3 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Supplemental Datasets S1-S10. of Interferon signaling in ascites-associated macrophages is linked to a favorable clinical outcome in a subgroup of ovarian carcinoma patients

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    Dataset S1: Complete RNA-Seq data. Dataset S2: EdgeR results. Dataset S3: Signature A expression data. Dataset S4: Signature B expression data. Dataset S5: Cluster I expression data. Dataset S6: Cluster II expression data. Dataset S7: Cluster III expression data. Dataset S8: Common cluster I / signature A genes. Dataset S9: Common cluster III / signature B genes. Dataset S10: PRECOG z-scores for signature A and B genes. (XLSX 6898 kb

    Additional file 3: Supplemental Figures S1-S8. of Interferon signaling in ascites-associated macrophages is linked to a favorable clinical outcome in a subgroup of ovarian carcinoma patients

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    Figure S1: Inverse association of PCOLCE2 expression with high-grade serous ovarian cancer survival (RFS). Figure S2: Hierarchial clustering of coexpressed high variance genes. Figure S3: Venn diagram showing the overlaps of the the upstream regulators gene sets identified in Fig. 3C. Figure S4: Subgroup-selective expression of signature genes. Figure S5: Association of signature A (top) and signature B (bottom) with ovarian cancer survival (OS). Figure S6: Association of the ECM remodeling-linked genes of signature A with high-grade serous ovarian cancer survival. Figure S7: Association of tumor-infiltrating host cells with high-grade serous ovarian cancer survival (OS). Figure S8: Expression of type I IFN genes in different cell types present in ovarian cancer ascites. (PDF 1015 kb