27 research outputs found
Analysis of HIV/HCV-coinfection in Poltava region, depending on the transmission of HIV. It was found that clinical stages III (p=0,038) and IV (p=0,044) were recorded significantly more often at the time of diagnosis of HIV infection among patients with parenteral route of transmission, whereas among patients with sexually transmission, by contrast, clinical stage I (p=0,001) was found more often.In patients with HIV/HCV-coinfection with parenteral route of HIV opportunistic infections (FDPT, oropharyngeal candidiasis, bacterial pneumonia) were often diagnosed at higher levels of CD4-lymphocyte (≥100 cells/ml). There is no difference between group of patients with significant immunodeficiency (level of CD4-lymphocytes <100 cells/microliter) and group of patients with HIV/HCV coinfection in identifying of important opportunistic infections.Проведено аналіз перебігу ВІЛ/ГС інфекції в пацієнтів Полтавської області залежно від шляхів передачі ВІЛ. Виявлено, що на момент встановлення діагнозу ВІЛ-інфекції серед пацієнтів з парентеральним шляхом передачі частіше реєстрували ІІІ (р=0,038) і ІV (р=0,044) клінічні стадії, в той час як серед пацієнтів із статевим шляхом передачі, навпаки, частіше виявляли І клінічну стадію (р=0,001).У ВІЛ/ГС коінфікованих осіб з парентеральним шляхом передачі ВІЛ опортуністичні інфекції вперше діагностований туберкульоз (ВДТБ), кандидоз орофарингеальний, бактерійну пневмонію) частіше діагностували при вищих рівнях СD4-лімфоцитів (≥100 кл./мкл). За наявності вираженого імунодефіциту (рівень СD4-лімфоцитів <100 кл./мкл) відмінностей між групами ВІЛ/ГС коінфікованих пацієнтів щодо виявлення значимих опортуністичних інфекцій не виявлено
Antipyretic drugs: benefits and undesirable consequences
Fever is a defensive and adaptive reaction of the body that develops in response to the action of pathogenic stimuli. It often accompanies various infectious, autoimmune, oncohematological and other diseases. Due to the frequent significant deterioration of children's general health, the occurrence of fever in children gives rise to concern not only in parents, but also in pediatricians. According to temperature level, fever can be classified into different categories: subfebrile - 37.1 to 37.9 °C, moderate -38 to 39 °C, febrile - 39.1 to 41 °C and hyperthermic - above 41 °C. By clinical manifestation distinguish benign, or rose, and malignant, or white, fever. The need to use antipyretic drugs depends not only on the hight of the body temperature elevation, but also on the patient's general health. The clinical guidelines state that the use of acetylsalicylic acid, nimesulide and met-amizole to lower the body temperature in children is not recommended, due to high risk of adverse reactions. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are the drugs of choice to lower body temperature in children both in Russia and abroad. Over 120 comparative studies of these two drug formulations have shown their close efficacy, but ibuprofen is most preferred for the treatment of fever and pain. In order to lower body temperature, parents can uncontrollably use antipyretic drugs in various combinations and incorrect dosages, which leads to severe toxic effects. The article presents a clinical case of Reye's syndrome in a 10-year-old girl, which is most likely associated with the use of aspirin as an antipyretic
Building momentum through networks: Bioimaging across the Americas
In September 2023, the two largest bioimaging networks in the Americas, Latin America Bioimaging (LABI) and BioImaging North America (BINA), came together during a 1-week meeting in Mexico. This meeting provided opportunities for participants to interact closely with decision-makers from imaging core facilities across the Americas. The meeting was held in a hybrid format and attended in-person by imaging scientists from across the Americas, including Canada, the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay. The aims of the meeting were to discuss progress achieved over the past year, to foster networking and collaborative efforts among members of both communities, to bring together key members of the international imaging community to promote the exchange of experience and expertise, to engage with industry partners, and to establish future directions within each individual network, as well as common goals. This meeting report summarises the discussions exchanged, the achievements shared, and the goals set during the LABIxBINA2023: Bioimaging across the Americas meeting