1,010 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Menggunakan Teknik Jigsaw Di SD

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    : This Research Target in general to get the accurate information to increase result of learning student in study IPA class V of Elementary School Country 11 SP. I Belitang Sekadau. By method used is descriptive method. Result of research which deal with study device got horizontally - flatten the: Cycle I 2,90, cycle II 3,40 and cycle III 3,65. Result average score the finding of study execution, cycle I 2,97, cycle II, 3,47 and cycle III 3,95. While average score of the finding result of learning student, cycle I 66,84 cycle II 79,47, and cycle III 93,16. Thereby average score the result learn the student mount cycle I, cycle of II and III categorized goodness

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meingkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik dalam Pelajaran Matematika SD

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    . The Studi aimed to describe the improvement of the learners produks students by model Problem Based Learning in Math Class VI Serirang SDN 19. The study uses descriptive, qualitative approaches to the TOD form. The research subjsct is the sixth students of SDN 19 Serirang. Date collection sheet IPKG 1 and IPKG 2. The date were analyzed and reflected. In observation revealed an learning result ancreased, Reached of IPKG I cycle 1 skore 2,70 ( Enough ), and cycle 2 skore 3,00 ( Good ). Reached IPKG II cycle 1 skore 2,82 ( Good ), and cycle 2 skore 3,00 ( Good ). Reached learning result of students clycle 1 skore 60,62 ( Enough ), and to the clycle 2 score increased to 96,25 ( Very Good )

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Media Realia dalam Pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar

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    This research aims to improve student learning outcomes in science learning using media realia in the fourth grade primary school 23 Tapang Tingang country. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach through action research is done through stages that Cycle I,II, and III. The result of research: related to design of the learning Cycle I: 2,88; Cycle II: 3,11 and the third Cycle: 3,59. Related learning cycle I: 2,99 Cycle II: 3,08; and the third Cycle of 3,46. Student learning outcomes related to the first Cycle: 60=60 (KKM);second Cycle: 70,83>60(KKM); and the third cycle: 81,67>60 (KKM). Thus it can be concluded that by using media realia in science teaching in public elementary school 23 Tapang Tingang it can be improved, a good learning design, implementation of learning and student learning outcomes. Research is expected to make a reference for teacher who seek to improve student learning science, especially in the country till 23 Tapang Tingang

    Uji Ketelitian Hasil Rektifikasi Citra Quickbird Dengan Perangkat Lunak Global Mapper

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    Uji ketelitian Hasil Rektifikasi Citra Quickbird dengan Perangkat Lunak Global Mapper dengan studi kasus daerah Semarang, Jawa tengah. Tugas akhir ini disusun untuk mengetahui nilai pergeseran titik ICP hasil pengukuran dengan GPS dari citra Quickbird yang sudah di rektifikasi menggunakan Global Mapper. Citra Quickbird yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini daerah Semarang, scene 005688952040_01 tanggal 19 November 2007. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju, rektifikasi citra dapat dilakukan menggunakan salah satu software Geodesi yaitu Global Mapper. Keunggulan menggunakan software Global Mapper adalah ringan dan praktis karena tidak membutuhkan spesifikasi komputer yang terlalu besar, software Global Mapper hanya berkapasitas 51 MB setelah terinstal pada komputer. Beberapa metode yang digunakan untuk rektifikasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode Helmert, Affine, Polinomial dan Triangulasi. Dari proses rektifikasi menggunakan titik-titik GCP dari pengukuran GPS statik singkat diperoleh hasil RMSE dari masing-masing metode sebagai berikut: Metode Helmert mempunyai nilai RMSE dengan rentang nilai 3,16 m sampai 43,04 m. Metode Affine mempunyai nilai RMSE dengan rentang nilai 0,75 m sampai 24,40 m. Metode Polinomial mempunyai nilai RMSE dengan rentang nilai 0,26 m sampai 15,32 m. Metode Triangulasi mempunyai nilai RMSE dengan rentang nilai 0,00 m sampai 11,52 m. Nilai pergeseran titik dari hasil rektifikasi dengan menggunakan masing-masing metode yang memenuhi syarat penelitian yaitu dibawah 2 piksel atau sekitar 1,20 meter yaitu metode Helmert sebesar 2.5 %, metode Affine sebesar 25 %, metode Polinomial sebesar 10 % dan metode Triangulasi sebesar 30 %. Dengan demikian bisa disimpulkan bahwa hasil dari rektifikasi citra yang telah dilakukan belum memenuhi syarat penelitian

    Kreativitas Mahasiswa S1 Tata Busana dalam Mata Kuliah Desain Ragam Hias Jurusan Kesejahteraan Keluarga

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    The problem in this study is characterized by decorative generated monotonous, rigid and difficult to find new ideas. The research objective was to express creativity S1 students in the subject of fashion design decorative Department of Family Welfare. Type of research is descriptive quantitative research population Family Welfare S1 students of fashion. Samples were taken with a total sampling technique. The data was collected using a Likert scale questionnaire. For the reliability of the instrument used Cronbach alpha formula. For the presentation of data analysis techniques used. The results seen from the six indicators are: 1. Openness to new experiences, considered good enough 2. Flexibility in thinking, considered good enough 3. Freedom of expression considered quite good 4. It has a pretty good fantasy categorized 5. The interest in creative activities categorized quite well 6. Confidence in their own ideas considered good enough. Based on the distribution of scores in a variable decorative creativity Creativity Students are classified as being categorized, while the level of achievement of the results of questionnaires in the category quite well. Can be seen and verified from the collection of student assignment in the form of a portfolio
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