4 research outputs found

    Effect Of Hydrothermal Treatment On The Extractability And Digestibility Of Oil Palm (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Fronds Derived Hemicellulose

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    Pelepah kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) (OPF), hasil sampingan dalam industri minyak kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu sumber bahan mentah di Malaysia. Pengekstrakan hemiselulosa daripada OPF telah dijalankan melalui dua pengolahan hidrotermal; letupan stim dan pemanasan dengan autoklaf. Campuran kepingan OPF-air atau OPF-KOH (1:10, w/v) diletup stim pada takat musnah 2.96–3.84 (180–210 °C selama 4 min) sebelum diekstrak dengan air pada 70 °C selama 2 jam. Dalam pengolahan menggunakan autoklaf, campuran kepingan OPF-air (1:10, w/v) diautohidrolisis pada takat musnah 1.92-2.52 (121 °C selama 20-80 min). Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) fronds (OPF) are produced worldwide as a by-product of the palm oil industries and represent another abundant raw material in Malaysia. Extraction of hemicellulose from OPF was conducted with two hydrothermal treatments; steam explosion and heating with autoclave. The mixture of OPF chips-water or OPF-KOH (1:10, w/v) were steam exploded at severity of 2.96-3.84 (180-210 ⁰C for 4 min) before extracted with water at 70 ⁰C for 2 h. In the treatment using autoclave, the mixture of OPF-water (1:10, w/v) was autohydrolysed in an autoclave at severity of 1.92-2.52 (121 ⁰C for 20-80 min)

    Sugarcane Bagasse Pretreatment Methods for Ethanol Production

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    Lignocellulosic biomass such as sugarcane bagasse (SCB) is a renewable and abundant source for ethanol production. Sugarcane bagasse is composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, extractives, and several inorganic materials. Pretreatment methods of SCB are necessary for the successful conversion of SCB to ethanol. Each pretreatment process has a specific effect on the cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin fraction. The conversion of SCB to ethanol typically consists of four main steps: pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation, and distillation. Hence, different pretreatment methods should be chosen according to the process design for the following hydrolysis, fermentation, and distillation steps. There are many types of pretreatments such as physical, chemical, physico-chemical, and biological pretreatments. This chapter reviews the chemical and physico-chemical pretreatment methods of SCB which are often used by many researchers for ethanol production. Different chemical and physico-chemical pretreatment methods of SCB are introduced and discussed based on relevance to the sugar yield, lignin removal, and cellulose content after pretreatment


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    Abstract Hemicelluloses from oil palm empty fruit bunches were extracted using alkaline extraction and fractionated by ethanol precipitation. Extraction of hemicellulose from oil palm empty fruit bunches were carried out with different KOH concentration (1 M, 3 M, 5 M), temperature (30 °C, 40 °C, 50 °C) and time (2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours). The alkaline extraction produced two hemicellulosic fractions namely precipitate (HA) and alkali soluble hemicelluloses (HB). The alkali soluble hemicelluloses were then sub-fractionated by precipitation in 0.2 and 4 volumes ethanol for obtaining HB1 and HB2, respectively. Three hemicellulosic fractions (HA, HB1 and HB2) were further characterized in the form of total sugar, monosaccharides and Klason Lignin content. The optimal alkaline extraction was obtained at temperature of 40 °C, 3 M KOH concentration and extraction time 4 hrs. It was found that the alkaline extraction and ethanol precipitation is the suitable method to maximize the hemicelluloses yield. Keywords: oil palm empty fruit bunches, alkaline extraction, hemicellulose Abstrak Hemisellulosa daripada tandan kosong kelapa sawit telah dieskstrak menggunakan pengesktrakan alkali dan terpisah oleh pemendakan etanol. Pengesktratan hemisellulosa daripada tandan buah kepala sawit dijalankan dengan pelbagai kepekatan KOH (1 M, 3 M, 5 M), suhu (30 °C, 40 °C, 50 °C) dan masa (2 jam, 4 jam, 6 jam). Pengesktrakan alkali menghasilkan dua pecahan hemisellulosa iaitu mendakan (HA) dan hemisellulosa yang larut alkali (HB). Hemisellulosa yang larut alkali masing-masing kemudiannya di sub-pisahkan oleh pemendakan dalam isipadu etanol 0.2 dan 4 masing-masing bagi menghasilkan HB1 dan HB2. Tiga pecahan hemisellulosa (HA, HB1 dan HB2) selanjutnya dicirikan oleh jumlah gula, kandungan monosakarida dan Klason Lignin. Pengesktrakan alkali optimum telah diperolehi pada suhu 40 °C, KOH 3 M dan masa 4 jam. Secara kesimpulannya pengesktrakan alkali dan pemendakan etanol merupakan kaedah yang sesuai untuk memaksimumkan hasil hemisellulosa. Kata kunci: tandan kosong kelapa sawit, pengesktratan alkali, hemisellulosa Introduction Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) were originated from West Africa and currently is one of the leading perennial oleaginous food crops cultivated widely in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailan


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    Abstract Hemicelluloses were extracted from rice straw using alkaline extraction and ethanol precipitation. The effects of different extraction conditions; temperature (45 -65 °C), pH (4.5 -6.5), and concentrations of NaOH (0.25 -1 M) on the hemicellulose yield were investigated. Two hemicelllulosic fractions namely Ha 1 and Ha 2 were obtained by precipitation of alkaline soluble hemicellulose in 0.2 volumes and 4 volumes ethanol, respectively. The Ha 1 and Ha 2 were further characterized to obtain total sugar, monosaccharides and Klason Lignin content. The highest hemicellulose yield for Ha 1 was 4.00 % obtained at 55 °C and pH 5.5 with 0.25 M of NaOH, whereas the highest hemicellulose yield for Ha 2 was 19.88 % obtained at 55 °C and pH 5.5 with 0.5 M of NaOH. This study revealed that hemicellulose yield is dependent on the pH, temperature and concentration of NaOH in the alkaline extraction. Keywords: hemicelluloses, rice straw, alkaline extraction, ethanol precipitation Abstrak Hemiselulosa daripada hampas batang padi telah diekstrak melalui pengekstrakan beralkali dan pemendakan etanol. Kesan perbezaan kondisi pengekstrakan; suhu (45 -65 °C), pH (4.5 -6.5), dan kepekatan NaOH (0.25 -1 M) ke atas hasil hemiselulosa dikaji. Dua pecahan hemiselulosa, Ha 1 and Ha 2 telah diperolehi melalui pemendakan hemisellulosa larut alkali dalam isipadu etanol 0.2 dan 4 masing-masing. Ha 1 and Ha 2 dicirikan oleh jumlah gula, kandungan monosakarida dan Klason Lignin. Hasil hemiselulosa tertinggi untuk Ha 1 adalah 4.00 % yang diperolehi pada suhu 55 °C, pH 5.5 and 0.25 M NaOH, manakala untuk Ha 2 adalah 19.88 % diperolehi pada suhu 55 °C, pH 5.5 and kepekatan 0.5 M NaOH. Kajian ini membuktikan hasil hemisellulosa bergantung kepada pH, suhu dan kepekatan NaOH dalam pengekstrakan beralkali. Kata kunci: hemiselulosa, hampas batang padi, pengekstrakan beralkali, pemendakan etanol Introduction The main cereal crop in the whole wide world is rice, which is being produced in more than 148 million hectares with huge range of ecosystem. The scientific name of paddy is Oryza sativa. It is an important cereal crop that produce a lot of residues which is rice stra