequences are followed by a complete X element and by the single copy Ty5-1 retrotransposon. Both the telosome and the X element exhibit overall resistance to micrococcal nuclease digestion reflecting their tight chromatin structure organization. The X element contains protein complexes and irregularly distributed but well localized nucleosomes. In contrast, a regular array of phased nucleosomes is associated with the promoter region of Ty5-1 and with the more centromere-proximal sequences. The lack of a structural component of yeast telomeres, the SIR3 protein, does not alter the overall tight organization of the X element but causes a nucleosome rearrangement within the promoter region of Ty5-1 and releases Ty5-1 silencing. Thus, Sir3p links the modification of the heterochromatin structure with loss of transcriptional silencing

    The intrinsic topological information of the wild-type and of up-promoter mutations of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae alcohol dehydrogenase II regulatory region.

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    A 569-base pair fragment encompassing the upstream regulatory region, the RNA initiation sites, and the initial part of the coding region of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae alcohol dehydrogenase II gene has been analyzed for the presence of sites which undergo conformational modification under torsional stress. Fine mapping of P1 and S1 endonuclease-sensitive sites was obtained on single topoisomers produced by in vitro ligation. It was shown that the upstream activator sequence, the TATA sequence, a region directly upstream to the RNA initiation sites, and several positions in the first segment of the transcribed region change conformation as a function of the applied torsional stress in a precisely coordinate fashion. The superhelical density optima for this coordinate modifications have been determined. Analysis of the conformational changes of the promoter sequence in several naturally occurring (Young, E. T., Williamson, V. M., Taguchi, A., Smith, M., Sledziewski, L., Russel, D., Osterman, J., Denis, C., Cox, D., and Beier, D., (1982) in Genetic Engineering of Microorganisms for Chemicals (Hollander, A., De Moss, R. D., Kaplan, S., Konisky, J., Savage, D., and Wolle, R. S., eds) pp. 335-361, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York) up-promoter constitutive mutants was performed. This analysis has shown that the conformation of functionally relevant sites changes as a function of sequence mutations that have taken place elsewhere; this shows that the conformational behavior of the whole promoter region is linked and suggests transmission in cis of topological effects in RNA polymerase II promoters

    Arabidopsis thaliana sirtuins control proliferation and glutamate dehydrogenase activity

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    Sirtuins are part of a gene family of NAD-dependent deacylases that act on histone and non-histone proteins and control a variety of activities in all living organisms. Their roles are mainly related to energy metabolism and include lifetime regulation, DNA repair, stress resistance, and proliferation. A large amount of knowledge concerning animal sirtuins is available, but data about their plant counterparts are scarce. Plants possess few sirtuins that have, like in animals, a recognized role in stress defense and metabolism regulation. However, engagement in proliferation control, which has been demonstrated for mammalian sirtuins, has not been reported for plant sirtuins so far. In this work, srt1 and srt2 Arabidopsis mutant seedlings have been used to evaluate in vivo the role of sirtuins in cell proliferation and regulation of glutamate dehydrogenase, an enzyme demonstrated to be involved in the control of cell cycle in SIRT4-defective human cells. Moreover, bioinformatic analyses have been performed to elucidate sequence, structure, and function relationships between Arabidopsis sirtuins and between each of them and the closest mammalian homolog. We found that cell proliferation and GDH activity are higher in mutant seedlings, suggesting that both sirtuins exert a physiological inhibitory role in these processes. In addition, mutant seedlings show plant growth and root system improvement, in line with metabolic data. Our data also indicate that utilization of an easy to manipulate organism, such as Arabidopsis plant, can help to shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying the function of genes present in interkingdom species

    Quadrato Motor Training (QMT) is associated with DNA methylation changes at DNA repeats: A pilot study

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    The control of non-coding repeated DNA by DNA methylation plays an important role in genomic stability, contributing to health and healthy aging. Mind-body practices can elicit psychophysical wellbeing via epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation. However, in this context the effects of movement meditations have rarely been examined. Consequently, the current study investigates the effects of a specifically structured movement meditation, called the Quadrato Motor Training (QMT) on psychophysical wellbeing and on the methylation level of repeated sequences. An 8-week daily QMT program was administered to healthy women aged 40-60 years and compared with a passive control group matched for gender and age. Psychological well-being was assessed within both groups by using self-reporting scales, including the Meaning in Life Questionnaire [MLQ] and Psychological Wellbeing Scale [PWB]). DNA methylation profiles of repeated sequences (ribosomal DNA, LINE-1 and Alu) were determined in saliva samples by deep-sequencing. In contrast to controls, the QMT group exhibited increased Search for Meaning, decreased Presence of Meaning and increased Positive Relations, suggesting that QMT may lessen the automatic patterns of thinking. In the QMT group, we also found site-specific significant methylation variations in ribosomal DNA and LINE-1 repeats, consistent with increased genome stability. Finally, the correlations found between changes in methylation and psychometric indices (MLQ and PWB) suggest that the observed epigenetic and psychological changes are interrelated. Collectively, the current results indicate that QMT may improve psychophysical health trajectories by influencing the DNA methylation of specific repetitive sequences

