21 research outputs found

    Physical Examination Of Arteriovenous Fistula: A Basic Approach In AV Fistula Stenosis Detection

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    Objectives: To determine the accuracy and equivalence of physical examination, MDCTA and Doppler ultrasound in detection of arteriovenous fistula (AVF) stenosis. Materials and Methods: We conducted a pilot study in hemodialysis department of PNS Shifa withprospective diagnostic cohort design on 15 patients, referred for evaluation of arteriovenous fistuladysfunction. Physical examination of arteriovenous fistula was done followed by Doppler ultrasound and MDCTangiography.The results of each patient was recorded and sealed. Data analyzed byCohen's Kappa, which determined the level of agreement between the diagnosis made by Physical examination, MDCTangiography and Doppler ultrasound . Results: There was significant agreement in AVF stenosis detection made by physical examination and MDCTangiography (K: 0.865 for inflow stenosis and K: 0.602 for outflow stenosis).Whereas moderate level of agreement was observed between physical examination and Doppler ultrasound (K: 0.471 for inflow stenosis, K: 0.444 for outflow stenosis). Fair agreement existed between MDCTA and Doppler ultrasound in outflow stenosis detection. Conclusion: Physical examination is accurate and equivalent in AVF stenosis detection when compared with MDCTangiography and superior in stenosis detection when compared with Doppler ultrasound in our hospital. Doppler Ultrasound is inferior to MDCTA in diagnosis of outflow stenosi

    Does Corporate Entrepreneurship matter for Organizational Learning Capability? A Study on Textile Sector in Pakistan

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    The paper aims to investigate the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and organizationallearning capability. A survey method was undertaken to collect data from 240 middle level managersworking in textile industry through convenience sampling method. Results indicate a positive andsignificant relationship between variables. Practical implications of the study are that if any organizationwhich tends to be more innovative and risk taking has the more learning capability. Furthermore,entrepreneurship training programs could lead to enhancing competences which are important forentrepreneurship.Key Words: Corporate entrepreneurship, Organizational Learning Capability, Textile Sector, Pakistan

    Prevalence of “Persistent Low Grade Morbidities” in a Section of Urban Youth Population

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    To determine the frequency and pattern of persistent low grade morbidities (PLGMs) in youth and also to identify life style factors which may influence their occurrence. Methods: In this cross-sectional study 200 younger urban people (19-24Y) were inquired by a self designed questionnaire by direct interviewing. Results: Mean age was 21years. Sixty four percent were female, 69% students, 6.5% smokers and 90.5% were unmarried. Distribution of PLGMs found was depressive mood swings(62%), frequent headache (46.5%), pain in lower limbs (44.5%), neck shoulder & back pain (44%) , easy fatiguability (42.5%), difficulty in falling asleep (38%) and epigastric discomfort (28%). More females (64.04%) were found affected. Statistically important co-variations between healthy behaviours and the absence of selected PLGMs (OR=1.01 – 2.09) was seen. Conclusions: Study findings are close to presumptions and are enough to sensitize relevant public health stake holders for needed measures. Clinical studies would help to find the ultimate causes of morbid states in focu

    Connection between the South and East Asian Monsoons: Comparing Summer Monsoon Rainfall of Pakistan and South Korea

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    This study investigates the tele-connection of the southeast Asian monsoon systems by comparing the summer monsoon (June to September) rainfall variability between Pakistan and south Korea. The daily data sets (19812014) of rainfall of Pakistan and south Korea are utilized to explore the possible link. The data products of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) were also used for the understanding of the large-scale atmospheric environments. The patterns of summer monsoon rainfall on a daily basis between Pakistan and south Korea followed to each other throughout the year. Sub-seasonal differences of the summer monsoon revealed that July is the wettest month in both countries. The large-scale atmospheric environment of higher geopotential height revealed that the Tibetan high and the western north Pacific subtropical high are showing positive anomalies during positive phases over south Asia and east Asia, respectively. The anomalies of zonal wind are negative during positive phase and adverse in the negative phase between 20-40oN. The reduced westerly is interpreted as the seasonal variation and moving of jet streams from the east Asian route. The Tibetan high, northwestern Pacific subtropical high and the east Asian jet stream have reliable and sufficient linkage between the Pakistan and south Korea summer monsoon system

    Seasonal and Regional Variations in Rainfall Distribution Over the Punjab-Pakistan

