591 research outputs found

    Morphometric characteristics of "Tinca Gobba Dorata del Pianalto"

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    Forty six T3 tench from 55 to 100 g, were examined in order to set up a first database on morphological traits. Linear (total, fork, head, trunk, caudal peduncle, muscular body and tail length, height, thickness and circumference) and ponderal (total body, viscera, liver and gonad weight) parameters have been measured. Several morphometric indexes were calculated for each sex. The results showed there was no significant difference for K value between sexes. The relationship between C and M can be described with a quadratic regression (R2=0.81)

    Combined antimicrobial use of essential oils and bacteriocin bacLP17 as seafood biopreservative to control Listeria monocytogenes both in planktonic and in sessile forms

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    The antilisterial activity of Thymus vulgaris, Salvia officinalis essential oils (EOs) and bacteriocin bacLP17 (previously isolated from seafood) was determined, using the compounds alone and in combination. The Disk Diffusion, Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Agar Well Diffusion assays were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the compounds against 12 Listeria monocytogenes in planktonic form, whereas the anti-Listeria biofilm activity was determined against the same strains in optical density (O.D.) at 570 nm, with crystal violet staining method. The lowest MIC values resulted for T. vulgaris EO and bacLp17 (0.5 ÎĽl/ml and 2 ÎĽl/ml, respectively). The combinations with the best results, expressed as FIC-Index, were T. vulgaris/S. officinalis EOs and EOs/bacLp17. The anti-biofilm activity of single EOs and bacLP17 was similar, whereas the combined use of the two kinds of EOs led to a synergistic activity. Lastly, the best anti-biofilm effect was observed with the combination bacLP17/S. officinalis and bacLP17/T. vulgaris, compared to both control and the single use of the EOs. The present study suggests that the combination of natural compounds such as T. vulgaris, S. officinalis EOs and bacLp17 may be a useful approach to the control of planktonic and sessile cells of L. monocytogenes in seafood products

    The hidden costs of livestock environmental sustainability: The case of Podolian Cattle

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    Life cycle assessment (LCA) is currently one of the most widely used methods for assessing the environmental impacts and performance of livestock products. According to this procedure, intensification of animal production is generally advocated to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions compared with extensive grazing systems due to the use of selected breeds, with enhanced productivity, and the significant reductions in CH4 emissions consequent to the use of concentrates rather than forages. In addition, the impact of intensive systems on land use is much lower. However, free-ranging Podolian cattle show a number of positive environmental effects, such as increased climate stability, improved soil functionality, water quality and footprint and preservation from fires along with maintaining an economically active social community in otherwise unproductive, marginal areas. Other beneficial effects of extensive Podolian farming system include low competition with human nutrition and high level of animal health and welfare. An economic evaluation of these non-commodity outputs should be indirectly estimated by the avoided costs (e.g. reduced veterinary interventions and therapy treatments) or the lack of profits (e.g. direct payments for the enhancement of environmental performance) that would have incurred in their absence. These economic evaluations should be used in order to allocate them as further outputs to be included in the LCA in order to achieve a more accurate estimation of the impact of the Podolian farming system

    FBR for Polyolefin Production in Gas Phase: Validation of a Two-phase Compartmentalized Model by Comparison with CFD

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    Two different modeling approaches are applied in this work to the simulation of fluidized bed reactors containing solid particles of Geldart A-B type and operated at conditions typically used for polyolefins production. On one side, a fully detailed computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is developed, considering a 2D planar geometry and a multi-fluid description with kinetic theory of granular flows. On the other, a conventional three-phase, 1D compartmentalized model (SCM) is also developed, implementing the fluid dynamic description based on popular, semi-empirical relationships available in the literature. Given the huge difference of computational effort associated with the corresponding numerical solutions, our aim is to confirm the reliability of the simplified model by comparison with the results of the detailed CFD model. The comparison is carried out considering the fluidization of a bed of solid particles without reaction and solid injection or withdrawal, thus focusing on the steady-state fluid dynamic behavior of the expanded bed. Three different gas velocities and different monodisperse and polydisperse particle populations are analyzed. The results show that the oversimplified compartmentalized approach is capable to predict the solid mixing features established inside the reactor operated in bubbling fluidization regime with good reliability for non-reactive polyethylene particles. Average solid volume fractions are particularly close to the values predicted by the CFD model when monodisperse particles are considered inside the examined range of gas velocity values. A generally good agreement is also found when solids with broad size distribution are analyzed. Overall, these comparisons provide a meaningful validation of the simplified compartmentalized models: given their negligible computational demand and general versatility (complex kinetic schemes and single particle models are easily accounted for), they still represent an effective tool of industrial process design

    Sprayable Thermoset Nanocomposite Coatings Based on Silanized-PEG/ZnO to Prevent Microbial Infections of Titanium Implants