    In vivo analysis of chromatin following nystatin-mediated import of active enzymes into Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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    In vivo DNA-protein interactions are usually studied at the molecular level using DNA-degrading agents of low molecular weight. In order to be useful, macromolecular probes of chromatin structure, such as enzymes must first cross the cell membrane. In this paper we describe the introduction and evaluation of macromolecules with enzymatic activity into yeast spheroplasts treated with the polyene antibiotic nystatin. We report the low resolution analysis of chromatin structure in the promoter region of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene encoding DNA topoisomerase I by this technique using micrococcal nuclease and restriction enzymes


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    The pseudo EcoRI site GAATTA in the U3 region of the long terminal repeat of human immunodeficiency virus, which is flanked by a 26-base pair oligopurine tract, is readily nicked by either EcoRI or RsrI. The strand-specific nick occurs predominantly between the G and A residues and is independent of negative supercoiling. Other GAATTA sites surrounded by random (non-oligopurine) sequences are not nicked by these restriction endonucleases. However, other types and lengths of oligopurine tracts are effective in inducing the nicking in neighboring GAATTA sites. Hence, we propose that the flanking oligopurine tracts induce an altered DNA conformation on the GAATTA target site which may be similar to the transition state induced by EcoRI when binding to its canonical recognition site. Gel retardation analyses on restriction fragments containing the oligopurine-GAATTA-oligopurine sequences suggest the presence of helical axis distortions which are consistent with this interpretation

    Le biotecnologie e l'invecchiamento della popolazione: problemi di equitĂ  e di epistemologia civica

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    .Prima di affrontare lo studio dei processi di invecchiamento è necessario partire dalla definizione stessa del fenomeno. La salute di ogni cellula, sia essa giovane o vecchia, è legata al corretto funzionamento di una serie di meccanismi che assicurano l’ingresso all’interno della cellula di sostanze nutrienti e di ossigeno e provvedono contemporaneamente a smaltire i rifiuti. Come fa la cellula a sapere di aver oltrepassato, per così dire, la “soglia della terza età” e di dover fermare il proprio ciclo di replicazione? In altre parole, cosa distingue una cellula giovane da una senescente? Il fenomeno dell’invecchiamento cellulare più che a un’unità genica singola, è da ascriversi a una serie di geni che interagiscono durante la vita della cellula e quindi dell’intero organismo. Numerosi lavori scientifici dimostrano che la senescenza cellulare sia connessa sia con l’accorciamento delle estremità del DNA, i cosiddetti “telomeri”, sia con uno sbilanciamento nello stato ossidoriduttivo della cellula. Molte malattie nell’anziano, tra cui l’arteriosclerosi, la cataratta, il morbo di Parkinson e il morbo di Alzheimer, si associano in gran parte ad una prevalenza di sistemi ossidativi su quelli antiossidanti. E' quindi di fondamentale importanza poter individuare marcatori molecolari specifici, soprattutto quando si vuole affrontare la previsione di patologie associate all’invecchiamento. Un primo passo è, indubbiamente, quello di poter definire i profili di espressione genica specifici (quindi le basi genetiche) per le varie patologie. Alla luce dei meccanismi biochimici dell’invecchiamento individuati finora, i ricercatori stanno sviluppando metodiche e strumenti che consentiranno un controllo sui fondamentali processi biologici al livello cellulare e genetico. Al momento non esistono ancora degli interventi anti-invecchiamento efficaci. Molti biogerontologi, però, sono convinti che le ricerche attualmente in corso potranno produrre in futuro interventi anti-invecchiamento. Sicuramente lo studio delle interazioni tra cause intrinseche (genetiche), estrinseche (ambientali) e stocastiche (danni casuali subiti dalle molecole) permetterà di progettare approcci più mirati per la comprensione del processo dell’invecchiamento
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