33 research outputs found


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    Matoševa fantastična proza ima antologijsku važnost unutar korpusa hrvatske fantastične književnosti. Napisana je u dosluhu s promjenom paradigme na području fantastike krajem 19. stoljeća. Namjera ovog rada analizirati je reprezentaciju velegrada u Matoševim novelama Miš, Ubio! i Duševni čovjek i teorijskim osloncem na radove G. Simmela, M. Bahtina, J. Lotmana i G. Bachelarda utvrditi u kojoj je mjeri pojava neobičnih, neobjašnjivih i bizarnih događaja vezana uz urbane prostore u kojima se radnja odvija.Antun Gustav Matoš’s fantastic prose has an anthological significance in the corpus of Croatian fantastic literature. It reflects the paradigm shift in fantastic literature at the end of the 19th century. The aim of this paper is to explore the representation of urban space in Antun Gustav Matoš’s short stories “Miš,” “Duševni čovjek” and “Ubio!” The paper analyses to what extent the unusual, inexplicable and bizarre events are linked to the urban space in which they occur. Theoretical support is found in texts written by G. Simmel, M. Bahtin, J. Lotman and G. Bachelard

    History and memory in Nancy Huston\u27s Fault Lines

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    Fault Lines, a novel by Nancy Huston, narrates a story about four generations of a family. The narrator of the first part of the novel is Sol, of the second his father Randall, of the third his grandmother Sadie, and of the last his great-grandmother Christine, all of them at the age of six. The action of the first part of the novel takes place in California in 2004, of the second in Israel in 1982, of the third in Toronto and New York in 1962 and of the last in Germany in 1944–45. On the backdrop of the family story, the novel tells about the complex historical events that marked the second half of the 20th century, among which the key place belongs to the Second World War and the Nazi program Lebensborn. Fault Lines is a novel about memory and a (new)historical novel that narrates historical events through the prism of personal and family history. The article analyses the novel Fault Lines within the theoretical framework of literary memory studies, with emphasis on the representation of history in the novel, the relation of memory and history, the intergenerational transmission of memory of traumatic events, and the connection of memory and the formation of individual and collective identities

    History and memory in Nancy Huston\u27s Fault Lines

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    Fault Lines, a novel by Nancy Huston, narrates a story about four generations of a family. The narrator of the first part of the novel is Sol, of the second his father Randall, of the third his grandmother Sadie, and of the last his great-grandmother Christine, all of them at the age of six. The action of the first part of the novel takes place in California in 2004, of the second in Israel in 1982, of the third in Toronto and New York in 1962 and of the last in Germany in 1944–45. On the backdrop of the family story, the novel tells about the complex historical events that marked the second half of the 20th century, among which the key place belongs to the Second World War and the Nazi program Lebensborn. Fault Lines is a novel about memory and a (new)historical novel that narrates historical events through the prism of personal and family history. The article analyses the novel Fault Lines within the theoretical framework of literary memory studies, with emphasis on the representation of history in the novel, the relation of memory and history, the intergenerational transmission of memory of traumatic events, and the connection of memory and the formation of individual and collective identities

    Velibor Čolić’s Positioning in the French Literary Field

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    Velibor Čolić, književnik rođen u Bosni i Hercegovini 1964., od 1992. godine nastanjen je u Francuskoj. Osamdesetih je godina 20. stoljeća književne tekstove počeo pisati na materinskom jeziku, da bi nakon odlaska u egzil francuski postao privilegirani jezik njegova stvaralačkog izražavanja. U nizu svojih recentnijih proznih tekstova tematizira migrantsko iskustvo koje ga je egzistencijalno obilježilo. U radu se, na temelju hermeneutičke analize javnih nastupa te razgovora koje je Velibor Čolić vodio s novinarima francuskih, hrvatskih, slovenskih, crnogorskih i bosanskohercegovačkih medija, propituje način na koji on u njima diskurzivno konstruira autorsku posturu migrantskog i translingvalnog autora te se na taj način pozicionira u francuskom književnom polju.Velibor Čolić, a writer born in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1964, has lived in France since 1992. In the 1980’s, he began to write literary texts in his mother tongue, and after going into exile, French became the privileged language of his creative expression. In his more recent prose texts, he thematizes the migrant experience that marked him existentially. Based on the hermeneutic analysis of public appearances and conversations that Velibor Čolić had with journalists from the French, Croatian, Slovenian, Montenegrin and Bosnian media, the paper examines the way in which he discursively constructs the auctorial posture of a migrant and translingual author and positions himself in the French literary field

    O prijevodima Samuela Becketta

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    Prikazi knjiga: Fernández, José Francisco, i Mar Garre García, ur. Samuel Beckett and Translation. Edinburgh University Press, 2021. str. 280. Fernández, José Francisco, i Pascale Sardin, ur. Translating Samuel Beckett around the World. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2021. str. 263