83 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA dengan Menggunakan Media Gambar

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    The purpose of this study , namely: improving performance in learning, especially related to student learning activities, which increase the activity of students in the Natural Sciences learning in class V MIS Al - Hasyimi Benua Kayong Ketapang using media images. The method used in this study, namely: descriptive methods. Form of research used is a survey studies. Setting the research conducted in a class V MIS Al - Hasyimi Benua Kayong. The results showed an increase in (1) Increased physical activity of students in the learning of 58,34 % with a high enough category. (2) Increased mental activity of students by 57,78 % to a high enough category. (3) Increased emotional activity of 46.69 % of students with a high enough category. (4) Increased activity of students in the learning of 54,27 % with a high enough category

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dengan Menggunakan Metode Kerja Kelompok

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    : Increasing Student Activity In Natural Sciences Learning Method Using Group . This study aims to determine Increased physical activity , mental activity and emotional activity Siwa in science learning using group work method in the fourth grade students of SDN 08 Estuary Pawan Ketapang? The method used is descriptive method using a qualitative approach . This study was conducted in three cycles with results indicate that students in science learning activities using group work on fourth grade students of SDN 08 Estuary Pawan 37.26 % of the base line to the third cycle of 73.04 % has increased by 35.78 % category enough . Referring to the objectives of this study ( 1 ) Physical activity students 39.71 % of the base line to the third cycle of 76.47 % at 36.76 % increase enough categories , (2 ) the mental activity of students from the base line of 42.65 to third cycle of 76.47 % 33.82 % increase enough categories , (3 ) emotional activity for students from the base line to the third cycle 29.41 . Activities students in learning science by using group work berpengruh greatly to the high class IV student learning outcomes SDN 08 Estuary Pawan Ketapang

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dengan Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi pada Kelas IV Mi Muhammadiyah

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    Increased activity of students in the Natural Sciences learning by using the method of demonstration in grade IV MI Muhammadiyah Ketapang. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Form of research used in accordance with this research is a form of survey (survey studies). nature of this research is Classroom Action Research. The results of this study showed an increase in activity of students in learning science is as follows: Physical activity early study 57.35%, 75.00% for cycle 1 cycle 2 was 80.89%, 91.18% for 3 cycles. Mental activity early studies of 39.71%, 44.12% for cycle 1 cycle 2 to cycle 3 was 58.82% at 69.12%. Emotional activity early studies of 58.82%, 77.94% for cycle 1 cycle 2 cycle 3 was 83.83% with an average of 92.65%

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dengan Menerapkan Teori Brunner dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas III

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    Increasing Student Activities by applying learning theory in teaching Mathematics Brunner Elementary School third grade . 12 Nanga Tayap , the goal of this study for the application of learning theory Brunner mendiskripsipkan to increase student activity both physically , mentally and emotionally . The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method . The nature of this research is Classroom Action Research ( CAR ) The results after the implementation of learning by applying the learning theory on learning Brunner Elementary School Math Class III . 12 Nanga Tayap Ketapang . with the observation of students : 1 . ) Physical activity of student initial base line by 38 % , to 3 cycles by 84 % . Increased by 50 % . 2 ) . Mental activity students initial base line by 18 % , to 3 cycles by 78 % . Increased by 60 % . 3 . ) Emotional Activity Base Line Beginning 31 % , to 3 cycles by 80 % . Increased by 49 %

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Media Audio Visual Dalam Pembelajaran IPA

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    The problems in the research is How to increase learning activities to use media audio visual in this research purpose to describe learning activities increase to use media audio visual in learning sains grade V SDN 22 Matan Hilir Selatan Ketapang. The Methode is use is describe method in classroom action research. The subjek research is student elementary school Ketapang. The learning activities in learning sains about human blood siclus using media audio visual from observation sheet, so the result are from base line student physical activities is 50%, Student mental activities is 15%, and student emotional activities is 20%. In the siclus I, student physical activities is 75%, Student mental activities is 60%, and student emotional activities is 55%. In the siclus II, student physical activities is 75%, Student mental activities is 65%, and student emotional activities is 60%. In the siclus III, student physical activities is 95%, Student mental activities is 65%, and student emotional activities is 70%


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    Abstrak: Secara umum tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan tentang peningkatan keaktifan belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam melalui metode kerja kelompok Kelas IV MIS Al-Mujahidin Ketapang. Hasil Penelitian sebagai berikut : Pada penelitian awal keaktifan belajar siswa sebesar 40%. Setelah diberikan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode kerja kelompok keaktifan siswa meningkat pada siklus I, keaktifan belajar siswa sebesar 55%, pada siklus II, keaktifan belajar siswa meningkat sebesar 10% menjadi 65%, dan keaktifan belajar siswa pada siklus ke III meningkat sebesar 20% menjadi 85%. Sedangkan tantang kemampuan guru merancang pembelajaran (RPP) ada peningkatan sudah sangat baik karena rancangan tersebut sesuai dengan meteri yang dipelajari dan sesuai untuk memotivasi anak dalam belajar. dan terus meningkat. Untuk pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dari siklus I sampai siklus III, skor keterlaksanaan langkah-langkah pembelajaran terus meningkat. Pada siklus I skor keterlaksanaan pelaksanaan pembelajaran yaitu 3,4, pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 3,7 dan pada siklus III meningkat menjadi 3,8. Kata kunci : Metode kerja kelompok, Peningkatan Keaktifan, Perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Abstract: The purpose of general research to describe about increase student activity in learning sains throught work in pair method in grade IV MIS Al-Mujahidin Ketapang. The result of the first research learning activity student is 40%, that learning with work in pair student activity increase siclus I is 55%, in the siclus II increase 10% to 65% and siclus III increase is 20% to 85%. About teacher ability lesson plan (RPP) there are increase very good bercause the lesson plan switable with material there are study and siclus I until siclus III. The score learning steps increase in the siclus I score is 3,4. In the siclus II increase 3,7 and than increase 3,8 in the siclus III. Keywords : Work in pair method, increase activity, leraning pla
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