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    The purpose of present study is to investigate district and division wise annual rainfall variations over theprovince of Punjab, which is the largest in terms of population size as well important contributor in agricultural producein Pakistan. The results revealed that the rainfall trend has shifted from upper and lower Punjab towards the south,west, north and east respectively. The statistical analysis has inferred an overall increasing trend for the period 1990 to2000 and a decreasing trend during period 2001 to 2010 in Punjab province. The Z test value differences in the averagerainfall for each district level meteorological station have detected three increasing and two decreasing trends duringsummers of 1981-2015.The data revealed a significant changed seasonal trend observed in Murree and Sialkot(northern Punjab), Faisalabad and Lahore (central Punjab). Particularly, the changes have been observed in the southPunjab and over the central Punjab, while the same rainfall variations have shown a southward shift. The trend of therainfall had shifted in the Faisalabad division with the significant positive trend. In the Central Punjab, the positivetrend has also been found in all the districts. In the lower Punjab, Multan, Dera Ghazi Khan districts has shown anincreasing trend of rainfall. The findings are significant in changing agro-climatic zones in the Punjab and consequentshifting patterns of agriculture therefore can have net impact on the food security situation in the Punjab-Pakistan

    Organization Performance Influenced by the BSD and Consultative Management Style

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among Balanced Scorecard, consultative management style, participative management style and organization size with organizational performance. All the variables are highly correlated with each other. This is an empirical study and data is collected from 100 respondents of service sector from Azad Kashmir. We used five likert scales to collect data from the respondents and data analyzed through SPSS. The result showed that there is a significant positive correlation among variables. This study also indicates that effective management style is necessary for improving the performance of organization. The result indicates that Balanced Scorecard has significant impact on performance of organization. Organization use BSC to handle the complexity and challenges that management faces during their operations. The collection of data is from small area due to time constraint. In the future comparative study can be done with other organizations for better analysis of results

    The impact of Diversity training on Commitment, Career satisfaction and Innovation

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between diversity training with organizational commitment, career satisfaction, and innovation in the organization. The paper builds conceptual understanding of the model. The paper takes organization commitment, career satisfaction and Innovation, as Innovation is the part of organization environment. There are many studies on diversity training but no one focused its effect of innovation. The paper concluded that employees who are trained for diversity are more committed towards their organizations, and more satisfied with their careers. The paper also concluded that diversity training has positive effect on innovation. This paper builds relationship among different variables through previous studies. Limitations of this paper are that it is not guaranteeing the empirical reliability of the model, than the research on innovation is difficult to conduct because innovation is very gradual and systematic process. While talking about the innovation in the organization, diversity training is a very technical and worth while approach for today’s organizations. The paper finds that diversity training has its effect on commitment, career satisfaction and innovation

    Association Of Vitamin D Status And Diabetes Mellitus

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    To evaluate the association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25OHD)inadequacyand hyperglycaemia in a Pakistani adult population.Study Design:Case control studyPlace & Period of Study:Department of Pathology, PNS SHIFA Hospital, Karachi; Aug 2011 to Nov 2011.Method and Material:Plasma Glucose levels were measured in 86 patients divided on the basis of their 25-hydroxyvitamin D3(25OHD)levels in three groups, normal (>31 ng/ml), insufficient (20-31ng/ml) and deficient (<20ng/ml). Vitamin D insufficiency (VDI)and Vitamin D Deficiency (VDD) are collectively called Vitamin D inadequacy. 25OHD was measured by electrochemiluminescenceusing Roche Elecsys® Systems while glucose was estimated by routine methods on Roche Hitachi® Autoanalyser.Results:.Vitamin D levels were inversely correlated with plasma glucose levels(r=-0.38;p<0.01) with an Odd Ratio of 3.59(95%confidence interval 1.29 to 8.70).Fasting plasma glucose was significantly higher in VDD patientsas compared to patients withnormal vitamin D status (p<0.05).Conclusion:Higher glucose levels were found more frequent in patients with Vitamin D deficiency

    Assessing the Influence of Attitude Toward Ecopreneurship and Subjective Norms on Ecopreneurship Intention: Moderated Mediation of Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Resilience 

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    Understanding the interplay of attitudes, norms, self-efficacy, and resilience in ecopreneurship intention is crucial for comprehensive insights into sustainable entrepreneurial behavior. The objectives of this research are to investigate the influence of attitude toward ecopreneurship and subjective norms on ecopreneurship intention with the mediating effect of self-efficacy and moderating effect of entrepreneurial resilience. Drawing upon a quantitative methodology, researchers surveyed a sample size of 350 participants from Pakistani SMEs using a structured questionnaire. The researchers used structural equational model to test the hypothesis of the study. Researchers’ findings reveal several significant outcomes. First, researchers establish that attitude toward ecopreneurship and subjective norms are prominent drivers of ecopreneurship intention among SME entrepreneurs in Pakistan. Second, self-efficacy emerges as a crucial mediator in this relationship, highlighting the pivotal role of individuals\u27 belief in their capability to undertake ecopreneurial initiatives. Third, entrepreneurial resilience, as a moderator, adds a unique layer of complexity to the model by influencing the strength of the relationships between the variables. One notable contribution of this research lies in its exploration of the moderated mediation framework in the context of ecopreneurship, shedding light on the nuanced mechanisms at play. However, it is important to acknowledge the study\u27s limitation, which is its sole focus on the SME sector in a specific geographic context. Consequently, the generalizability of the findings to different sectors or regions may be constrained