2 research outputs found
Additional file 3: of GLI2 promoter hypermethylation in saliva of children with a respiratory allergy
Table S1. Overview of DMRs in various respiratory allergy subtypes versus controls in the FLEHS1 birth cohort. Table S2. Overview of DMRs in house dust mite cases versus controls in the FLEHS2 birth cohort. (DOCX 17 kb
Additional file 2: of GLI2 promoter hypermethylation in saliva of children with a respiratory allergy
Figure S2. Gene expression in relevant tissues from GTEx RNA-Seq of the GLI2 gene (hg19 chr2:121493199–121750229). Highest median expression was detected in the ovaries (8.16 RPKM), and total median expression was 71.60 RPKM. Significant expression was detected in lung (1.394 RPKM) and salivary gland (0.902 RPKM) tissues but was repressed in whole blood. (PPTX 440 kb