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    Post-surgery microbial infections are still one of the main reasons for implant failure, which results in very high physical and psychological pain for the patient and an increased cost for the healthcare system. A polymer nanocomposite antibacterial coating on titanium implants represents a valuable alternative to the more expensive and energy-consuming technological solutions nowadays used. In this regard, a sprayable thermoset nanocomposite composed of silanized-terminals polyethylene glycol (PEG)/ZnO nanoparticle is herein proposed. Initially, PEG's terminals' solvent-free silanization and curing are studied by Fourier Transform Infrared and mu Raman spectroscopies. Scanning Electron Microscope investigations and scratch tests have shown that the spraying procedure optimization and the oxidation treatment of the titanium substrate lead to a homogeneous coverage and improved adhesion of the coatings. The antibacterial activity is tested against not only both S. aureus and P. aeruginosa bacterial American Type Culture Collection strains, but also using very aggressive antibiotic-resistant clinical strains. Interestingly, antibacterial activity, evaluated by time-killing tests, is observed for all tested bacterial strains. Live/dead tests further confirm that 5 wt% of ZnO allows obtaining a bacteriostatic activity within 24 h, whereas a complete growth inhibition (bactericidal activity) of both tested strains is observed for coatings with 20 wt% of ZnO nanoparticles

    Comparison between detailed (CFD) and simplified models for the prediction of solid particle size distribution in fluidized bed reactors

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    This work is aimed at developing a simplified model suitable to effectively describe the fluidization behavior within fluidized beds with minimal computational efforts. The simplified model was validated through detailed CFD Euler-Euler simulations showing a good agreement in the case of large particles (about 450 micron) at all the gas velocities considered (20, 40, 61 cm/s). Slightly less accurate outcomes were observed for smaller particles (about 220 micron). This was due to the underestimation of the particle size effect on the fluidization behavior by the simplified approach

    A V-to-F Substitution in SK2 Channels Causes Ca2+ Hypersensitivity and Improves Locomotion in a \u3cem\u3eC. elegans\u3c/em\u3e ALS Model

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    Small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (SK) channels mediate medium afterhyperpolarization in the neurons and play a key role in the regulation of neuronal excitability. SK channels are potential drug targets for ataxia and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). SK channels are activated exclusively by the Ca2+-bound calmodulin. Previously, we identified an intrinsically disordered fragment that is essential for the mechanical coupling between Ca2+/calmodulin binding and channel opening. Here, we report that substitution of a valine to phenylalanine (V407F) in the intrinsically disordered fragment caused a ~6 fold increase in the Ca2+ sensitivity of SK2-a channels. This substitution resulted in a novel interaction between the ectopic phenylalanine and M411, which stabilized PIP2-interacting residue K405, and subsequently enhanced Ca2+ sensitivity. Also, equivalent valine to phenylalanine substitutions in SK1 or SK3 channels conferred Ca2+ hypersensitivity. An equivalent phenylalanine substitution in the Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) SK2 ortholog kcnl-2 partially rescued locomotion defects in an existing C. elegans ALS model, in which human SOD1G85R is expressed at high levels in neurons, confirming that this phenylalanine substitution impacts channel function in vivo. This work for the first time provides a critical reagent for future studies: an SK channel that is hypersensitive to Ca2+ with increased activity in vivo

    Association between ATN profiles and mortality in a clinical cohort of patients with cognitive disorders

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    BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the 5th leading cause of death in people 65 years and older. The ATN classification reflects a biological definition of AD pathology with markers of Aβ deposition (A), pathologic tau (T), and neurodegeneration (N). Little is known about the relationship between ATN status and the risk of mortality, leading us to examine this association in a relatively large population of patients seen at a memory clinic for cognitive disorders. METHODS: Data were drawn from the BioCogBank Study, including patients seen for cognitive disorders in Lariboisiere Hospital (Paris, France), followed up to 15 years. All participants underwent a lumbar puncture for an assessment of the levels of CSF tau (tau), phosphorylated tau (p-tau181), and β-amyloid 42 peptide (Aβ42). Vital status on July 1, 2020, was recorded for each participant using the national mortality register. Individuals were categorized according to their ATN profiles based on CSF Aβ42 or Aβ42/40 ratio, p-tau181, and tau. Kaplan-Meier and multivariate Cox analyses were performed with A-T-N - participants as the reference using a short (5 years) and long follow-up (15 years). RESULTS: Of the 1353 patients in the study (mean age: 68 years old, 53% of women, mean MMSE score: 22.6), 262 died during the follow-up. At 5 years of follow-up, A-T-N + individuals had the highest risk of mortality in Kaplan-Meier and adjusted Cox analyses [HR (95% CI) = 2.93 (1.31-6.56)]. At 15 years of follow-up, patients in the AD spectrum had a higher mortality risk with a gradient effect for biomarker positivity: A-T + [HR = 1.63 (1.04-2.55)], A + T - [HR = 2.17 (1.44-3.26)], and A + T + individuals [HR = 2.38 (1.66-3.39)], compared to A-T-N - patients. Adjustments on potential confounders had little impact on these associations. CONCLUSION: This study shows ATN profiles to be associated with mortality in a relatively large patient cohort based on a memory clinic. Patients with isolated evidence of neurodegeneration had a higher mortality rate in the short follow-up, and patients with the AD profile had the highest mortality rate in the long follow-up

    Deconstruction of the Corso Grosseto viaduct and setup of a testing site for full scale load tests

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    BRIDGE|50 is a research project recently launched in Italy in the context of the Torino-Ceres construction works jointly with Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino, public authorities and private companies. The aim of the BRIDGE|50 research project is to investigate the residual structural performance of the Corso Grosseto 50-year-old prestressed concrete bridge through an experimental campaign. The dismantling and demolition procedures of Corso Grosseto viaduct are presented in this paper, including the setup of the field laboratory where several deck beams and pier caps will be tested up to collapse
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