9 research outputs found

    Affine and projective structure from motion

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    We demonstrate the recovery of 3D structure from multiple images, without attempting to determine the motion between views. The structure is recovered up to a transformation by a 3D linear group- the affine and projective group. The recovery does not require knowledge of camera intrinsic parameters or camera motion. Three methods for recovering such structure based on point correspondences are described and evaluated. The accuracy of recovered structure is assessed by measuring its invariants to the linear transformation, and by predicting image projections.

    Generalized Stability of Compliant Grasps

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    We develop a geometric framework for the stability analysis of multifingered grasps and propose a measure of grasp stability for arbitrary perturbations and loading conditions. The measure requires a choice of metric on the group of rigid body displacements. We show that although the stability of a grasp itself does not depend on the choice of metric, comparison of the stability of different grasps depends on the metric. Finally, we provide some insight into the choice of metrics for stability analysis.

    Het genereren van alternatieve oplossingen voor het opspannen van mechanische werkstukken

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    SIGLEKULeuven Campusbibliotheek Exacte Wetenschappen / UCL - Université Catholique de LouvainBEBelgiu

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    This paper uses (linearized) Kalman filters to estimate first-order geometric parameters (i.e., orientation of contact normals and location of contact points) that occur in force-controlled compliant motions. The time variance of these parameters is also estimated. In addition, transitions between contact situations can be monitored. The contact between the manipulated object and its environment is general, i.e., multiple contacts can occur at the same time, and both the topology and the geometry of each single contact are arbitrary. The two major theoretical contributions are 1) the integration of the general contact model, developed previously by the authors, into a state-space form suitable for recursive processing; and 2) the use of the reciprocity constraint between ideal contact forces and motion freedoms as the “measurement equation ” of the Kalman filter. The theory is illustrated by full 3-D experiments

    Estimating First Order Geometric Parameters and Monitoring Contact Transitions During Force Controlled Compliant Motion

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    This paper uses (linearized) Kalman Filters to estimate first-order geometric parameters (i.e., orientation of contact normals and location of contact points) and/or their time-variance that occur in force controlled compliant motions, adn to monitor transitions between contact situations. The contact between the manipulated object and its environment is general, i.e., multiple contacts can occur at the same time, and both the topology and the geometry of each single contact are arbitrary